Wolf RPG

Full Version: midnight city
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He had grown immediately accustomed to the rendezvous den, sniffing out every nook and cranny until he knew it like the back of his paw. Beyond it, however, was still largely unknown. It called to him. Multiple times he had tried to escape but each time they would reign him back in. Shortly after each failed attempt, the boy had largely forgotten about it, though, and went back to playing with his siblings. Yet each day brought a fresh round of curiousity. At any and every opportunity, the child would practice his escape artist routine.

Today, however, found him simply outside the den and repeatedly pouncing upon — before immediately releasing — a well-worn leaf. It blew haphazardly in the mild breeze and provided Lucca with an endless form of entertainment to engage in...at least for the time being.

The puppies all seemed to have adjusted quickly to their new home, and were taking advantage of the extra space the rendezvous site offered. It was always strange for Elwood, getting used to the new level of freedom, but he, too, was adapting.

He watched as the wind toyed with a leaf that had caught Lucca's attention. The boy chased it doggedly, and when it swirled past Elwood, he batted at it with his own paw, grinning down at his grey-haired son.
Clover had much the same intent as Lucca, though his every capture dismayed her. As he forgot, so too did she, but every failure was a reminder. Now however, the troublemaker saw an opportunity. With her dad distracted, and Lucca distracted too, she thought she could make a clean getaway. She did not even think of her mother—her brain hadn't the capacity, yet, to think of the dozens of way that this would not work. No, it only thought about seizing the opportunity for the exciting outcome that would come of it. When dad stared at Lucca, Clover moseyed in the opposite direction attempting to get away slowly but "surely". 

Fortunately for all parties involved, another leaf blowing around captured her attention. Unfortunately, it blew away from the rendezvous, and it hastened her attempt to "getaway", though this drive was more to catch the leaf than it was to explore their surroundings. No doubt she would not get very far, but her current aim was to catch this leaf—it would not escape her clutches!
He grinned up at his father who took his own swing at the leaf, batting it out of the air and into Lucca's clutches again. The boy leapt, attempting to grab it with his teeth but his jaw only closed around thin air. He landed with a despondent huff, watching as it lazily twirled higher out of reach. It was then he caught sight of Clover who had emerged and was attempting to catch her own leaf.

Lucca let out a bark — unknowingly drawing attention to her own escapade — and started to bound towards her, honing in the very thing she was trying to catch. He would help!
Elwood didn't notice Clover nearby at first. He was pretty good at keeping track of his children, although this was the largest litter he and Finley had ever had -- and despite his best efforts, it was all too easy for one to slip under the radar occasionally. He watched as Lucca leaped after the spiraling leaf, and it was only when the boy let out a bark and suddenly lost interest in his prize that Elwood took note of Clover's apparent escape attempt.

He pivoted quickly to follow the duo, although he didn't move with the same urgency he might have had a month ago. After all, the puppies were nearly three months old, and the whole purpose of moving to the rendezvous site was to give them a little bit of freedom, right? However, he still didn't want them venturing outside of their home base, so he trailed behind Lucca and Clover attentively, observing as they both pounced after the same leaf.
The bark of her brother earned a glance over her shoulder from Clover. Fine, he could assist her, as long as she got the leaf in the end. Ah, and there was dad—he could help! Her own escape attempt had been forgotten in favor of catching this leaf which the wind continued to carry. 

Clover gave chase and jumped upward, though it still was not in her reach. Huffing, Clover continued to hop upward until the wind carried it left and ever-downward in a spiral.
If Clover didn't want Lucca involved in her leaf-catching attempts, she didn't seem to show it. He took that as a sign that she definitely needed help, and so barrelled towards his sister with excited, boyish laughter. "I get it!" he cried, rushing past her as she leapt and missed. The object in question did a small pirouette before drifting slowly towards the ground, and finally Lucca managed to snatch it out of the air, crunching it between his puppy teeth. Unfortunately for Clover, however, his exuberant jump threw him off balance and caused the boy to collide roughly into her side with a loud, "oof!"
As was usually the case, the pups' antics quickly dissolved into something resembling chaos. Clover continued to doggedly chase the leaf, her persistent hops bringing her no closer to capturing her target, while Lucca took a different approach. He charged ahead and flung himself clumsily towards the leaf, and Elwood winced as he watched the collision in slow motion. The boy had successfully caught the object, but he had compromised his balance in the process and crashed right into his sister.

