Wolf RPG

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A notched ear flicked and she flinched as cold air hit the tender skin that lined the wound there. She hadn't got used to the feeling yet but knew it was for the greater good. The triplets found strength — and a certain usefulness — in their indistinguishability. With it, they were one again. The misfortune that had found Alya was shared by them all. Still...

Lyra winced again as she pawed at it before shaking out her coat and going to find a way to distract herself. The sun was beginning to dip below the trees near the base of their mountain, so the girl deciding on climbing the slopes to watch its descent — the fine weather lately had allowed for such phenomenal sunsets.
Charon had thought it was only one of his daughters that had gotten hurt when there had been a loner upon Moonspear, but later he had noticed that all three of them had identical wounds. Funny, in a way, they should each get hurt similarly so that their appearances still looked the same. But over time they had each become more distinguishable — so long as they weren't pretending to be each other — and Charon often managed to pick them apart better these days.

When he saw one of his daughters climb the slopes around the time of sunset Charon followed suit. Just as she reached a ledge with a good view he chuffed to make his presence known to her.
Oblivious to the fact that she was being followed, the girl found and perched upon an outcropping that was bordered by hedges that hung precariously onto its edges. The harsh drop below was dizzying but Lyra did not fear the height, too enamoured with the view it gave. She gently settled onto her haunches and wrapped her tail around her paws, lifting her head to greet the dying light. The seemingly endless lands spread before her were bathed in a golden blaze and, for a fleeting moment, she felt like she could take it all on.

The soft chuff from behind sent a sudden, jarring jolt of surprise up her spine and the girl spun, sending a few rocks and a smattering of dust off the ledge. She quickly tried to regain her composure upon seeing it was only Charon, but the quickness of her breath betrayed her fright. She hated to show such weakness before her father, knowing he shared Hydra's courage and affinity for battle. "H-hey, pa," she spluttered with a forced smile, sheepishly slinking forward to lick at the underside of his freckled muzzle.
Her surprise did not go unnoticed, but he did not feel as much irritation with it as he would if it were Julia. She was like a lightning rod for Lyra in that regard, and perhaps Lyra's likeness to Hydra helped too, albeit physical. Whatever dismay he might have felt for her startled response was quick to blow over and Charon continued his approach, nuzzling her cheek after she had licked his chin in respect. At least he knew right away what child he was facing considering her response.

"Guilty conscience?" he joked and he continued towards the ledge she'd picked. Beautiful colours were splattered across the landscape and Charon noted, "Admiring the sunset?" There was no judgement in his tone, for he was a creature that appreciated the aesthetics that nature could bring and he himself had spend many an hour upon this ledge watching the sunset too.
She accepted his nuzzle with a soft growl of affection, pleased he wasn't too unhappy with her response — at least, it seemed that he wasn't. She had to get better at the whole being easily startled thing. Maybe she could pick up a thing or two from her stoical mother, or even ask Charon himself (for he was one of the bravest wolves ever in her eyes).

His query was met with a nervous smile, knowing he was only teasing but she still lowered her newly notched ear shyly, almost guilty of it. Would he understand why she and Hydra had done it? She decided not to draw attention to the matter, unsure whether Charon had even noticed or not, and eagerly nodded as he spoke further. "It's so pretty," she said with a sense of wonder, looking up to the fading light, noting faint stars beginning to make an appearance in the darkening void high above the horizon. "I wonder where it goes at night."
It was no surprise to him that his daughters would admire the same things that he did, the sunset and beauty of nature being one of those things. Charon smiled at Lyra's mention of the sunset's beauty. To be honest, Charon had never thought of why the sun wasn't out at night, but he had an answer ready for Lyra's question anyway.

"At night the stars take over watching over us, so that the sun can sleep. No one can go without sleep, so the sun has to take a break every now and then too." He looked out over the lands, painted in pinks and oranges, happy just to sit and stare for now.
His answer only served to raise more questions. She turned to Charon with an inquisitive look. But where does it go? Is it true no-one can go without sleep? Had anyone tried to stay awake forever? She was almost certain that Hydra, with her boundless energy, could do it. She stuck to one question at a time, however, despite the overwhelming urge to interrogate her father and try to get all the knowledge she could out of him.

"What...are the stars?" she asked, frowning as she hesitantly put the words together. She looked back up at the tiny white dots sprinkling the sky overhead but that was really all they were to her at the moment — tiny, sparkling points of light. "How do they watch over us?" She squinted a little. They looked far too small to have eyes.
Lyra looked like she had a lot of questions on her mind and eventually she voiced some of them, in regards to the stars. He didn't have all the answers of course, but he would help her as best he could. "The stars are mysterious things. Not everyone thinks they're the same things," he explained. "The wolves that pass away that we know go to the stars, become stars." Lyra was lucky that she hadn't had any losses in her immediate family, not that she knew of anyway. It was such a stark contrast to his own childhood.

"Sometimes when you feel alone and you'll look up to the stars, you'll know that they are there. It's not that you can see them watching, but that you feel it. From when I was young I've always known the stars had a special plan for me, that I was destined to do great things. And you, as my daughter, automatically fit into that plan." What he intended to say was that she was special too, and likely destined to greatness, along with her sisters.
Her ears turned to Charon as he explained, eyes remaining focused on the night sky. Some stars were brighter than others, while a few seemed to twinkle almost in and out of existence. She stared curiously, listening all the while to her father, smiling at his explanation. She took what he said as truth, liking the thought of being watched over by all the wolves that would eventually come to pass. She indeed hadn't lost any of her close family — save Floki, who even then was just a distant figure from puppyhood to her — but liked the idea all the same.

"Oh," came her quiet, understanding response before she turned to Charon. "Hydra and Alya, too?" Where she was concerned, any plan that involved her, even one from the stars, automatically included her mirror images too.
There was little response to a lot of what he said, but Charon interpreted it as that Lyra had simply been listening intently to his stories and she was learning from them. "Of course," Charon said with a fond smile when Lyra asked if Hydra and Alya were meant for greatness too. They were all his children, after all, and though they were each distinctly different in their own ways (Lyra most of all) they were all wonderful and would do well in the world, he was sure.

"Let me show you some constellations," he said and with a fond smile Charon turned his head to the sky as he began with the basics — the little and big dipper, his go-to first-timer teachings — to teach his daughter a few things about the stars.

i'll fade here! would love a newer one soon <3