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Now that the storm has passed and things are calm once more Eske feels more confident about venturing out to Blackwater Islands. She is not quick to believe the story of the Nereides woman and child though neither have been seen in Drageda for quite some time. If anything, her fickleness is what inspires the trip. Eske has to be sure they are gone, that they are a neutralized threat and not just attempting to get Heda to lower her guard. Anyone could tell a lie, after all. It was a good tactic, in Eske’s mind: fool the competition. It’s something she would do and therefore she cannot put it past anyone else and cannot rest easy until she ascertains for herself. The water levels are still high but crossing to the Islands was not as hard as she thought it might be. It is windy here, the air colder than it is on the mainland. On the beach where it is littered with debris from the storm the Cheka pauses and looks back at @Arlo, silently warning her pale companion to be on his guard. He accompanies her at the command of Heda whom refused to let her go alone. The storm hit the Islands hard and if there were borders the salt and havoc of the relentless rains have washed them away. It does not mean the Nereides have gone. They could have easily taken shelter further in. Towards the heart of the largest Island’s territory Eske goes, unable to help but wonder why anyone would want to live here. The Island is small, rocky with barely any grass; she can only assume it is the same for the smaller islands as well. It is no wonder they are forced to the mainland to hunt. To be cut off from the mainland may very well spell certain death for the Nereides wolves. As far as living space goes Eske, personally, does not find these Islands very logical.
Shalon hadn't been on the island long, it had been her own curiosity that had brought her here in the first place. She had never been on an island, and it had looked so inviting. The few days she had spent here were interesting, until the storm hit. She had been stranded, especially after her stint with that lone wolf, Shalon was unable to swim back. She had been sleeping away from the water, hoping it wouldn't completely swallow the island, and herself. Even with the storm passing, the water remained high. Shalon wasn't sure she wanted to risk a swim back to the mainland, not with her leg still injured, and definitely not on her own. So she waited, and waited, and waited until the water returned to before the storm. It had been some time since anyone had lived on this island, so she had little hope of any finding her.

That was until Shalon's keen canid nose picked up the scent of another, she couldn't be sure it was another, the salt stuck to their furs. Heading over to investigate, Shalon didn't honestly didn't expect to find others. She approached softly, confident yet not dominantly so. "The sea provides." She spoke softly, with a hint of laughter.
It is not long before she begins with Arlo in tow that the distinct sound of approaching footfalls are picked up over the crash of waves upon the shore. Any signs of borders are eradicated though Eske does not know whether it is from the storm or because they have truly faded with time as the Nereides left not to return to their Islands. Sea blue-green gaze searches the wreckage of the rocky Island wildly and locks upon the agouti colored woman as she steps into view. Eske sizes her up, noting her confident yet not dominate approach but her presence does nothing to soothe the Cheka who reacts with bristled hackles and a curl of her lips. Had there Nereid woman lied? Were they still here, surviving under the guise that they’d gone only to attempt to gain an upper hand on Heda? The woman mentions something about the sea providing in a tone that holds a wisp of laughter to it, likely in reference to her and Arlo’s presence and a low warning growl rumbles in the Cheka’s throat. “Who are you? Why are you here? We were told these Islands have been abandoned by the women that once held claim to them.” Woe to the betrayer if it ended up being words from false tongue. Eske’s presence there was clear enough that the warrior princess did not trust the words from wolves that were not Drageda — though Eske, more than others, knew (exceptionally well!) that even blood could turn and stab you in the back the second it was turned and exposed to them. “Unless that claim is false.” Eske's pupils narrow in their sea ravaged depths encouraging the stranger to answer her rapid fire questions with honesty.
crappy phone post

Shalon gave a weary smile at the bristling woman. "I apologize if I started you. I do believe that this island is abandoned, I haven't seen anyone since before the storm started." She answered is certainty and truth, "I'm afraid that I've been stuck here." The silver tanned woman shrugged jesturing to the injury on her chest. "The waters were to rough for me to return to shore, as such it was lucky that you happened upon me." 

