Wolf RPG

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mild pp of either parent. <3

Blixen was, once again, restless. 

Ever since her eyes opened she'd begun to attribute things to the pair of large shadows that shared her living space. She knew @Wildfire was her mother, though she didn't know the word for it—it resembled a feeling than something that could be accurately defined. Instinct always reminded her to feed, and the soft planes of russet and beige were the first thing she always turned to. There was likely times she'd attempted to draw milk from @Thuringwethil, but the darker woman had no live-sustaining nourishment to give. Her teats were as dry as the Sahara, and the whole event left Blixen with better direction than before. Only Wildfire was able to feed her, not the dark guardian.

As the first week wore on and drew closer to two, Blixen was steadily gaining use of her limbs. She was able to army crawl like a total Boss now thanks to all the hubub in the den, but walking was still out of reach. Blixen could sometimes, with much effort and something to lean on, stand, but it didn't last long at all. Her tiny body was still so much heavier than her growing limbs could support, and her coordination was underdeveloped yet. Soon enough she'd be clambering all over her mother and nomi but for now they were safe.

Today found her bored out of her wits. She'd already bothered her pale brother, and her mother, but neither yielded the results she desired. So she took to gnawing on one of the pelts someone had brought into the den, working her tiny gums over the soft, but tough, textures.
I meant to nab this earlier, sorry for the delay! Sorry Wifi's such a Debbie Downer as well.

She should have been delighted by her children's developments, yet Wildfire only watched dully as Blixen bustled and squirmed around the den, exploring with her mouth as infants were wont to do. She couldn't stop obsessing about Phoenix's recent demise, reliving that horrible moment of sickening impact and those terrible wails. She had already been struggling prior to that... and now Wildfire's heart was constantly churning with guilt and self-loathing.

Blixen grabbed a hold of one of the soft rabbit skins lining the den, gumming it contently. It was probably adorable. But all Wildfire did was sigh and turn away, staring at the wall.
Blixen worked the hide between her tiny milk teeth until the bulk of her mother shifted, and turned away. Something in her heart twisted painfully, but she couldn't understand exactly what it was. Primal fear shot down her spine and she stared across the space with a wail threatening to escape her lungs. Instead, the noise came out muted and garbled thanks to the hide still shoved in her mouth. She spat it out and warbled a note—she desired, above all else, attention from her mother. The hide lay forgotten, half-pinned beneath her small frame.
The small wail drew Wildfire's attention back to Blixen. She bit her lip as she peered down at the girl, who was for all intents and purposes both perfectly endearing and endearingly perfect. The Bandrona felt like she must have a stone in her chest rather than a heart right now, for she could not call up even a remote feeling of fondness for her own adorable offspring. She did feel an urge to protect her and make sure she developed and grew according to plan... but there was something desperately missing here.

"I'm sorry," she said to the baby, reaching out to scoop her little miniature against her chest. She licked the top of Blixen's head, just going through the motions without any particular feelings attached.
Blixen couldn't understand the confusion and depression Wildfire felt towards her brood. All she wanted was attention, and her requests for it were met most of the time. That little thread of fear, however, remained firmly attached somewhere in her chest and it, too, demanded some sort of resolution. Blixen, being small and undeveloped, had no solution to the problem and so she continued as instinct dictated: her attachment to her mother would keep her alive, and allow her to thrive. All she knew as of yet was that simple fact. 

Wildfire gathered her up and began to bathe her, satisfying Blixen's need. She whimpered and squirmed, but it was not in any attempt to get away. It was the only way she could convey her happiness. She loved her mama, and someday she'd be able to say it out loud. But not today. Her hide was forgotten as she bumped her little head up against Wildfire's chin and warbled a note of joy.
The small coo should have warmed the cockles of her heart, brought a smile to her face, but Wildfire's expression remained stonily blank as she finished bathing the infant, then gently hoisted her into the air and tucked her in beside Artaax and Robin. Hopefully Blixen would latch on and suckle like the others. Although she was being such a calm baby, even the smallest parental tasks seemed to tax the Bandrona and she wanted to get a nap in if she could.

Well aware that one or more of the pups would likely prevent that, she nonetheless let her chin flop onto her paws. She sighed, staring unseeingly out of the den entrance as she once more relieved that wretched moment when her own foot had ended Phoenix's life.