Wolf RPG

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@Nanook I feel like they are 10 days old-ish here?

Valette had shown the pups to Nikai and Ezekiel already. She knew her sister must also be dying to meet them. Valette decided that she could use the company. Being a mother was hard work. The pups needed cleaning and were now starting to find out they could crawl. It was intense. Valette loved it though. She howled for her sister. Perhaps she was close and would love to see them.

Valette licked over Clary. She was much like Nanook in color Valette realized. The same light coloring of gray except for the black tip on her tail and the more white she was sporting. She thought the gray pups got their coloring from Zeke but maybe there was some gray in her genes as well. Valette liked that idea. She hummed happily. She was starting to make more motherly noises towards her pups as she knew their hearing was also starting to come around.
Posting with permission from Mar <3

There was something new and unfamiliar going on with Steph. She had becomed accustomed to not being able to see or hear any of the world around here. She lived through smell and touch alone. But then, something began to happen. Her ears, which had been neatly suctioned to her head, started to loosen. New sounds were coming in, though they were muffled. Then, her tightly closed eyes started to open. They weren't completely open yet, but little slits on the outside allowed light in. Steph could see movement, though everything looked highly blurred. 

A loud noise reached her, and Steph's head jerked in the direction of the entrance of the den. Moments later, the large form that was her mother appeared. She quickly realized the largest thing in the den was the milk bar, and trust had already been established. So, she wasn't scared. She rushed, as fast as her little legs would carry her, to Valette. Now that she could see the outlined form of her, it was much easier to find her. She didn't have to rely solely on feeling or smelling her. She liked the little noises that the big wolf made. They made her feel content and safe. 

Feeling a little frisky, she opened her tiny mouth and began to gnaw on one of the toes of Valette's front paw. Tiny little growled erupted from her throat for the first time as she nomed on her Mom.
Sorry for the delay! School's started up, and I'm still trying to figure out the juggling act *crosses fingers*

Nanook was close. Always close. Within reason, of course. The Apaata didn't hover or cling to her sister's den site, but ever since Desna had popped, she'd kissed her excursions good night to stay within earshot, in case she was needed. Of course, the call never came for her, even though she'd scented the trail of others leading up to the den. Ezekiel, a given, and starry Nikai. Nanook couldn't stop her ears from burning, the question of why them and not her hot on her mind. But she bade her time - and today, her patience payed.

She came upon the den with an eager step, a briskness she tried to temper with a shrug of nonchalance. The wiggle of her tail betrayed her, and she gave up, and instead scuttled close to the den. She stopped short. The flash of teeth replayed in her mind, bright in the shadows. Nanook hesitated with a glance to the sky and scuffed a stride back to make ample margin between herself and the opening. Desna had called her, that she knew, but though she buzzed with the want to gaze inside, she'd take no risks.

So Nanook squatted until her mouth was near level with the den's opening and gave a customary chuff to let her sister know her presence. The scent of milk and warm bodies overwhelmed her, and she twitched her nose against the foreign smells.
Clary snuggled her face into the Great Warmth's embrace, content, for once, to simply exist. The licks across her back came in a slow and soothing rhythm, and she gurgled a noise of pleasure. But even pleasant was the presence of these new things - the sounds. The Great Warmth had a voice, gentle and lovely. A voice which lulled her, and though the Great Warmth hummed murmurings Clary didn't understand, she decided she loved every distant rumble and mumble that came from Her lips.

She loved, too, the other murmurings, grunts, and growls that came from the ones she shared the den with. A higher pitched sound reached her unfolding ears, and she recognized the voice of her sister. Clary gasped a stretching yawn and wiggled closer into the Great Warmth's fur. Maybe she would join her sister later.
Valette hummed softly. She was pleased herself that the pups were becoming more interactive. They seem to listen to her hums and be calmed by it. Valette eagerly waited for her sister to come and see her children. Her attention was taken from the entrance as Steph was trying to suck and nom on her toes. Valette chuckled and licked over the pup. Though the female was also cautious that her nails could be a bit sharp for the pup. She gently picked her up and placed the little potato fluff between her paws.

Valette was smitten with her babies. She checked if the other two were still there. Clary yawned cutely just as she heard the chuff coming from Nanook. Valette's ears perked up. She sounded the same tone back in return. Greeting her own sister. Although her chuff was much more gentle. Valette's tail patted against the ground. "You can come in, Nanook," she spoke softly. The den was quite large as before it housed Steady, a large adult male, her, and Nikai and Keoni. Valette made sure to fill the space with all soft thing so the pups would never be cold.

Valette looked so proud and excited at the same time. 'Look!," she grinned proudly. One dark pup between her paws and two gray ones cuddled together at her belly. "This is Steph," she introduced "And those gray little balls are Clary and Ezra!". She looked at Nanook to see her reaction.

Yay! Super excited you could make time!!
The noises were going to take some getting used to, but for the most part, Steph was more curious than afraid. In the middle of her noming, a chuff reached her ears, and she looked up to Valette, expecting it to be here. But, Steph was wrong. Her head swiveled to the mouth of the den, and a big shadow emerged. 

Steph reared her head back to try and get a good look, not having ever seen anything so big, aside from her mother. But, her balance had yet to be finessed, and she ended up tumbling backwards. This was nothing new to her, and she simply righted herself and stood on short legs. For a moment, she simply stood there, the big shadow at the entrance momentarily forgotten as she looked at Valette's front legs. Deciding it would be a good spot, she climbed over one leg and plopped down at Valette's chest, snuggling into her warmth.
Nanook found herself stuck at her sister's invitation underground, frozen in tumultuous limbo. Though the den smelled of warmth and life, she still trembled with the haunt of the similar pit which had become her mother's grave, and there seemed to her a piercing irony that they would welcome new life in a confinement Nanook only knew, until this point, as a place of sickness and death.

These thoughts kept her as a shadow at the entrance, and she tried to feed on Desna's excitement to work up her own courage to enter. She thought she caught a smile pass her sister's lips, but from her vantage she could barely see even the closest pup clambering to curl against her sister's chest. Nanook's heart panged with frustration, and this was enough to inch her a few shuffles closer, despite the disquieting rise of her spine. Soon the earthen walls pressed all around her.

Alarms rang, and her mouth parted in a dry pant. She tried not to think about the dirt, and instead turned her focus on the pups - who at this point looked very little like wolves, and very much like small, fragile, and rather helpless things. A wave of something struck her, and she lingered a trailing watch on the one Desna had called Steph curl into the safety of her mother. Nanook's eyes softened, but her mouth couldn't decide between a frown or a pained grin. "I remember doing that," she said softly, and leaned in to peer closer at the dark little girl. "I didn't think we were so small."