Wolf RPG

Full Version: he died every night to let her breathe
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Days later, having passed from the frail forest and spent a full day basking in the autumn sun, Tomoe felt much more like herself. Confident, invigorated, ready to take control of her future — and then she saw it. A glimmer of red and gold. Just a flash, but it was there. Deviating in her course, Tomoe spent hours trying to find that fire. When she came upon the forest... It wasn't disappointment she felt exactly, but a strong sense of calm. Ennui.

Around her the trees were tall and thin, but plentiful. Unlike what she was accustomed to, where her old home was stone and iron and ice, this place was... Well, Tomoe wasn't sure what to make of it. There was fire everywhere; like the burned out forest from before, except it was alive. There was no real fire but the leaves were vibrant enough to match, like the sun—! Tomoe was glad with her discovery, and decided to linger for the rest of the day exploring the many paths.
10/6/2017 — midday, clear with a chill
Please excuse my exposition. You can get to the meat of the post in paragraph 4. Tagging for reference.
He was an uncle to many. He'd had four nephews and seven nieces the last time he checked, about two years before, and many of them were old enough to be off on the own, to be leaders - old enough to be bed and to be having litters of their own, in many cases. He didn't quite known how many grandnieces he had; they tended to blend in with the rest of the population he might or might not share blood with. In fact, after the litter that had turned out Greeneyes and Liberty, Murdock couldn't rightly tell his younger siblings apart, either.

But that didn't mean he didn't care. Just because he hadn't watched them romp and caper in their youth didn't mean he had no interest in their worth, their future, their common blood. He was a loving man by nature, and by nature he was determined to see Sameth blood thrive. He loved his siblings, and his nephews and his nieces - whether he bedded them or not - and so, could not help but feel the bitter burn of disappointment when he followed @Dawn's scent to a certain point and realized he'd been on the wrong trail. He should've realized when @Sunny's scent had not accompanied hers that he was following and old scent, and not the new one that took his niece and nephew away from Easthollow.

And, a part of him could not help but be a little angry that they'd left without saying goodbye.

At least the journey had not been wasted. The area Dawn's aging scent had led him to was one of great and dynamic beauty. Murdock slowed his pace as he drew nearer, afraid to come too close and lose the grand effect of the picturesque scene. It was the kind of place that made you want to turn and say something to your fellows, but when Murdock turned his head, he saw only the east and the west. Mountains in both directions, with one range rather closer than the other.

The male sighed, and continued on toward the trees, so lost in his own thoughts that he took no notice of the wolfscent that drifted toward him from the pale stranger's direction.
It was not long before the forest had been fully explored, and she was depressed by the lack of depth to the igneous swath of growth. The woman had thought, maybe, maybe, she had finally found a place to call home. It was too small for her. A passing fancy.

Yet it was during her escapade that Tomoe discovered him.

The vagrant was much unlike her. Perhaps, being bathed as he was in the colors of autumn, this was what the natives looked like this far south? She did not think it wise to ask - rather, Tomoe kept tabs on the stranger as he moseyed, merely waiting for the opportunity to leave (or to confront him, whichever came first). As it seemed he was oblivious to her own cavorting, the iceberg wasn't about to make herself known.
A quick survey of the forest revealed nothing of interest; Murdock did eventually pick up on the presence of another wolf, but remained intent on his niece's scent for a few minutes more. There was not much for him to discover about her. She was young and able, and that was all.

Having discerned all he could about the girl, Murdock settled down against the trunk of a tall tree, which Dawn had brushed against as she passed. Her scent here was quickly fading, but still present. The male sought to sit and memorize it, knowing it could be a long time before he discovered a trail of hers again. He wanted to be able to recognize it, and follow it back to her home. Her father.

Though his thoughts were elsewhere, his body was thoroughly in the present. Two-toned eyes scanned ceaselessly over his surroundings, and tall, dust-hued ears swivelled toward every sound.