Wolf RPG

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Attempted murder/ injury thread for Cebra! @Mawk if he wants to hear whats  happening and find her at the end when @Kelina is going away!

Illecebra hated her fatness and the way her sides bulged out and made her waddle more then walk. She wanted to be strong and Iithe like she was only weeks before, or was it a month? Her pregnancy had begun to show itself immensely by this point and so Cebra wanted to walk off some calories. It wasnt logical really, and she knew this but the hormones made her emptional and doubtful and and she felt downright fat.

So Illecebra took a long stroll along the outside of the Eastern borders by the wetlands, Occasionally stopping to pee so if something happened she could be found easily in a short amount of time. She was being foolish and smart all at once, how ironic was that?

She had been watching the pregnant woman.

It was easy, really. She had made sure she was downwind so her scent would be less evident, and she had simply been watching. Originally she had come back to talk to Circe again, for they had much to discuss, but this was mildly entertaining. Why the woman would risk being so close to the borders in her current state was beyond Kelina, but she was for certain not complaining.

Now she'd had enough watching. She had no idea who this woman was, but hurting - murdering perhaps - a packmate must affect Horosk in some way. So, why not? It's not like she would lose anything if it turned out her brother cared nothing for this wolfess.

With a smirk, she began to creep forward, silent as a panther stalking its prey.
Blissfully unaware that she was being stalked by a member of her own species, she continued on her walk. It felt great to be away from the busy life of the pack where she could do nothing but watch and feel useless. She was brought up to help out her pack in any way unless she physically could not be capable of doing so, and she did not expect pregnancy to make her so physically inept at helpful things. she couldn't hunt due to her inability to run fast enough to catch anything, and she couldnt help with medical things since she had not the knowledge to do so.

She was lost in thought until the breeze changed directions and blew the scent toward her. Her nostrils flared and he stiffened, as she could tell the scent came from behind her and was strong enough to be close. Whirling around she snarled, curling her lips back over her fangs and narrowing her golden eyes. "Stay away. One howl and they will all come running" she growled menacingly she tried to back toward the borders. They weren't close enough for her to run to and make it, but the closer she was the faster she could get help.
Kelina stalked closer still, until the damn breeze changed directions. Irritated, the dark raven remained completely still, hiding behind the vegetation around the area. She crawled on her belly until she got the other side of the pregnant woman. She smirked as the wolfess snarled and pulled her lips back over her teeth, putting on a rather spectacular show. Even so, Kelina was not frightened. She was never frightened.

As soon as the woman made a move to head back to the borders, Kelina sprang out, aiming to land square on her back. If she could knock her down it should be easy enough to pierce her neck, and then the job would be done. While she often enjoyed the screams of tortured victims, she did not believe now was the time. The wolfess would still be able to call out to her packmates, and the dark fae was certainly not in the mood to be swarmed by a bunch of wolves aiming to kill her. That would not be good.
Cebra only managed to get a few feet closer than she intended to the borders before the she wolf jumped and landed square on her back. Yelping loudly she Twisted her body and shoved the she wolf away from her before she could be pinned down, and then got to her paws again with a bit of a struggle.

She - a pregnant she wolf nontheless- was being attacked for no reason at all, and illecebra found herself quite shocked and pissed about that. She barked loudly and gave off a series of shrill warnings and cries for help before turning to face the wolf once more "better make this quick then. They will be on their way" She sneered.

I won't re tag anyone quite yet, so that Kelina can get in a few good blows and leave Cebra bloodied xD
Kelina failed in her first attempt to hold the woman down, but she was not fazed. With a sadistic chuckle, the raven sprung forward again, snapping her jaws, hoping to hurt the pregnant wolfess in some way. She didn't care how, but she wanted to injure the woman somehow. She wanted to release her anger - and right now, this strange patterned wolfess was her only victim. Perhaps she would not murder her, and instead leave a mark so that news of Kelina still being around would reach the others and strike fear amongst them.

Especially Horosk.
Illecebra gasped and yelped as the woman sprang forward her sharp toothed jaws closing around the flesh of her cheek and ripping the skin open down to the beggining if her neck.Cebra panicked slightly knowing that her body wasnt in the appropriate shape for fighting off a wolf who intended to do some damage.

