Wolf RPG

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Domi jumped back from the sticky bush with a seering contempt as she watched the sneaky mouse scutter away. She was embarassed to have been bamboozled by a mouse (of all things!) but the pinching sensation right on her nose was too intense for her to think about anything else. Ow, ow, ow... Domi whispered as she sat back on her bottom and tried to paw away at the stickies. 

The birds seemed to be mocking her with their sqwuaks and caws which only further frustrated her. She barked and growled as they flew overhead, as if to warn them of what would come next. I'll get you! she thought, wondering if waterfowl tasted any different from any other sort of meat.
Clock had been traversing the coast when he heard the frustrated barks of a nearby wolf accompanied by the cackles of birds. His ears pricked forward and he listened for a few moments before giving a decided little wag of his tail and setting off at a trot toward the sounds. Crows were notorious for teasing anyone they came across, and predators were much more succeptible to their taunts. Clock wanted to see what was going on. He was in good spirits; the weather was warm with intermittent sun and no wind. He was still thin, but had had a few good meals since arriving in the Teekon Wilds.

He made his way around a cluster of bushes and saw the wolf in question along with a pair of raucous crows. The birds were perched on a low branch but were so focused on the female wolf that they hadn't noticed Clock approach. The female wolf, however, would have definitely noticed him stepping out from behind the bushes. Before she could say anything, though, Clock gave a powerful leap at the pair of crows. They immediately took flight with frightened squawks, but Clock managed to get a mouthful of feathers out of one. He ran gamely after them for a few yards, baring menacing fangs but then turned to look at the female with a feather-filled grin. He wagged his tail playfully. That was fun!
Holy, sh-- 

The stranger seemed to fly from the foliage, as if he were one of the damned sky vermin, too! It shocked Domi, to say the least, and the instinctive crinkling of her nose made the pinching even worse. Now she feared that if she relaxed her face they'd surely pull the fur right out at the root. Little help here, she called to the smiling face. He seemed kind enough, and if he was hanging around here, Domi thought it safe to assume he knew Ty. She'd have to ask when she didn't have stickies on her snout. 

Tell you what, you help me get these -- ouch -- help me get these damn stickers off my face and we can go bird huntin'. Whaddya say?
Clock's grin faded to a look of concern when he saw that the other wolf was trying to get his help with something. He trotted over to her, coughing feathers out of his mouth as he went, and inspected the stickers stuck deep in her snout. They were causing her to grimace in a way that Clock found amusing. "Of course I'll help you," he said valiantly. "Just hold still..." Gingerly, he grasped one of the stickers between his delicate incisors and plucked it from her. His eyes gleamed with happy triumph, but when he tried to spit it out, the sharp spikes on it clung to his upper lip. After a few shakes of his head, though, he got it to come free. Laughing a little at himself, and looking a bit sheepishly at the other wolf, he carefully pulled another off of her snout. So many she-wolves around here, he thought to himself contemplatively. "I'm Clock, by the way," he greeted as he reached forward for another snicker. "Almost done here..."
Domi did as she was told, sitting still with her nose turned up and her eyes closed. That is, until she heard the whipping of Clock's head, at which point she opened her eyes and relaxed enough to giggle. At least she wasn't going through it alone, she thought. Domi. Part of the new pack founding around here. What about you? Domi ran her face through a few different expressions to loosen the skin, then found it within herself to smile at Clock in a display of gratitude.

So how about those birds? Now that she wasn't so focused on getting herself free, hunger was beginning to creep up. I could go for a chase, if you're up to it.
Clock has not technically pledged for Bhediyon IC yet, although it's in progress, so I'm going to keep that aspect a little vague for now :)

At last, Domi's face was clear of the stickers and Clock nodded his head politely when she introduced herself. His ears pricked when she mentioned the new pack, and he nodded. "I think I know which pack you mean. I am considering joining myself."

He grinned at the conspiratorial look in Domi's eyes when she mentioned the hunt. He could tell she was a young wolf, like himself, and he was happy to hear that she was eager for a chase. Young wolves, with all their youthful energy, could afford to hunt harder prey like birds. And to Clock, it sounded fun. "Lets go!" he agreed quickly, jumping at her and bumping into her shoulder like an enthusiastic pup. When he was done with his happy dance, he settled himself and went into hunting mode. His ears and thick tail lifted as he snuffled at the light breeze. He paced back and forth a bit, then started heading toward a small grove of trees. He lowered himself so that the tall grass partially hid his body and looked over his shoulder to see if Domi was following.
Yeah, well, I wouldn't mind having you around. Not that you should let little ol' me affect your decision, but I think you'd make for some fun company. At least, this Clock character seemed to be fun, but Domi knew better than to take folks at face value. 'Cause whereas she might be having fun from the chase, he might've just been happy to be killing something, and murder induced euphoria wasn't normally a good sign. 

Just as had been expected, Domi followed dutifully. She held the same posture as her partner, nodding back at him when he turned to check on her. Even with the camoflauge of the grass, Domi's thick fur still pricked up on end over top. It was actually quite amusing to watch her try being even a little stealthy; it just wasn't what she'd been trained for.
The other wolf seemed more than happy to follow along, so Clock eagerly lead the way through the tall grass and to a cluster of trees. She seemed friendly enough, and for the first time in a long time, Clock allowed himself to think about what it would be like to be in a real pack. He wouldn't have to wander alone anymore, or catch food on his own. It was a hopeful, exhilarating feeling and he wagged his tail for a moment in spite of himself.

