Wolf RPG

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ok so this happens before she meets her brother again and before she encounters axolotl. and i dont even know which of those is before the other :V anyways, for the lovely @Anne 
It was around sun down when Maera arrived at the core of the Heartwood.
She was travelling faster this time than when she had first began her journey when she had arrived back at the Wilds. Maybe it was because now she wasn't aimlessly wandering around like a vagabond. She knew exactly where she wanted to get to.
To the coast. 

So fueled by her craving to feel sand between her toes, the Sveijarn kept her stay in every other place as short as she could. Just enough so she could get a meal and some sleep, then, she'd be off. So, with little interest on what else lied in the forest, Maera wasted no time to begin her search for a place she could settle for the night. 
Lost in a daydream, that's how Anne spends most of her evenings. This one was no different. She's rested herself comfortably on her haunches, staring out at the wasteland that is this wood. There is no end to the wonders of this land, and Anne has set out to see them all, big and small. Anne, young and foolish, is working out in her head what could have happened to this place. Everything is ash, a foreign substance to her. What could have once been trees are fallen over, some broken in half like twigs. Though unsure what to make of it, she's sure it wasn't good. The scent is offensive and she can't place why. It just smells evil.

It's hard to disguise the sound of paws on so many layers of ash, and as soon as she hears them, Anne is standing and on alert. She can't quite make out where they're coming from, but the atmosphere of this place has her scared and confused, so with little thought but obvious panic, she shouts into the darkening air. "I can hear you! Where are you?" She turns around in a circle, trying to get an eye on whoever is around. The scent of burn fills her nostrils, and she's unable to determine who or what is near.
So far, nothing catches the flame's interest, so with her nose still trailing the ground in front of her she continued to walk around. Maybe it isn't such a back idea to continue, she thinks, as she comes to the hurried conclusion that there's nothing in the Heartwood for her. With a huff, the Sveijarn readies herself to take back off when suddenly a shout makes her stop cold. 

Has she unknowingly stepped into claimed territory?
No, there were no scent markers, there was nothing in the forest.

"show yourself" she barks back to the voice, her hazel eyes searching for any sign of movement as she readies herself for, if it comes to it, fight her way out of there.
"No, you!" Barks Anne tactlessly, taking no care to hide the fear in her voice. Darting her head around in any direction she can, she continues to spin in place frantically. Anne always believed violence to be the most barbaric way of things, and that everything would work a lot more smoothly if everyone was to set their pride aside and talk it out. But at this moment instinctively her fur is raised, though it's not hard to tell that she's more scared than aggressive.

There, just in the corner of her eye as she tosses her head from one shoulder to the other desperately trying to locate the voice's owner, a streak of crimson. With a silent gasp, she stops suddenly and focuses on the color. Making the shape of it, she's able to tell that not too far in the distance, there is a wolf. Or something wolf-like. Such a hue is foreign to her, and that frightens her even more. "You!" She says to the red smear, trying to sound commanding. "What are you? Or who are you?" Her voice cracks. Certainly has the shape of a wolf, but the coat is so surreal, and in this landscape, menacing.
Refusing to obey the voice demanded it was her who showed herself first.
Well, Maera wasn't exactly hiding but even if she had wanted to show herself she couldn't for she didn't even know where the other was. She spun around and took a couple of steps, her nosetrils flaring in search of any indication to where the source of the voice could be. 

Though she couldn't yet see anything or anyone she heard loud and clear the other's screaming. "someone who comes in peace...." she barked into the air, hoping her words would soothe the seemingly panicked voice. "...unless you don't" she then added, an unspoken way of telling the other that despite her pacific intentions she was willing to stand her ground if it came to it. Its been a while since Maera has had a confrontation with another wolf, even a mock spar, and though she really does wish not to get herself into innecesary trouble, the warrior within her longs to make an appereance.
feel free to get violent if you want! ;p

Feeling a bit threatened and vulnerable, the female's words don't do much to change it. Anne had never come in any fashion than peace. She's certain it's a wolf now, but not sure if that makes her more or less worried. Unaware that the stranger doesn't have eyes on her yet, she's frozen in place, staring. Something about this whole encounter has her scared and nervous, from the wicked sights of the burnt forest, the foreboding smell of ash, the daylight quickly melting into darkness. Her thoughts are panicky. 'Should I run? If they give chase I don't know if I could outrun her. But would it be better to get a head start? But if I run I'll clearly be a weak target. What if that's what they want?' Still frozen in place, she's having trouble deciding what to do, what to say, if anything. Finally, "I certainly do come in peace!" The words were more firm and collected, in an attempt to make her location known. Her legs tremble a bit in anticipation.
tbh she just want to play-spar lol

Every second that passed only made Maera more anxious, though she could tell that between her and the stranger she was desperately trying to get her eyes on, she was the most collected of the two. With her mouth parting to taste the air and her nose moving restlessly in an attempt to locate exactly where the other was, she began to walk, almost prowl, towards where her nose told her to go until finally, her eyes locked on the ghostly silhouette of Anne, who was facing the other way.

It wasn't hard to tell, by body language alone, that the pale female did not want any trouble, yet something, a craving, had roused inside of Maera's chest. Since her arrival upon de wilds she had not been able to put her warrior skills on display, and though she was not one to go prodding for trouble where there clearly wasn't any, she suddenly felt the need to do something before she got rusty. Besides, the other's apparent submissive behavior somehow made Maera's innate dominance scratch the surface in search of a way out.

With a predatory sway in her approach, Maera cut the distance between the two, and once she found herself at a distance that althouht wasn't particularly invasive it could be perhaps too close for comfort, she gave a low chuff, "no" she almost growled before barking gruffly, "i think you are looking for trouble..." Though she knew well that the other female spoke the truth, Maera thought maybe a little 'playful' provocation would make things head where she wanted.
If only she could telepathically tell the other female that by trouble she meant super fun wrestling matches.