Wolf RPG

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Just a note that Kelina has not yet crossed the borders, and she has not called either, so the only wolves to spot her would be the ones patrolling (or just walking close to) the borders. In this case, @Circe

She had followed the directions of the woman - Semira. Unknowingly, the girl had pretty much just led a demon to her home, and that, of course, would not end well. But she did not cross, not yet. She simply sniffed, attempting to find a trace of Horosk.

And she did find a trace of her brother. In fact, it seemed he had passed by the borders somewhat recently. Kelina smirked, flicking her tail. He and Semira would regret their last meeting together, where they refused Kelina what she had come for. She would take it, whether or not it had to be by force. It seemed this time it would have to be force.

Today was not the day that she would do it, anyhow. Today she was simply trying to gain information.
the woman with the purple eyes caught her gaze. 
frankly, she was growing sick of this bunch. their leader, in her eyes, did not have the gall to lead, and the followers a bunch of weak-willed happy-go-lucky folk. even if she could seize power, what were she to do with them? the woman was growing bored- and bored was never a good thing to be.

she watched the woman from the base of a budding oak, making no move to hide from sight, watching her with a brooding expression, wondering if she was another that sought to make their home here. or, perhaps, someone more interesting.  
She did not notice the one watching - not for a while, at least. She was too absorbed in her own deadly plots to notice the dark wolf. Besides, even if she knew someone was there she probably would not have cared in the slightest.

But, once she paused, Kelina did pick up a scent. She lifted her head from the ground, eyes scanning the area before her until they met with a pair of caramel ones. The obsidian woman flicked her tail, questioning the other with no words. Why did she not question her? Surely she would be unhappy - or perhaps curious - about a visitor to their lands?
[table width=75%][tr][td]violet gaze met hers, and there were no words. merely a questioning glance, to which she rose with a deadly elegance, much like a cat rousing from slumber. her ears flicked atop her head as she set into motion, approaching the woman without any of the sweetness she had carefully pulled over herself the past few weeks. she was bored, bored of pretending, for now. 

"What is it you seek here?"  came her voice then, broaching the silence. cool, perhaps drawling in the slightest, her caramel orbs watched the other with mild interest.[/td][/tr] [/table]
Kelina watched the woman as she approached, stance completely calm. She was not afraid, nor did she believe anyone else would be in this situation. Or perhaps they would be, but that was unknown to the dark fae. There was no sweetness in the way the other moved, but she was graceful for certain. Honestly, she quite reminded Kelina of herself. 

Like a feline she drew slightly closer, so that the obsidian wolfess would be able to speak more easily to the other, since she imagined now that they would indeed talk. 

"Information," She smirked, eyes flashing with dark intent.
her answer was vague, merely a single word. "Hmm." came her small sound, as she watched the other a moment longer, coming to a great many conclusions. "there are, in fact, a great many things I could inform you of. you'll have to be more specific, however." came her reply, watching carefully the other. there was no lightness in her words nor her stance, no indication that her intention was to bring a message nor join. which left very few reasons a dark woman might be wandering around the borders of a pack searching for "information".

" I sense your intentions might not be
of the good sort." she suggested, watching the other with a tilt of her head. "how interesting, for neither are mine." she added, finding her interest in the woman growing as her mind put together a great many scenarios for what, exactly, the woman's intentions might be. 
Kelina was curious as to why she was not chased away there and then - rather, the female seemed to be wanting to know more about her plans. This only made her curiousity grow. The dark woman gave a sly grin, glancing momentarily behind the other wolfess before her deep purple eyes flickered back. "Well, in that case....." She gave a flick of her tail before asking, "Do you know my brother - Horosk? I was told he is among your ranks."

"He.... owes me something. And has not given it to me." She wanted revenge. If she couldn't have what she wanted, she'd just have to get something else. No doubt, she was not afraid to take lives if it came to it.
a brother, amongst their ranks. she could not say she found the fact especially interesting, yet stored it away never the less; it was unwise to not grab any scrap of information you could get. "I know the name." she offered, voice cool and casual. She felt, somehow, that this woman was not coming to seek her brother out to wish him well. and with her next words, she was proven correct. 

"those who do not pay what they owe are foul indeed," she said in the same cool, casual tone. she paused a moment, before asking with interest in her tone, " and what is his debt to you?" she wondered just what the woman sought to collect, should it be symbolic, or perhaps, a life. never the less, she was interested- this woman could be an ally. for with two
fo the pack's members stricken down, and few mercenaries, what was to say that, with a brute show of strength, she could not, perhaps, simply take over? 
So, she knew the name. That was good - that was a start. So, Semira had been correct, then. Horosk was here. Kelina wondered with a smirk whether the girl regretted telling her of the pack's location. 

"He owes me... his eyes - he stole the eyes of our father. But it's been a good year at least, and he keeps denying me, so I planned for something a little more instead." Like... perhaps a friend of his. Surely that would hurt him. But not the girl, no, someone else. "I need information about Horosk. To see if there is anyone he cares for, other than Semira, though she could be of use too. If he has a connection with someone I may be able to track them down. Could help me, you see." She had something more in mind, too, but she did not think it was worth mentioning just yet.

"It would be too suspicious to... take someone from this pack. They'd know it was me. However, if it is someone outside of the pack that he cares for.... well, that would be a hell of a lot easier. I need to hurt Horosk, mentally. So that he willingly gives his eyes up - or something else - to save a loved one. He fears those he cares for getting hurt." She paused briefly, swiping out her snake like tongue to lick her jaws before adding, "And then I will leave the rest of the pack alone, unless there is something else that needs to be done. You seem alright with with this... which is strange. Are you not fond of this pack that you are a part of?" If not, maybe she could have some fun while she was here, too.
so, this one might be a little bit on the insane side. she could work with that, she supposed. Horosk had stolen someone's eyes? she did not think that a single of the happy go lucky lot would be capable of stealing anything. she listened in silence, mind working, judging this woman's motives and if they would be enough. "perhaps," she began, words slipping like honey from betwixt her jaws, "we could help each other. you see, it is power I desire. and power is most easily gained when it is taken from some that you know well." 

a sly grin played on her maw, and the continued after a beat, "You see, they all care for each other very deeply. Their leader is soft, and it seems like a few are quite pregnant." she offered, remembering
too the way the woman had tumbled and seemed rather out of commision. " What better way to hurt to Horosk then to take his home? to usurp his leader, and stand in her place?"  she offered, words chosen carefully. she wanted this woman on her side. and she was sure that, somewhere in this wild, there had to be mercenaries which she could hire. what was more fun than to grab for power? 
The other woman proposed that they help each other, and of course Kelina was hesitant at first. She listened instead of answering, waiting as she gave out even more information that would come in handy at some point. Power. Power was what the wolfess wanted, and power was also something desired by Kelina herself. The grin from the obsidian wolf matched the one spread on the dark fae's face.

"If that is the case, I would be more than happy to work with you..." The were numerous ways she could hurt Horosk (and she planned to do more than one) which only made this all the more great.
"I am most glad" came her reply, wicked grin flickering atop her muzzle. she dipped her head, gaze flitting once back into the territory and then back to the woman, confident they were alone. " For now, gather who you can, and I will do the same. If you should need my presence, call for me, but do it discreetly. I shall come." she said, glad to gain an ally, now feeling her plans had direction and a chance at succeeding. With a nod to the woman, and knowing all would come to a quick end should her collusions be known, she bade a farewell and disappeared back into the territory, sure to search for the woman in the future once more.