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Full Version: I thought I saw the devil
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Takes place on the 26th of August due to her timeline - for @Olive mostly though anyone is welcome - also, I know you're away rn, but I could always put up a second thread if you really want me to? :))

Though tired, Chusi pressed on to finish her adventure. So much had happened - so many lives had she entered, but she had yet to know what lives she would destroy with her absence. She wanted to protect so much, but she was just a girl. A girl with too much on her mind and a story that came from nothing. Her Fearghal name had not been earned, that was for sure - it had been given. She had failed to truly live up to it, even though she didn't know yet.

She had spent some days at a lower place, not wanting her pads to crack again and to rest her weary bones. Young? yes - invincible? Far from it. When the mountains came into view from behind the bushy, bewildered forest her curiosity was tingled. Were there other vales? More wolves crazy enough to live in the mountains instead of on the beach or in a forest? She liked crazy - not as much as she liked... a certain individual, but enough to let it lead her from off her path towards home and into the unknown.

When she reached a certain point, a distinct smell was breathed in and out with a victorious glint in the young warrior's eyes. Jackpot. She sped up her pace, arriving jumbled and roughed up before the borders of, what was hopefully soon known as, Moonspear. With a smile did she call upon its members, informing them shortly she was a weary traveler wanting to meet new friends.
Farrah moved over and across the mountain called Moonspear as featherlight  as would a ghost traverse the craggy terrain; it was not in the fae’s interest to attract attention to herself, for she was not [had not been] in her best state of mind and preferred the solitude of her den over the interactions with others. It was so much easier — so much more preferable! — to stay inside her mind and allow it to protect itself than to invite others in and fear that they might stay. 

it was her thirst for travel which brought her to the edge of the packlands; the invisible division that separated her from the rest of the world. Farrah loved it as much as she hated it, and her opinion of packlife vacillated from day to day. Her name might have changed from Olive to Farrah, her status from devoted mate to childless mother, and her alignment from Teaghlaigh to Moonspear, but the past would never truly to fade her memory. 

But the lamb simply wanted to smell the outside world. She longed to know what sorts of things were happening outside these confines, but her fear would not let her stray. Instead, Farrah completed a perfunctory lap around the mountain but held zero intentions of guardianship. Her coal-tipped snout snuffled along the ground, searching out the scents of others and the different locations that tipped the wind. There was familiarity intertwined with one of the scents, which shocked Farrah less than those scents she did not recognize; but as the scent became stronger and stronger, realization suddenly dawned in her mind’s eye. feet faltered. the dark girl came into view. the pale one obscured herself behind a tree’s dappled leaves. the words caught up and tangled in her throat.

Farrah’s eyes of faceted jade scanned the landscape; she was the only one there to handle Chusi's sudden reappearance. But right then, there was nothing more Farrah could do.
She waited, and sniffed - and sniffed, and waited, but nothing presented itself to her. Nothing but the vague sense of being watched. She brushed it off as being nervous, though quickly realized this was not possible. She'd never been nervous to meet new wolves before. If anything, she was elated more than anything to see what secrets lay hidden behind the sacred divide between her and a pack. She frowned, lip pulled in a pout.

Hello? 'Nyone ou' 'ere? She called out as a last resort, though was thinking more and more of just up and leaving.
At first, Farrah’s breath came in a anticipatory puff puff puff, with a rapid rise and fall of her ribcage to match, but as she hide her frail form behind tree her breath slowed until it almost stood still — and suddenly Farrah couldn’t breath, and the erraticism of her expirations perfectly mirrored the panic she felt to her very bones.

Chusi stood at their borders — just right there! — and suddenly the past rushed to greet the petite, pale woman. There had never been a sense of love between the two, only a sense of duty, all of which had been shattered during the happening. Chusi was considerable more grown than the last time she had seen her, a woman in fact! She had an air about her that spoke of change and confidence; one that Olive Farrah did not. What did she have to show for it for all her hardships and pain? No children, no mate, no extreme love for her pack. The once-poílin had fallen so far.