She began to feel the blood drip from her face and onto the ground and her chest fur and winced at the burning pain, howling for @Mawk before lunging forward toward her opponent and aiming to make her own Mark upon the woman's flesh. Her snarl had a desperate edge to it, but as she grew closer to her opponent she felt her leg give out causing her to fall forward in front of Kelina. 

permission granted to pp enough damage to make Cebra weak and bloodied in this next post
She tasted the salty, delicious tang of blood before she realised that she had succeeded in her attempt to wound the woman. A call rang out, one that Kelina had become aware was from the pregnant wolfess. The dark raven let out a sadistic chuckle as the woman tried to growl at her, failing to scare her and instead falling right in front of Kelina.

With a small, amused hiss, the obsidian wolfess put a cold paw on Illecebra's shoulder, leaning down to drag her teeth painfully across her back. It would, perhaps, not be deep enough to scar, but it was certainly enough to be incredibly painful. Once she had dragged her fangs across the woman's spine, she pressed her paw down harder, wanting to dig her claws into the mother's shoulder. She had originally come with a plan to kill her, but now that the woman had called for help she would just need to get some satisfaction from hurting her. She had little time, but wanted to savour what she could.
Tagging @Mawk and or @Semira come help her?

Illecebra hadn't had time to get up from her stumble, and thrashed as the woman's paw was placed on her shoulder. Eyes wide and rolling with fear she struggled to get away as the black pelted woman brought her fangs upon her back. The pain made her scream out and she finally felt the grips if fear on her heart as fangs tore into her flesh and claws dug more wounds upon her shoukder, holding her down.

She turned her head and snapped her jaws at the murderous woman's leg, trying to seek any hold she could get anywhere. WWhat had she been thinking? She had babies to think of now, ones who hadn't even begun their lives. She was such a fool. She knew she was in for a world of pain if she didn't make it out of this quickly and so she cried out for help once more "Mawk!Semira! Anyone!" She howled until her voice was hoarse and throat sore.
Crappy phone post!

The moment the panicked cry had reached his ears the man set off in a hurried sprint. He raced across the Bypass, willing himself to go faster. He had to go faster! Mawk, once he arrived, spared no time. One glance at the two wolves told him everything that he needed to know. With a ferocious roar, Mawk flung himself foward in one fluent motion do that he should land on the dark raven. Never would she ever dare to hurt his love!

He had to save her. He could see the wounds across Cebra's back. If he did not stop Kelina, he would not only lose his mate, but also his children. He could not lose them!
Another crappy phone post, sorry!

Not long after the woman called for the second time, Kelina heard a - very obviously - angry battle cry, and felt a massive pain in her stomach as a man catapulted himself into her side. With a slight groan, the dark raven picked herself up from the ground where she lay. Her head snapped round, staring at the golden-pelted wolfdog with a Cheshire cat-like grin. His curled tail was most amusing to her, as was the way he seemed to care oh so very deeply for the injured pregnant woman on the ground. The pups she carried must be his own brood.

Kelina, though preparing to flee, decided to have a little fun. Time to do a little fighting, just until someone else arrived. Then she would flee. But for now she sprung forward for the second time, aiming to knock the man down.
Illecebra lay hyperventilating beneath the large obisdian woman, her flank heaving as she felt the blood soak her pelt. She flattened her ears and kicked against the woman in pathetic attempts to dislodge her and shove her off. It wasn't working to well and she was resigning  herself to the fact that she would die here, under the paws and fangs of a woman unknown to her. She felt herself go limp and she gave a long keening whimper. "Mawk forgive me..." She whispered.

Almost like an answer to her whispered plea an angry roar sounded and the weight was lifted from body. She lay still feeling weakened as a spasm if pain shit though her abdomen. She gasped and rolled over "No not the babies" she murmured and took a few deep breaths. She tried to gather her paws beneath her and gasped as pain shot through her shoulder. Finally pushing herself to her paws she turned to face the woman, horrified to see that she was now focusing on Mawk. "Go or I will call the whole pack" she growled through shuddering gasps.