Shalon wasn't sure if her words would have any effect or if she was indeed stranded until the waters continued to withdraw. She took notice of the male behind the female, before returning her gaze to the woman. "I am Shalon." Her gaze remained calm, and unaccusing. She hoped to keep the conversation going, she had not interest in making enemies.
Startled. It is not a word that Eske likes. It makes her sound like she is afraid when she is not. She had come here because she did not trust the island to be abandoned, because she is aspires to be Wanlida and the tactician within her knows that playing such a falsehood would be deceptive and dirty but as it is something that Eske herself would do she does not trust others not to act as she would. Eske is not startled, she is angry because she believes — with no contradicting evidence before her — that Heda has been lied to. If it is true than Arlo and her have stepped upon territory that it about to become quickly hostile. The woman does not attack, instead offering words of abandonment of the Island and explanation that she has been stuck here. “If this island is truly abandoned then you shouldn’t mind us,” She gestures to Arlo behind her with her muzzle. “ensuring for ourselves. You can join us.” Eske’s tone makes it clear that it is not an invitation that Shalon can refuse. It is a issued command, as she will not have this woman out of her sight. There is nothing to give her evidence that the woman is lying and yet Eske cannot yet prove that she isn’t lying, either.

“I am Eske and that is Arlo,” Eske introduces the pale Gona careful to keep their connection to Drageda on the down low. The sea salt has washed the pack scent from their coats and Eske intends to use that to her advantage for as long as she can. kep em blinka em op.” Eske speaks to Arlo in their native tongue relaying her suspicions yet un-soothed to her companion though she suspects she does not need to. She is a suspicious beast by nature and her guard is rarely ever lowered; but she is Cheka and she cannot afford to ever have a lowered guard — not when it comes to the safety of Drageda and their Commander. “The storm has passed, why have you not left this place?” Eske asks Shalon as she gestures with her muzzle for her companions (willing or unwilling) to follow her, seeking answer for something that needles at her suspicions.
Her demeanour wasn't quick to change, rather slowly as the woman spoke more and more, Shalon's feelings and expressions became not so obvious to sight. This woman, Eske, wasn't the most welcoming. And Shalon couldn't tell why, as far as she knew she hadn't done anything wrong. Apparently it's suspicious to be anywhere these days. It had been sometime since any had tried to boss her around. Her previous life as Beta and even further more as an Alpha came back at Shalon like a ton of bricks. "Of course I don't mind you checking for yourselves." She gestured to the island, "It's not like is own the damn thing." A sliver of guilt rested in her stomach, as the words came from her mouth. Not regret in the words spoken, it's was deeper than that. "Although, if you would like me to accompany you, I would prefer that you keep your 'requests' to a minimum. We are both strangers here, I am a willingn participant in whatever endeavour you are trying to pursue no need to be rude." Impassive was a rule of thumb for Shalon when meeting uninviting strangers. She had no intention of being bossed around by either of the two canids before her, she was lone wolf on neutral territory, not a pack mate that could be told what to do. 

Shalon couldn't be sure what was said between the two, which was fine. To each there own. She had no qualms with secrets, especially considering she too was a stranger to them. They had no reason to trust her. Which she accepted.

"The storm has passed, true, but the water is still fairly high. I'm afraid my injury has stiffened up since I arrived on the island." Shalon wasnt skilled in the healing arts of any sort, and so wasn't sure why it was more stiff now days after the initial injury. "I was hoping the water might lower a little more before I headed back to the mainland." She shrugged with a slight wince. "Shall we?" Shalon gestured with her silver gaze to continue their patrol of the island.
I wasn’t really asking permission, Eske thinks but bites her tongue to keep the words from tumbling free of her lips. She has no interest in starting anything with the older woman and so long as Shalon does not get in her way then Eske does not think it should be an issue; but just because Eske does not want her getting in her way does not mean that Eske does not wish to keep an eye on her all the same. Shalon does not know the agreement, tense as it was, between the Nereides and Drageda and won’t because it is none of her business but there are several reasons for Eske’s distrust and not all of them have to do strictly with the Nereides, either. Eske’s trust is oft found in very limited supply and she rations it out with extreme diligence. Eske’s lips twitch when she is ordered about seeking to turn the woman’s own words against her in kind. “Likewise,” The Warrior Princess returns with a twitch of her tail against her hocks. For was not asking Eske to keep requests to minimum a request in and of itself? Eske holds the power here and she is stubbornly unwilling to release it.