When they got to the cluster of trees, Clock crouched behind a particularly dense bush and positioned himself so he had a good view of a clearing where birds might land to scavenge for seeds. He made sure there would be room for Domi to crouch beside him, although for all of her blundering Clock wondered faintly if the extent of her hunting training had been to cover her eyes with a paw and say "you can't see me". Had they been seasoned hunters, which Clock certainly was not (although he did well for himself), they would have silently fanned out so they could pounce from opposite sides at the same time. But for now, Clock stayed put with his attention focused on the clearing. He could smell some birds nearby and hoped they would land soon.
You take too long! Domi whispered, then snaked her way around Clock to get a better view. There were some birds sitting on branches, though most were flying around above them. She took a few deep breaths and began to circle around to the right of a low-hanging tree where a nest sat in the crook of a branch, and peeked to see if there were any eggs inside. Seeing that there were, she smiled and mouthed C'mon! to Clock. Every raven she'd ever seen was a sucker for free eggs, so she knew that it was only a matter of time before one tried its luck.
Clock watched the other wolf slink past him, then followed her curiously. He watched as she poked her nose into some branches to investigate, wondering what she was doing. He silently came up beside her when she gestured to him and looked at the nest of small eggs. He cocked his head to the side, confused. He had never seen this method of hunting - birds were not normally his choice of prey - and wasn't sure what Domi was up to. He gave her a sidelong glance again, but followed her lead by remaining quiet and still. As they waited, he watched the smaller birds flitting from branch to branch. Some of them were coming rather close, but they were much to small to be worth any effort. Then, from the corner of his eye, Clock saw a dark raven circling low in the sky. He instinctively ducked down further, making himself smaller and less visible as he waited to see if the bird would come closer.
With her rump shaking and her mouth watering, Domi began to focus in on the low-flying raven. She licked her chops, if perhaps a bit too loudly, but the bird didn't seem to hear. She began to place her weight onto her hind legs to prepare to pounce, then looked to Clock to see if he was doing the same. Hopefully they were in sync, but not so in sync that they'd be leaving with nothing to bring home but two bloodied noses. Domi had been through enough head on collisions to know that they were anything but fun. 

Just as she had expected, the bird began to dive for the nest, at which point she looked to Clock for only a split-second before making her move.
Clock felt an instinctual thrill go through him, calling him to the hunt. Domi's presence as a hunting partner magnified the thrill, and he zeroed in on the raven, pleading with it in his mind to come closer. He caught Domi's glance out of the corner of his eye, but he had felt her energy long before the eye contact was made. They were in this together; it would have been the same if they were taking down a huge deer. A split second later, Domi had pounced with Clock only moments behind her. The raven squawked in surprise at the sudden attack and pulled up sharply, beating his way furiously past Domi's paws that were poised to pin him. However, Clock was right there to intercept and he managed to pin the bird to the ground as he landed from his pounce. The raven was struggling fiercely, though, and if Domi did not go in for the final kill without a hesitation, he might get away. Clock felt his grip slipping...
...but Domi was able to come in where he could not. As he began to lose control, she dove in without a second thought and took the bird's head into her mouth. Her jaw clenched until she tasted blood and the small body went limp, at which point she turned her head and took it clean off with nothing more than a Pop! Once the thrill had passed through her, Domi took a deep breath and turned back to Clock, Good job, partner. We'll have to do it again sometime. This time, cause its barely enough for one of us, you can take it as a prize. Just now that next time I'm playing for keeps.
Giving her room to go in for the final kill, Clock backed up a step but remained focused and poised should their prey somehow escape. When Domi wrenched the head clean from the body, though, well... that seemed pretty final. Clock panted happily and wagged his tail at their success, ignoring the blood draining thickly from the lifeless black body. He laughed in a free, easy manner when she offered him the carcass. "Please, it is all yours. You earned it. That was a clever trick with the bird's eggs." Clock liked this wolf and found himself eager to hunt with her again, so he wagged his tail happily when she mentioned a future hunt. He gave her a conspiratorial look. "Next time, we will find us large enough prey for the both of us." He made the statement boldly, for the bigger the prey the better a hunter you had better be.
Clock, honey, believe me when I tell you I've gorged plenty. Please take it, as a sort of thank you for helping with my situation earlier. In all of the excitement, Domi had nearly forgotten about the tiny abrasions on her snout. She used her paw to rub over the raw spots, but laughed when she found that they were magically healed! She should've known that there was no real damage, but who would Domi be if not a bit over-dramatic. I'm headed out, but I do hope I'll see you again soon.

Secretly, Domi did wish that he would decide to join Ty's pack, as he seemed like someone she wouldn't mind having around. She gave one last nod then started to walk away before calling over her shoulder, Oh yeah! That egg trick works for just about anything! Byyyyeee Clockkk! Then, as if she were a wisp in the air, Domi darted off to the border.
He watched her go, wagging his tail and hoping that they would see each other soon. The hunt had been fun, but it had been over so quick! He mentally filed away her advice about the birds eggs then picked up his headless prize and carried it off to a grove of stout spruce trees. He wiggled himself under some of the concealing branches and set to work devouring the small meal. He had never eaten a raven before, and it wasn't too bad but not something he would care to have on a regular basis. When he had eaten as much of the bird as he wanted, he licked his paws clean and then settled down for a long nap.