Wolf RPG

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Attn: @Seabreeze if you want! 


Nova was becoming more accustomed to the Forest, learning its ins and outs to make it truly home. Nothing would be like the Fen, but, she had to admit it had a quaint charm all its own. Perhaps in time it would grow on her more, but for now, she was content with the progress they made on their home. Nova had trekked the borders, plotting out the different types of trees and shrubs to try and understand the elements of their home as best as she could. All she wanted was to prove herself useful, to make sure that she didn't let anyone down. 

She felt like she had a chance here, really, and truly. The young woman took a moment to breathe deeply before returning to cataloging the bounty of their new home. 

Sorry this took so long to get to!  Of course. <3

Seabreeze's attention had been on the fledging pack's borders less often as of late, but occasionally she would still trek out to freshen them such as today.  She thought perhaps she might even catch something for the cache, too.

But as she lingered upon the borders of Tindómë she recognized the scent of another girl, the one that she and Mato had met on their travels to the King Elk.  She'd had no time to acquaint herself with her packmate then, but almost subconciously she found herself seeking her out now.

The tawny girl was in front of her before long, and she chuffed to get her attention. Hello, she offered softly.  More than her other packmates, she was hoping that she could make the acquaintence of this girl — although the details had not been divulged to her, she knew that the other was important to Mato in some way; they must be important to her too.

With everything that was going on it wasn't an entire surprise that Nova was distracted. It was enough that she hadn't noticed the other female approach until she was right there and speaking and the young woman even jumped a little. She laughed it off, offering an apologetic little face. "Oh. hey." She said quickly, tail strumming a couple beats behind her - she smelled of Mato, so, that was enough that Nova felt confident in her worth. Her brother had exceptional taste, after all, and that was saying something in her opinion. "I'm Nova." Save the task of jumping over names and all, keeping them both on the same page so that no one had to be awkward. 

She'd just been poking at a couple of the more unusual looking rocks - a quartz of some type, brilliantly colored. It was beautiful, but, Nova didn't know much about minerals or rocks in the sense that she knew the skies. "It's a whirlwind, isn't it?" Because everything seemed to be coming together so quickly - almost effortlessly and it was amazing to her. It gave her a confidence, even if inside she still felt the uncertainty of what was going on in her own head. This was the only thing she had felt sure about in months. 

It seemed as if her entrance had startled the girl and she worries momentarily what will become of the encounter but soon enough the sister regains her composure and offers a small greeting.  Hello, the yearling follows up, sorry to startle you.  Brienne scarcely remembered the recruitment of the girl and she had not pressed Mato for information, but it was obvious that he valued her in some way.  Even more important was that the other was a packmate now, and she considered all of the pack to be her family.

Brienne, but many know me as Seabreeze.  It's good to meet you, Nova. For this she offers no explanation but turns her gaze to the shimmering geodes that had caught Nova's eye.  Almost compulsively she desires to take one and stow it away but she refrains.  

Yes it is!  Half the time I don't know what's going on or the new wolves that have arrived, but I know that I am glad to be here to witness it.  Her gaze turns back to the rock once more.  Although they were not the river stones that she had collected in the Vale, she doubted she'd ever be able to find anything similar in the King Elk.  But on their own they were beautiful, and in her own weird way she was sentimental, collecting things here and there to fill her densite.  Do you know what this is?  I think I'd like to take some with me.


Nova gave a soft sound when Brienne apologized, giving a brief shake of her head to brush off the apology. No harm no foul, truly, it wasn't like she had been destroyed by the brief startle. If anything they'd have a funny story to share in the future, and there was no way that Brienne would forget her after all. "Do you prefer Brienne?" Nova asked curiously, she'd always been Nova - no other nicknames or names given to her. It wasn't like she couldn't choose a new name for herself if she wanted to but she rather liked Nova and felt like it fit her. 

She gave a little laugh as Brienne admitted that it all seemed to be happening so fast - Nova still didn't know half the wolves that stayed inside their claim but she wasn't afraid of that fact. It wasn't like she could never get to know them after all. "I've only met a couple folks - I don't think it counts since my grandparents are here." She admitted with a playful lilt to her voice. Even if she had never developed much of a relationship with Malice outside of Burke she was still there and that was a comfort. "A geode, I think - I've seen some rocks like this before that were even prettier inside." Now, how that happened was a total mystery to the girl but it was something she was still intrigued by. "Have you found anything like this? I wonder if they tumbled down from the mountains or something." It would have been a huge journey - maybe they got caught up in the river and washed down. 

Thankfully Nova was undisturbed by Brienne's sudden arrival, though she noted she should be more careful in the future.  The second question gave her more pause — she wasn't sure why she clung to the name her brother gave her, but she supposed she did prefer it.  Yes, I do, she admitted.

She smiled at the other woman as she divulged her relationship with Burke and Malice (and therefore Mato).  It counts, she said, depending on how well you knew them.  Burke had been quite good to her and from what she gathered to Mato too, and although she had not met Malice yet outside of their tense greeting at the Caldera, she figured that Malice would be just as good for Tindome.

She looked at the rock — geode — once more and let out a small, satisfied hmmm.  No, I have not seen anything like it, though I do think I would.. like to take it.  Bring it to the King Elk, and maybe see if I can find some more to decorate with.

She traced the edge of the mountain with her nose and chuffed.  We could go sometime.  Look and see if we can find more.  She almost could not believe that there were prettier rocks but if there were, she would keep this one and bring back the prettiest damn rock she could find for the King Elk that had so far eluded her.