When Arlo and her are finished and Eske has surprised for herself that Shalon is not apart of the Nereides and they are not laying in wait for ambush Shalon will be freed of the Cheka’s requests and what the woman does for that Eske doesn’t care. “It could have infection.” Eske offers (likely unhelpfully) but in truth she does not know if that is the case or not. She never shared in her mother’s passion for the healing arts. Eske takes the lead, though gives herself some distance from the stranger to better keep an eye on her. Eske is not sure what she looks for and the further they go on the barren island there is still no detection of scents aside from Shalon’s own. “What brought you to these barren islands?” Eske asks though her attention is only half offered towards Shalon. She is preening conversation for useful information, as she suspects that any good tactician would do. Eske cannot help but think there is nothing — aside from the current situation — that would possess her to make a trip to the Blackwater Islands. Thus far, she finds them bleak, thorny and utterly unwelcoming, which is surprising because it kind of feels like an ironic projection of her personality.
Shalon tilted her head with a small glint in her eye and a slight smile on her lips. A mutual understanding of independence had been arranged, Shalon could live with that. 

Looking down at her wound the best she could, the woman grimaced. "I hope not." She had had infections before, and she had no inclination of getting another. However she had a feeling it wouldn't be her own choice if it did indeed get infected. Shalon had no mind for the healing arts, and as such could only hope it would heal on its own, if she cleaned it, and cared for herself. Which is exactly what she had been doing in this island. "I sought refuge, from the creature who gave me this..." She indicated with the slight tip of her nose, "And then refuge from the storm I hadn't seen coming." She could find no reason not to tell the girl of her predicament. If she could prove her innocence perhaps they might help her leave this island. 

Looking Ng back at her two acquaintances, Shalon couldn't help but return the question. "I don't mean to pry, so tell me if I've over stepped. However, I could ask you the same question. What brings you two here?"
i am sorry about the wait on this! feel free to wrap up with your post or archive as is. <3

Eske watches as the woman glimpses down at her wound, echoing that she hopes it is not infected; but in the end the Cheka offers a lofty roll of her shoulders as they press forward. She is no medic, had very little knowledge beyond that she knows salt water is useful to cleanse a wound. She never shared in her mother’s passions …or, at least, that particular passion. Eske’s lips are terse as Shalon offers her explanation: first she sought to rid herself of the beast that gave her the wound and then to seek shelter from the storm that ravaged these lands. Still, Eske is through and will not simply take her, a stranger, at her word for it. To do so would employ a trust she does not have and in her mind would strike any warrior (and therefore strategist) as little more than foolish. A slip up of trusting the wrong person could mean a war easily avoided; or worse. “The women who have claimed these Islands.” Eske replies simply. It had been one of theirs that had offered up the words of abandonment, after all. That was as much as Eske was willing to give though. It revealed enough without revealing too much. Drageda’s business was not this strangers and never would Eske deign to reveal. The only reason she gave any answer at all was because she had let on as much when demanding if the Islands were yet still claimed after their first few moments of contact.

Eske pauses at the yawning mouth of a small cavern, giving the outside of it a good sniff before she merges into the shadows and sniffing around some more. After she is sure she is through she retreats back into the light of the day and focuses her attention upon Arlo and Shalon. “There is no sign of them.” And frankly she is tired of these bleak and barren wasteland the Neredies had deigned to call home (for some ungodly reason she cannot help but think). “Arlo and I will escort you across the water,” Because Shalon was honest and Eske is feeling generous. “From there you are on your own.” The Cheka states before she takes point once more and backtracks the way the trio had came, assuming the other two follow in her wake.