Wolf RPG

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Of all the words one might use to describe Queenie — exhausted, frustrated, starving — impressed was not one of them. When she had set out from underneath Daddy Bruce's wing to find a home of her own, she thought that maybe she would run into something untouched, never before seen! Instead, Queenie had found herself smack dab in the middle of the most boring set of territories she had come across since the scouting trip she'd had to take with her brothers only a few months before.

But, even with all of this being said, she'd found herself at someone's border. Queenie was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, even when the said horse had more dental problems than Daddy Bruce's prizes after a misspoken insult. She sighed, had one last second thought, then gave a strong, hearty howl that almost demanded immediate attention.
She paused her inspection of the cache, ears pricked as she listened to the howl that seemed to ask - no, demand - her attention. Huffing, and pushing the carcasses back into the cache for later inspection, she adopted a brisk lope towards the borders, hampered by the ever-deepening snow that made everything seem to take some more effort than it ought to. 

Finally the girl came into view, a mix of greys and whites in a pattern that reminded her of Lavender. Ears pricked forward, tail held a few inches above her spine, the woman made her approach, pausing a short distance from the merle. "can I help you?" She asked with a cant of her muzzle, noting the absence of a distinct pack scent on the woman and assuming her a loner.
The response was swift, something that Queenie was grateful for. She took note of the lean femme who stood in front of her; she obviously held some sort of rank with the way she carried herself, and even the prideful Queenie knew when to show respect. Her tail lowered to accommodate the high wave of the other and her eyes drifted to anywhere but those of the other girl's. The only time she had ever had to show a sliver of submission, even thinner than this, was when she spoke to Nana Gaen, but that was back at home where she was on top of the world.

Things were different now, new lessons to be taught, but Queenie was a quick learner. 

I need a pack, she said, plainly and without hesitation. She'd never been trained, only pampered, but she had a few tricks up her sleeve. When Daddy was out on business and Nana was in her corner, Gran Frè would come to see Queenie and take her on short trips outside of the caverns. They were her favorite (she always loved being in the open), but they stopped soon after they began. I can trade my work for a place to stay, just tell me what you need.
The woman was blunt, direct, stating quickly what she desired. Their ranks neared capacity, she knew, and the huntress turned a more critical eye to the girl than she normally would. She seemed healthy enough, obviously keeping herself fed well enough, which, in this season, was a testament to her hunting skills. Still, she asked, "how well can you hunt? do you have any skills, trades, that might be useful?" Pema and Raid were healers, she knew, but surely more wolves with that knowledge would bolster their ranks and had the potential to offer the two resident healers more knowledge. They had hunters, but in the face of winter, a pack could never have quite enough.
Queenie sighed a blew out a slow puff of air as she thought. I think I'm alright, she said. The way she thought about it, she was like Daddy Bruce and the prey was like one of the lowlives she'd seen him take care of plenty occasions. She'd learned how to win a fight with someone who fought back, so winning against someone who only ran from the hits was simple. I don't have any specific trades yet, but I'm a quick learner, promise. Guess I just didn't have a reason to use it before now.
The girl was silent, for a time. Had summer reigned now, she would have accepted the girl; for perhaps she would show potential. But with the threat of winter, the pack did not need another mouth to feed, especially with four young already. The pack might be able to support another, but still, the huntress cast a critical eye on the girl. "what trades would you pursue?"  As much as she wouldn't like to admit it, a fighter could be useful. Knowledge could be spread, and with the threat of Blackfeather looming to the south, and the potential for more trespassers, the pack could only benefit.
Anything, but Queenie knew that wouldn't get her anywhere. On one hand, she liked the idea of being a defender of her family, fighting to keep them safe, but these wolves weren't her family. Maybe if she had been back at home with Daddy Bruce and the boys then she would have considered it (Lord knows what Daddy would've thought about the idea), but she wasn't at home and her kin was nowhere near. She thought for a moment about pursuing something less hands-on, like counseling, but then she remembered how boring it was to listen to folks complain about things she couldn't care less to hear.

Queenie sighed and bit the inside of her cheek. Maybe a scout. She wouldn't be stuck as a homebody, but she also wouldn't have to get any blood on her pelt. It probably wasn't the answer that the other was looking for, but at this point, Queenie was ready to move on. The brat inside of her was beginning to bubble and pop, warning her to keep going before it exploded.
The woman's lackluster response had the girl suppress a sigh, mind made up. With the ranks near full and winter upon them, they needed more than mediocre members - a skilled hunter, a fighter, perhaps another healer could be used. She was silent a moment, replying then,  "I'm sorry. Our ranks are near full, and I can't accept you." Best to be transparent, she decided, for she didn't need angry loners showing back up a few weeks later with a vengeance. After a beat, she added, "there is a pack in the mountains, and one south in a caldera. you could try your luck there," She offered, gesturing vaguely in the two directions. The loner may have bolstered their ranks, but Dawn was not in the mood to gamble on an alright hunter and a maybe scout.