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@Dio or @Eske or both if you are up to it! im looking for a SPAR!!!! hehe need to work on Cecil's trades

Slowly he ventured around the far side of the lake, on his right were the trees and his left the water. Cecil watched himself walk past in the reflection of the water. He could feel his pent up energy bubbling in his blood. He was restless. The excitement of his long journey had dissipated and he was anchoring for some excitement. He wasn't sure if it was because of Heda's illness or what but he had yet to meet very many others. Especially any who would be willing to spar with him.

The ebony giant flop along the side of the lake, and flung himself over the ground. Rolling on his back, and try and drain some energy.
He cut a path towards the lake to slake a needy thirst. Although the rounds were freshly attended by him personally, recently, any time not upon their fringes had him on edge. With their commander down and out for the time being, and Wildfire with Arlo in tow still wandering who-knows-where in the wilds, he was feeling the effects of their absences quite poignantly. But, Eske's ascension was a welcome enough relief, one meant to ease the absence of Heda.. although it was not yet enough to soothe it away entirely for the golden Drakru. Patrols were never-ending, and he was painfully dutiful in keeping the safety of the cliffs locked in. Rest, and time spent loitering to himself or merrily with his family, were not something he could afford these days.

When he pulled up to the lake's edge, he dunked his muzzle for a long, much-needed drink. In doing so, a few slurps in, he noticed the other wolf a short ways down the shoreline. On his back, and of dark coat, he could not yet make out the greatest of details about him--none more than what his nose told him, being that he was not a complete stranger to Drageda. Dio lifted his head, sending droplets flying with the motion, and peered his way questioningly as he licked excess lakewater his lips.
He stopped his motion as someone came approached, taking a longing sip from the lake. Cecil had yet to meet this man, he rolled over slowly, and perked his head at the stranger. Feeling silly for making such a fool of himself. With an askew grin on his abashed maw Cecil stood from his spot in the grass. Sending a chuff to the stranger, and clearing his voice. "Good afternoon." The scent upon the golden coat signified his connection with the male.

"Ai laik Cecil." The ebony male tilted his head on a questioning manner, curious as to who this male might be. Cecil wasn't sure if everyone in the pack knew Trigdasleng, but he figured he'd know soon enough what was what. He had heard of a few pack members from Fleimkepa Eske, however he was lacking in the introduction department. Something he hoped to remedy.
The stranger readily made himself more known, and the wocha's posture spoke of his own confidence while he watched him come-- but with a healthy measure of interest in the sight of someone who had already made it past Eske's standards. He knew he had to be worth something to make it this far. "Afternoon," he returned. "Ai laik Dio," he replied, pairing it with a slow but steady sway of his lifted tail. He watched the male--Cecil--curious to see how much briefing the fleimkepa had left him with. Dio would build upon that, as soon as he knew where he stood. "It's good to meet one of our newest," he said genuinely, easing into it that way as he pivoted the rest of the way to face him fully. Although Dio did not want to allude to it too strongly, new blood of the quality sort was well overdue here. While it would take time for him to trust that Cecil would fulfill such a need, he was wanting to be hopeful.
Dio. The obsidian male tossed the name back and forth, thinking of everyone Eske had spoken about. Dio, Dio, Dio. As if on the tip of his toung the name was suddenly given a deeper meaning. The Wocha. Cecil thought to himself. He wasn't one to suck up, however his posture would reflect his respect upon meeting the man. "Wocha Dio." He stated it more for the fact of being on the same page than anything, "It's a pleasure to introduce myself to you."

He sought to make a good impression, his skills lent himself to a warrior trade (which he had yet to prove), and so he was eager to show Dio his respect.
He exhaled a soft puff of breath, and nodded easily to hearing his present title aloud. "That would be me." Eske had evidently kept him informed and just a little bit of something in the way he spoke the rank made Dio wonder how anointed in the culture he was. But, it was good, and he considered it in their favor, as suggested by the slow, thoughtful sway of his tail. "Well, good.. now that we're at least acquainted," he chuffed. Should Cecil remain with them, the pale Draku suspected that might change readily with time. "How're you settling into the cliffs so far? Anything to note?" he raised a brow, wondering a lot of things about the new male and sure that he'd suffered many of the same sorts of questions in greeting Eske. This was his maneuver at getting to know him better, though, especially now that he'd had a bit of time to experience their pack's lifestyle.

"I'm sure you're pretty tired of the typical drilling interview questions by now.. so whatever else it'll be: what do you like to do?" he said, flicking an ear, and trying to give him something to volley off—should conversation, at least for a bit, suit him any.
"It amazes me to see the similarities that Heda has brought to Drageda from Seageda. And yet there are so many new things I find myself having to get used to." Cecil thought about growing up, and the life that he had in Seageda. He felt more at home here than he ever did in Trigeda.

"I'm afraid I didn't have a lot of time for hobbies. My parents were very strict on my up bringing. I spent most of my time sparing, or going over war strategy with the warriors in Trigeda." The obsidian male had to think long and hard about what his favorite pasttimes. "I mostly enjoy a good tussel." Cecil grinned at the man before him.
Dio would never know Seageda, and could never speak on what set it apart from Drageda and what did not. What Cecil told him about the similarities was something he would remember however. Some that had known both were opposed to the few differences they did have, Dio knew, with much of it often focusing on the roles of outsiders like himself and Wildfire.. but, it did please him to know there were good overlaps and that Cecil felt as he did. "I think it can be like that for anyone, from Seageda or not," he surmised with a thoughtful nod. He'd had to adjust once back in his time, but that was true for any pack, especially one of a culturing all its own. This one he felt had been worth it.. at least for him.

He listened on, keen to the glance into his history he offered in response. "Ah, fair enough." And good exposure to have according to the Wocha, just in case the future should ever call upon it. "You'll find yourself in good company here then if that's what you're into. We can spar whenever," he offered, hoping he might inspire him to bite sooner rather than later. "I mostly gear towards defense.. of the land and all, but I agree with a good romp." Dio exposed the tips of his teeth in a quick smirk. He knew their commander was the same, and Eske, Blixen, and Artaax were all trained mercenaries as well, so Dio thought he'd get along well with them all.

Nevertheless, he knew now he had a fellow wolf to spar and patrol with, and this knowledge bolstered him, and Drageda alike.