Wolf RPG

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Ever since she and her family had been forced out of their home, Sollie spends a lot of time on her own. They never went back to the forest to see whether or not the wolves still tainted it, as nothing but memories leave a bad taste in their mouths, but they moved on somewhere else out of the way. Occasionally, she still pops her head into the wolves on the outskirts of the woods and the caldera. Today, however, she finds herself further north through an open plain. The mountains loom in the distance. It seems familiar, but no more than any other mountain she’s seen (since she typically avoids them when she can), she easily remembers when two wolves nearly ripped her in two. The shudder kicks her spine into gear as she moves along and steers clear of the rocky terrain.
Hydra consistently sought exercises to increase her ability in combat. Frequent victims of this were trespassing 'yotes and foxes on Moonspear, though they had never ended fatally for her opponent—yet (other than the time with her mother and father). Initially it had been due to inexperience, then due to the restraints her age brought her, though more recently it had been because the critters left the territory of Moonspear (conveniently lurking near enough to the borders where their getaway could be mostly clean). Hydra did not kill for sport, and since none of the creatures she had chased had ever fought back there'd been no reason to kill them. 

When on neutral territory, Hydra actually had not yet ran into one of these animals. Their scent trails, sure, but their paths had never intersected. Today, though, she saw a flash of orange and bristled. In an instant, Hydra was barelling after it. It was plenty far enough from Moonspear to not be a threat to the mountain, but Hydra was simply after a bit of fun and a lesson with those more fleet of foot than even she—all at the others expense.
Sollie doesn’t have a destination in mind but she moves with ease. She does not see the speck of black in the distance descend the mountain at such great speed until it is too late. Thunderous paws make the ground quake beneath her feet and she nervously glances over her shoulder to see the large child barreling toward. Her golden eyes widen and her own fur bristles, but she does not compare in size nor compete in strength to the other no matter their age differences. She spits out a hiss the same moment her legs propel her into gear and she runs as fast as three good legs can carry her, the back right leg without the strength to match.
The thing was hobbling. Hydra was not given pause, though—if anything, this could be something of a hunt. She was a bit hungry, and to expend energy upon it was not useless given its weak leg. She could practice delivering some blows upon it before ending it. Though she appeared to be an adult in features, Hydra was still young enough to play with her food before it became, well, her afternoon snack. Gaining on it, Hydra snapped at a hindquarter which became in reach. It was a feeble attempt, and she did not seek to grip the thing yet.
There is not much space between them in the next few seconds and the sound of snapping teeth behind her gives her a little push to get out of the way. She does not know the area that well, having only been through once when the wolves on the northern mountain nearly took her apart. She puts a little distance between fox and wolf but she scans the open field for some kind of outlet but everything is hundreds of yards away and she fears she won’t make it far enough to get away.
Her fangs snapped impishly at open air, catching only the ends of the others furs if anything in that instant. She slows to give the other disadvantaged creature a small headstart before giving chase once more. Hydra snaps at the back left leg, the good one, to incite the other into a defensive stance. If the other would not fight for their life, then Hydra would simply end it afterward. To kill it was her ultimate end game, but she did want to learn from the injured, broken thing.
She feels the exhaustion in her joints before she even slows down, knowing she’s going to have to, but the footfalls of the wolf behind her (and the teeth snapping too) slows. It gives her a moment to ease back the sprint, look over her shoulder, and speed up a second time in a burst of reawakening. It isn’t long that she’s given the head start, barely veering to the west to the cover of a forest, and within seconds there’s a searing pain in the back of her leg. She yips in surprise, stumbling over her feet and unable to hold herself up in position, as she then barrel rolls onto the ground. The fox flails back instantly, using the sharp nails of her front feet (and her teeth) to lash back against the black creature.
When the other responded with violence, Hydra bounded aside with a low growl. Sollie had landed a scratch upon her nose, but it did not bleed. It smarted, though, and Hydra sneezed loudly twice before she doubled back to business. Hydra raced around Sollie and moved to snap at the others hindquarters. It was too small for her to desire to lash out at its face where it could likely retaliate... and Hydra considered her options as she moved in another tight circle around the fox, eyes cold and inquisitive, calculating her next move.
Hey, I'm going to cut this short because I have a lot of things going on and no time for right now. Please feel free to PP the rest of what we planned. Permission to do as you want!

She'd done well to avoid wolves whenever possible and it is only when she wanders away that she comes close. Too close. Her ears pressed back against her and her face scrunches up in pain as it seers through her back leg. Before she has a chance to react, however, she hits the ground and curls her legs up and turns to search for the wraith. Her eyes find the canine and she tries to stand, but struggles to keep herself upright. The wolf looks at her with a hunger that does not originate in her stomach and speaks much more than survival. Her jaw clenches and she glances away for something else but it doesn't give her much options. Running isn't going to get her far but it's her only chance, and she does her best to pick herself up and dart in the opposite direction.
No, it was not the hunger of her stomach that drove her to attack—it was the hunger of her mind. But Sollie did little to stimulate this, and so when Sollie did not retaliate Hydra lunged forward, gripped the beast as her mother had the coyote all that time ago, and when she succeeded she bore down and shook violently. Its neck snapped quickly, and its end was mercifully quick in comparison to the drawn out hunt. But there was nothing else to learn from the broken and beaten fox, so Hydra carried it with her to Moonspear to offer to her sisters. If they did not hunger, then perhaps her parents would.