Wolf RPG

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Her solitary status had finally sunken in and she did not know what to do with these emotions.Sometimes she cried, cried and screamed so loudly that the birds perched in the canopies startled and took flight. It was extremely difficult to cope with the sudden loss of her mate, the man she had expected to be with until the day she died. It was even harder to accept the fact that not only had he left her, but that he had left for the arms of another woman. Shandra was just so angry, all the time. Angry and miserable.

At least there had been some distraction from her mental issues when Logan stood by her side. Now, she had nothing. The cream-and-sugar female trudged up the mountainside, wearing what had become a perpetual, sour frown. She thought of Logan, and tears pooled within her blue and gold eyes. She paused, feeling her rage and sadness building inside, boiling her blood. Tears streamed down either side of her face and her entire body began to tremble.

"FUCK YOU," she roared, her colorful words fading away in the form of an echo.

Howl had began climbing this mountain early that morning. At first it felt troubling having to changing elevation to quicksly from the plains below, but as he got further up the slope the scenery changed into something quite peaceful and calming. All except for the sudden serge of birds fleeing from trees and the echoing noise of someone cursing at what seemed to be someone or something. He couldn't see at first who said it which made him think that it wasn't at him. The voice also sounded at though it were from a female. Howl, always trying to be a gentleman did want to leave a female at such unrest if he had the ability.

Following where he saw the birds fly away he weaved though the foliage until he could see what it was that caused the outburst. It was infact a female, a somewhat cream colored one. He came out of the foliage so she could see him, but kept his distance not sure if she would want to express in anger towards him. "Excuse me, miss." he said so she would know he was there. "Are you... alright." he asked not sure what it was that caused her to shout.

The man was smart to make himself so explicitly  known, appearing into view a good enough distance away not to startle her, and she turned her eyes towards him. The sparks of yellow in her eyes were now flames. "What makes you think I'm okay? After hearing that?" She huffed a laugh but her words were flat and emotionless, carrying neither anger nor sarcasm, but her eyes softened  just slightly. In her heart she felt badly for being rude, but that was just her nature. No amount of feeling bad about that would ever change her. Instead, she cast her gaze off to the side ,  lowering her ears, "I'm  fine. Not hurt, or anything."

She made a good point, the answer to Howl's question was rather obvious, but he thought there was no harm in asking. Sometimes some wolves just liked to release their anger by yelling at the world, but its was common for them and they were alright. Though the majority would have responded as this female would have. Her responce made him smile alittle bit, knowing that the source of her anger was likely not from him.

But then their was the "I'm fine", Howl often never took that answer seriously and so he replied by saying "Well it's good your not hurt... I'm not sure your fine though. There anything I might be able to help with?" He knew that he may not be able to do anything physically, but he had been vented to many times prior.

His small smile warmed her cold heart, perhaps because the gold in his eyes reminded her so much of Logan's. Her dark lips twitched to form an even smaller smile than his, but it disappeared just as quickly as it had come. She was flattered by his concern for her well-being, genuine or not, and regardless, his handsome presence provided a welcome distraction from her woes. 

Eh, she began, looking askance, staring at a small rock situated somewhere to her left. He offered to listen, so why not speak to him? In general, Shandra held no qualms for pouring her personal issues out to strangers. It brought her attention, and she liked that. Someone I loved left me. That's who I was yelling at. But he's long gone. She sighed angrily, blue eyes flickering towards his face.

I'm Shandra.

Once again Howl had offered his help to a female, and instead of having to do something he merely needed to listen and respond. The problems and females were almost always different but his desire to help and get close to each of them was almost always the same. In this instance this female had been left alone. Howl's assumption, or at least the way he responded, was that the males were in the wrong. Told from the female prospection they almost always were, but on the off chance it were the other way around he may react accordingly. But luckily for the moment he could make his usual assumption. 

Which was, "Here let me... FUCK YOU!" he yelled in the same direction she had. He then lowered his voice back down to normal and proceeded to say to Shandra, "Fuck him for not noticing what a lovely and gorgeous female he left behind." he said these things hoping to cheer her up and put a smile on her face. He then with a smile lightly nodded his head and introduced himself "I'm Howl."
His assumption was correct. Shandra blamed her ex-lover almost entirely for his trespasses, yet she knew at some level that she had played a part in driving him away. Still, she chose to focus on the pain he had caused her for leaving, and to allow it to keep her in a sour mood. Truth be told, she was a bit embarrassed that Howl had heard her outburst, and this embarrassment seemed to amplify when he sarcastically emitted an outburst of his own.

She blinked, unable to react. Fortunately,  he spoke flattery towards her, which redeemed him for his behavior. She felt mocked and ashamed, a little violated. However, the compliment delivered such a swell to her ego, the female sort of grinned and then laughed awkwardly. "Thanks? Haha."
She seemed confused even though she thanked him, but he had completed his goal of making he smile and even laugh. He wasn't one to spue out profanities often, but he wanted to make her feel more comfortable knowing that others could do and say the same things. Though it may have been read in a different way. As he saw her smile and laugh he responded by saying "There you go. A little smiling. Sorry for my out burst. I usually don't do that sort of thing, but I thought it might cheer you up. And luckily for me I think it may have."
How many have had the kindest intentions, but Shandra read them wrong, as she did most things. "It did," she said flatly, still grinning a little bit. "I just feel bad for yelling like that." She did not feel badly for yelling it, only that it had been heard. She eyed him curiously, smile growing, able to see that he was interested in her and unsure of how to respond. She was not the best flirt, being rather challenged that way.
She confirmed that he did in fact cheer her up. She then went on to explain that she felt bad for shouting. If it had been another wolf maybe things would have gone differently, but with Howl's curiosity and interest in almost all females, he saw no issue. "No need to feel bad, everyone has their bad days." He said to her. His tail wagged in a slow swaying motion. He waited to see what she would do next. Letting her lead the upcoming events.
He seemed genuinely unperturbed  by her own behavior, even letting his tail wave. Her own, a banner of cream with  red flecks, swayed gently. She felt much better, knowing  that he was so obviously not offput. Perhaps there was a chance to have some fun here. "You're  really good-looking, you know," she said with a nervous laugh. "I guess a hug would make me feel better." Shanny inched a little closer to him, inviting him to embrace her if he felt so inclined.
Shandra was intreging but somewhat odd. Not that Howl though it was off putting but she was very open as far as her thoughts and now she was inviting him to embrace her when they had only meet a few minutes prior. She complimented his apprearance to which he smiled and returned the compliment by saying, "Me?" he said "No, I'm nothing in comparison to you." he said to her and moved forward towards her. 

She had invited him to embrace her and seeing as how any interaction with a female could lead to something more, he was inclined to indulge. He was not at her side and slightly hesitantly nuzzled his head into her neck and shoulder. He wasn't sure how serious she was being so if she moved away it wouldn't be too much, but it she joined in he would drop his hesitation. "Does that make you feel any better, or is there more I can do for you?" he asked with a light flirt undertone so it could be read in two different ways.