The world spun suddenly and she wobbled in her paws, stumbling backward into a sitting position quite awkwardly though her intense and enraged gaze was still focused on the nightmarish woman.
An angry howl pierced the air, breaking the silence that stood over the valley. Her paws were moving before she registered the sound. It was Cebra. The woman's voice sounded desperate as she cried out for her and Mawk. Semira connected the dots - why call the two largest wolves to aide you, unless you were in huge trouble? The thought spurred her faster - a blinding streak in the lush green of the forest.

The night-black pelt of a woman she hated appeared through the trees - Mawk latched onto her. Kelina. The woman finally decided to make an appearance. Semira's own cry struck just before she barreled towards the woman - an attempt at breaking appart the pair.
Mawk furiously smacked into the raven, snapping his jaws with a single intent - protect. His home, his family, his friends. He could not let them be destroyed by this monster. The wolfdog fought instinctively - his training had been most useful, especially in this case. Kelina was strong, he had discovered, but she was not completely trained in fighting.

He snarled, hackles already raised. As he stepped back, he gave one final warning to the woman. If she did not flee, he would let himself go wild. He would not hold back from tearing her into tiny shreds on the ground.
Kelina stepped back at the same time the wolfdog did, the grin still present on her face. She knew this was his last warning, but she did not intend to stay any longer. The damage had been done - her task was complete for the time being. With a cruel laugh she allowed her gaze to sweep over the gathering wolves before turning and fleeing into the undergrowth.

She was fast enough, but she did not expect to be chased anyhow. They would be far too busy tending to the pregnant one. Kelina did not look back once she had begun running. She hoped they enjoyed her appearance, for it would most definately not be the last she made here

Kelina out!
Illecebra sagged with relief and tried to walk toward Mawk, taking a few steps forward before collapsing onto the ground. The wound Kelina made upon her back hadn't been deep but it had been in a spot where the blood flow would be continuous unless pressure was applied. She gave a low whimper and flattened her ears feeling dizzy and sick.

"Mawk...Mawk I'm sorry" She murmured hoarsely and squinted her eyes shut. She just wanted to go back to the pack and forget this happened, nurse her wounds, and bask in her pregnancy. She was such a fool.
Her low growl permeated the air as Kelina dashed away. Coward. She resisted chasing after the woman, quickly turning her attention to Cebra. The grayscale fae sat upon the ground, mummering to Mawk and attempting to right herself. Semira lowered her head, wondering if she should leave to give them privace or stay and help. She chuffed to the fae, glancing uneasily to Mawk as well.  "Do you need my help as well?" her voice threaded with worry.
He panted and raised his head to watch the dark coward flee the area. He let out a vicious snarl, amber eyes blazing with hatred. She had guts, to come here and hurt his mate like that - she was foolish. Bitch. Mawk would rip her throat out the moment he saw her - then leave her body out for the crows to pick at. Even that was probably more than she deserved. As soon as the raven was out of sight he glanced at Cebra and rushed over to his side, fear for her safety evident in his gaze. He prayed that she would be okay. 

"Stay with me, Cebra.... C'mon, you'll be okay. Let's get you back to the densite, alright?" His voice was shaky but he managed. The Medio nudged her cheek with his nose, the love he felt embedded within him showing clearly in his eyes. With a grateful faint smile, he looked up at Semira. "Yes please, thank you." He stood again, wondering how best to carry her. "We'll... have to carry her on our backs. It's the easiest way, I think..." He waited for a response, just in case the woman had any other ideas.
Illecebra's eyes lifted at the sound of Mawk's comforting voice and she steeled herself to walk. This is not where she would die, this is not how her pregnancy would end. She would not lay here in front of her Segundo, and her Mate and pass out never to wake up again. She gave a determined whimper and stood up once again her ears swiveling as she caught the words exchanged between Mawk and Semira.

"No help me walk. Please allow me just this much dignity. One on either side if me, I don't feel too dizzy now" She pleaded, feeling pleased that her voice came out louder and stronger than she assumed. She looked at them with imploting eyes, before turning her head and attempting to lick her shoulder wound.