Wolf RPG

Full Version: shipwrecked - or is it really a grounding?
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A little hum in her made it so that she couldn't leave the shore - and she knew where she was meant to be, certainly. It was among the waves and the sand, it was with the gulls as they cried out and the fish as they swam. She and her kind had always been little water weavers and so she navigated with ease across the sandbar. The island had become a huge thing to her, it had called her - and she had not bothered to fight off the urge as it was given. She moved with a clear purpose, but once she'd found the island proper and the waves merely lapped at her paws she was surprised by the scent of others - and one, in particularly, very dear to her heart. 

Catori lifted her head and let out a loud call - no fear and no fight in her - but a thrill of joy could be detected all the same. If her sweet cousin was here, really and truly, the place could not be bad at all! 
Hope it's okay if I pop in here! <3

With the subject of leadership and how the pack was going to run pushed aside for the moment, Faeryn took the time to explore the island more. She hadn't really had a chance after being washed up on the shore, since they had a meeting soon after where they all met up and exchanged names, abilities, etc. She'd got a little exploration done, but not a whole lot.

The wolfess had just finished a fishy meal before getting up and deciding to take a look around. She had never caught fish before arriving on the island but learning how to was incredibly useful, and although she wasn't perfect, her skills were improving. The others seemed to be learning, too, which was also good. Before coming here, she'd never even tasted fish - her meals had been land-dwelling creatures. Then again, she had never lived close to the sea. Getting lost in the storm and washing up here was the first time she had encountered the sea, and it was not a great first impression. But she didn't mind the water. The dove liked water, just not almost drowing. She did believe she was developing a passion for the large, unknown blue depths.

A call sounded out, and rather close to her, too. Hadn't everyone met now? Were there others that hadn't been found previously? She didn't recognise each individual howl from the wolves, though, so she could be wrong. The howl sounded joyful... perhaps it was a wolf already acquainted with the group, since she could not detect fear or worry in the other's voice. Even so, she decided to check it out. Maybe they'd found something interesting. 

The gem emerged from the trees with a neutral expression, tail lifted but not over the top. Her posture was not overly dominant, but nor was it submissive in the slightest. She was not a low wolf here, she would not let herself become that. She'd had enough of it in the past and would no longer accept it. She hated it. But she was not a leader, necessarily. She did not think so. Others here seemed more qualified for that job, but she would not reject the idea regardless. For now, her gaze settled on the stranger with interest.

"Hello." She greeted, eyeing the woman. "I don't think I've seen you before?" For sure, Fae did not recognise her. Vanilla fur with a collar of ginger. She did not recall anyone around with an appearance such as that. "I'm Faeryn, but you can call me Fae, if you like." Introducing herself seemed like a good place to start. She had left her cold, untrustworthy self behind, but that didn't mean she was the little (though she was short), timid girl who'd run from her problems.