Wolf RPG

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For @Kuasak but anyone is welcome!

While they always stayed within a howl's distance away, the small group mostly roamed as they pleased. They were on a reconnaissance mission, anyway, scouting ahead was encouraged and expected. Anuniaq was doing just that as he headed towards the base of a large mountain he had spied earlier. It dwarfed the surrounding territories and reached high into the clouds, almost forebodingly so. His dull eyes flickered with a spark of life, enticed by the challenge the mountain presented.

The scents of the two sisters who had joined them lingered here, which came as no surprise. They had scouted ahead, after all. Though he wouldn't be opposed to the company, the man did not seek either of them out, instead letting them come to him should they wish to do so. He focused instead on beginning to scale the rocky slopes, glad to be among familiar territory again.
Kavrak was pleased when she and her sister left the basin in search of higher ground. They had made it to the clouded mountain in good time, and already the huntress was in better spirits having scaled halfway up its foreboding slope before she split off from her sibling and headed back down. The peak was nigh unreachable even for those of strong Tartok stock, or at least that's what Kavrak thought. But it was no secret that Kavrak was one who only wasted energy when she needed to, and her pride wasn't so great as some of her kin.

On the way down, she ran into the swarthy brother. Kavrak was surprised to find him here already. She and Kuasak had been swift and purposeful. She wasn't displeased to see him, however, and aimed a companionable nip at the side of his face as she passed him, then swung around to follow him higher. As they went, she parted her lips to tell him, "she is higher," in reference to her sister.
His ears pricked, head rising as he came across one of the two girls who seemed to be heading back down. He accepted her nip with a nudge of his own, letting out an amicable growl reserved only for those he counted among his family. His gaze followed her as she strode past, only to then spin and accompany him back up the mountain. The man waved his tail idly in response, not against the company. In fact, it was beneficial to. him to see both sisters together so he could judge how they got along. Swimmingly, he assumed, if they were anything like he and his brother.

Taking note of her tip, Anuniaq grunted his approval and nodded before continuing his trek up the mountain with added determination.
Kavrak followed in silence for a time, matching Anuniaq's purposeful pace with quick strides of her own. After a while, though, she grew bored, as she tended to do. For a she-wolf born into the militant Tartok, Kavrak was particularly chatty and active, especially when compared with Siku's descendants. She bore an athlete's build despite her size and she had a brain to match it, when she wanted to. Walking around silently and grunting and growling at one another just wasn't her style.

So after a time, she spoke up. "Is this home?" she asked in their other tongue, casting about the mountain they scaled with a tip of her muzzle. She didn't think it was, but she wanted to know. It would save her a great deal of effort if she didn't need to go around securing good hunting grounds. Anything to cut down on unnecessary work was a welcome thing.