Elwood hastened towards them, although he wasn't really worried; this litter had proven themselves to be fairly resilient. But he asked anyway, "You okay?"
Clover waved her tail at her brothers assistance initially, until it all went to hell. She watched with horror as he destroyed her leaf in his mouth, and didn't even realize until it was too late the collision about to occur. She, far smaller than him, was knocked down—but she would not be Clover unless she got right back up again and let out a battle cry before lowering her head like a battering ram and attempting to headbutt her brother. Her father was all but forgotten as she charged, and his words fell on ears that could not hear him.
Lucca was yet to be any more than vaguely aware of his larger size versus his female siblings. He was by far the heftiest of the lot but didn't exactly take that into account when playing. He felt the form of his sister fall away as he collapsed into her, sending both puppies crashing into the ground. But where Clover immediately righted herself, Lucca remained on his back, momentarily stunned.

His father's voice caused him to snap out of it, and he craned his neck to look up at Elwood with a smile. He made to roll onto his feet but only made it halfway before his sister released a fearsome shout and ran headfirst into his side, knocking the wind out of his lungs again. The boy let out another, louder, "OOF!" and fell onto his back again, wheezing.
As Elwood neared the duo, Clover exacted her revenge on Lucca. Before he could reach them, he helplessly watched as Clover retaliated with a mighty headbutt, successfully pummeling him in the side. Although she was smaller than him, Elwood could tell she had done some damage by the sound Lucca made as he was knocked over.

"Hey!" he said as he came to stand over the puppies. "That wasn't nice," he said to Clover, then promptly turned to Lucca. "Are you okay?" he asked, with one ear tilted towards his daughter in preparation for another possible attack. He wasn't opposed to his children roughhousing, but that had seemed a bit more intentional than just a playful tackle.
Clover looked at her father as he admonished her, though she stubbornly stuck to her guns and huffed. She certainly didn't look sorry, though Clover didn't have any idea she might have put her brother in any pain. That was a concept lost on her at present, given how peaceful her life had been. Anyway, when her brothers tackled her she wasn't too bothered—she'd just try and tackle them back. Though she was mad at him, the score had been settled with her tackle. Though she was little she was fierce! She trotted over to Lucca, looking down at him with wide eyes.
Being winded and the sensation of trying to breathe but being unable to pull in air was a new one to the young boy. His groaning and rolling around on the ground was comical to an on-looker, but there was a very real sense of panic in his eyes. He peered fearfully up at his father as he reprimanded Clover, shaking his head as he then asked if his son was okay.

The tips of his ears quivered as he became stock still, the shallow rise and fall of his sides slowing until they no longer moved. His sister appeared above him then, bright eyes staring down at him. He shifted his terrified gaze to her. I'm dying, save me. The edges of his vision started to blur.

Suddenly, the breath he had been unknowingly holding in all came out through his maw in a big whoosh and the boy was promptly invigorated again! He leapt to his feet, tail immediately resuming its endless wiggling, and he playfully threw himself at Clover with a delighted bark.
My last post! You guys can continue without me if you want!

Elwood felt worry rising in his throat as he watched Lucca struggle to breathe. Any thoughts of punishing Clover disappeared from his mind. This was more serious than he initially thought -- the boy wasn't breathing. "I'll call Raven --" he said, already turning and throwing his head back to do so, when there was a gasp from behind him.

He whirled in time to see Lucca exhaling, and before Elwood could even react, the pup was resuming playtime with his sister. Elwood stared at the two for a long few seconds, then rolled his eyes. Lucca had apparently inherited his mother's flair for the dramatic. Satisfied with just keeping an eye on the two troublemakers -- until they got sick of this activity and decided to do something else -- he lowered himself to his haunches and became a spectator.