Wolf RPG

Full Version: Night befalls the lone journeyman.
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Night was slowly beginning to take over the world, with faint glimmers of stars appearing upon the ever darkening canvas above, vaguely visable to anyone that took the moment to look. And lurking below, walking within the shadows of the trees, a beast did just that - wearily casting his sapphire eyes toward the heavens. The traveller stopped briefly, his off white paws grateful for the sudden rest given to them as the mutt took a minute to admire the fading glow of the sun. Soon the moon would take its place and light up the night, which meant he would soon need a place to sleep. His chest expanded as he inhaled deeply, allowing a long, thoughtful sigh to escape his muzzle before setting off on his journey once more.

In the distance, the gleaming surface of the lake caught the mutt's attention next as he strolled onward through the valley, his leathery nostrils flaring constantly at the smell of water nearby. And as he walked in the glistening lakes direction, Flint gazed cautiously around the tree line, observing the area as he slowly approached the waters edge to take the drink he so desperately needed. All the while, his good pointed ebony ear twitched a top his lean head as he listened to the sounds around him.
hope you don't mind me :)

It had all happened too quick.
So quick that Kinkajuú could not fully comprehend it yet.
She had gone over it in her head a million times and she could not yet explain why she was out here by herself once more.
With her chin resting upon her feet and her olive eyes peering at the blurred out refection of herself that stared back at her from the lake's surface she asked herself once more.
How could she have lost her?
How could it happen again

She wondered where her dear friend, Witchbaby,  could be now, and who she could be with.
With a hasty movement of her head she tried to shake the thoughts of her missing companion.

She sighed, unaware of the presence of another nearby.
It isnt until she heard the water splash as he laps up a drink that Kinkajuú raises her gaze towards him, finding him somewhat far from her but not too far. 
It seems that he has not yet noticed he is not alone. The brown beauty watches him in silence for a second until it is her mischevious nature that makes her decide to break her own silent spell to try something: to scare him.
For the moment, the heartache brought by her solitude is forgotten

She rises to her paws slowly, yet trying to keep her body close to the ground so she wont be seen.
Then, containing a giggle, she prepares to blow her own cover. Suddenly, without warning or caution she pounces, making a big splash with her front paws as she jumps into the shallow area that meets the edge.

"boo" she yells simultaneously, her olive eyes curious for his reaction as a small smile begins growing on her lips.
Thank you for joining :3 and sorry it's taken me so long to reply! Also my original post got deleted as I'm using my mobile, bah! xD

Flint drank peacefully at the lakes moonlit surface (for now), allowing the cold liquid to trail down his throat, chilling his core but ultimately quenching his thirst. Though, unbeknownst to the young hybrid, that whilst he was preoccupied with tending to his current need, he hadn't noticed the dark hued female sneaking her way up beside him.

He continued to lap up his fill, oblivious to what lurked in the night, that is, until the sound of a sudden splash and loud voice grasped his attention - 'Boo.' - And Flint instantly stumbled backwards, letting a low rumble brew within his throat as the ebony fur around his scruff and spine bristled on end. The male coudnt help the quick rush of unease that soon washed over him, having had a voice yell so very close and without noticing their approach - made him feel slightly ashamed. He shouldn't have let his guard down. Maybe then he could've prevented such humiliation?

The sheer surprise of it all had made his entire body rigid and Flint remained still as he directed his widened gaze to the stranger. Blue eyes narrowed for a second as he gradually straightened his posture, his fur slowly laying flat once more as an unkept tail thrashed behind him in mild annoyance, "Why'd ya do that for?" He barked at the girl, the male's only good ear flicking back against his skull as he watched her with a frown.