For some unknown reason [Farrah could not have stopped it, even if she tried], her feet began to shuffle and legs began to move and soon she was exiting her hiding place behind the tree and took small, careful steps towards the familiar stranger. Perhaps it was that she had nothing else to lose, or that she wished her to see the disaster Chusi’s own vote had wrought upon her, but Farrah moved forward until she was certain Chusi could see her. Then, Farrah stopped and waited to hear how the young warrior would react — if she reacted at all.  
She waited for movement - for the slightest of shuffles - but for a while nothing came. How could they not have heard her? Or had someone recognized her voice and had told the others to stay away? Who would ever do such a thing? Her smile wavered, her tail lowered, and she seemed to droop as she went to turn her form into another direction. She couldn't always luck out, anyway...

Shuffles. Footfalls. The strange feeling of being watched. Chusi was quick to turn back again, now looking upon a thin and roughed up silver she-wolf. If it hadn't bee so long ago, Chusi would've recognized her easily, but her travels had turned her scatter-brained and she was in need of rest. But her ocher eyes grew wide, her mouth fell open and she was frozen in time for some seconds of dead silence.

Olive? She questioned, no hatred or disgust spilling over her nor into her voice. She was simply... surprised. Where was Dakarai then? Their young? She seemed to be alone...
If Chusi had taken one more second to say something, Farrah might have become annoyed — though Farrah was quick to recognize that she did not look as she once did, now more frail and skinnier than ever [despite her constant eating], anything other than immediate recognition would not do. No, not in the case of Chusi and not in the cases of her adoptive mother and father. She had hoped they would see her image every night, floating in front of their’s mind’s eye for the rest of the eternity, constantly haunted by the fate they had wrought. She liked to imagine that they would never forget her, and maybe even come to regret her actions.

Lord knows Olive had come to regret hers.

The entirety of her body stiffened involuntarily. 

Trying to swallow the emotions that were quickly rising in her throat, Olive fluttered her delicate eyelids down and shielded her eyes from the sight. Chusi, upon her doorstep, was a surprise that was nearly too much to bear. Suddenly cutting a look at the young warrior, Olive’s heart lurched. There could be only one reason Chusi was here. “Sirius? How’s Sirius?” Olive implored, suddenly caught in the grips of apprehension for the wellbeing of her lost kin.

The surprise had washed off her - now, her body was more tense than it had ever been. Confronting the past had never worked out for her, and seeing what they had done to Olive it wasn't hard to imagine she craved some sort of revenge. But Chusi was a warrior of blood and effort and she'd not cower in fear as a wee babe anymore. Subconsciously, her head moved down to protect her throat in the case this would be an attack rather than a conversation.

But then she asked for her babe.  Chusi's ears flopped up and the fire that had started to twirl in her ocher eyes dimmed significantly. I- I dun't know. I haven't been home fur quite a while... She answered honestly with a frown. How's... How's Dakarai?
For a moment, it almost seemed as if Chusi expected to be met with aggression. Had it been so long so Chusi had forgotten Farrah’s pacifism in all things? Truthfully, the young warrior had not seen the best side of her — in almost every one of their interactions, there had been some sort of tension [or contention] and that prevented them from ever becoming truly close to one another. They had been family in name, only. Perhaps it was not so surprising to expect aggression.

As it turned out, Chusi had no news of Sirius and Farrah visibly wilted under the weight of it. Her concern for Sirius plagued her constantly, and almost every night her mind conjured scenes of the hell her child must be living under the rule of Arturo and Lotte... it was a crushing blow not to have any reassurance of his safety.  Farrah grimaced, pressing her thin lips into a taught line and feeling a faint grumble grow deep in her ribcage. The fact that Chusi had left home was, ultimately, ignored. 

“He’s gone,” she spat, suddenly quite incensed. Her jade eyes flared and danced with sudden fire. and it’s your fault.  She knew very well that it was not actually Chusi’s fault, but the hot words came out anyways — and they felt good.

Though Chusi found him a coward and a genuinely unpleasant man, Dakarai had not seemed like one to abandon his wife and children. That the blame would be shoved onto her was a high improbable thing that could happen, she thought, as well. Yet, both these things happened and she was left rather perplexed and angry all the same. Her charcoal brows arched into her livid face, one she rarely used, and her ocher eyes grew a lot more hot in a split second.

It's prolly your fault fur not being 'nough fur 'im. She spat in a similar fashion Olive had. 'Err'body just usin' ya as a poppy-maker, ey? Her intent was to hurt - to defend her past actions and to proof she was thinking of this all wrong. Sure, Dakarai might not have left her if they had been allowed to stay at Teaghlaigh, but there had been a chance either way. Besides, Chusi hadn't been the only one for the banishment.