Wolf RPG

Full Version: just need something to justify your soul
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Siku's blessing, and a promise to return, brought him to the foothills where Tonravik and his fellow Tartok roamed. His sooty ears twisted atop his dark cranium as he came to rest just beneath the shadow of the mountain. It carved a jagged silhouette out of the midsummer skies, and he observed the graceless cut of the peak with a keen, appraising eye. A wolf needed to be made of tough stuff to live on such unwelcoming territory.

He missed her, though he would never admit it to anyone but himself in the quiet hours of dawn. Regardless of his own feelings, he considered her his closest friend, and to be without presented an emptiness he wasn't wholly familiar with. But he'd made his choice and fully intended to hold himself accountable for the consequences.

The dark wolf padded over to a lush bit of grass in the shade beneath a copse of pines, and reclined against the nearest trunk. Skull stretched his forelegs out and splayed his sore toes. He would seek Tonravik out after a quick bit of rest. It would give him time to collect his thoughts.

Stone spires rose up around her like fangs from a dragons maw and it reminded her of home. The earth around her lay in shades of grey and brown, and she stuck out against the unforgiving wilderness like a gem cast against stone. The golden creature found that even in the height of summer the mountainous region remained cool against her skin and in the dark like this, it was even cooler. Albestii had been following the trail of her Tartok brethren for days, keeping skillfully out of sight and weaving a complex path behind them.

She had scouted as she went, going first one way and then the next, and was in no rush to come upon the main group of wolves. Tonravik would naturally be leading them, with Skull and Tonraq falling into place behind -- with Albestii as well. Her pale eyes flitted across the horizon before she continued her ascent of the rocky landscape, finally coming to a halt as morning burst slowly across the sky.

Dark orange and red streaked the sky for a time, washing stone and cold mountain in colors of flame before disappearing completely. She huffed a sigh and settled herself in a crevice of stone that protected her from the subtle plays of wind and watched as the color slowly faded from the sky and gave way to gossamer clouds.

Tomorrow she would join them.