Wolf RPG

Full Version: What did I expect?
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@Vaati - sparing. 

Howl was not having a good day. He was fighting with his mind, fighting to understand what was happening to him. Why wasn't he feeling better. He had been with multiple females in the past week and each had brough him a level of pleasantness, but he always returned to his current state. Sadness, lonesomness without Heartha by his side. 

He wanted to believe that he could supress his feelings of sadness with the company of others. Drown it out with the opposite feeling. But everytime it happened there was an underlining feeling that it wasn't the same. That the love he had felt for her couldn't be undermined by a few one night stands, but that hadn't stopped him from trying. He would try almost anything to have this pain go away.

These thoughts loomed in his mind as he may his way through otter creek. Almost instantly as he entered the area he could see otter trails. He wasn't the most fond of otters, they didn't taste bad, but they weren't his favorite. But at this point her would try anything to get him mind off the real issues going on around him. 

He set his nose to the ground as he lazily followed the otters trail.