Wolf RPG

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Athena had gone too far from the pack land, she knew this. She knew it once she had snapped out of the dizzy daydream and heard the sound of the ocean slapping itself against the large rocks lining the shore. She looked around quickly, hoping she hadn't been seen or watched. But she did lose herself a little in the beauty of the sea. She crouched down, only for a few moments to watch the tide and smell the salty sweetness of the water. She was yearning for something but wasn't quite sure what that was. Was it boredom? Was she lonely?
sorry if this is private I couldn't tell on my phone I can delete if it is
Jace was still traipsing around the mountains and nearby territory since he didn't have his own pack yet and he no longer had a home he was in a sort of limbo and walked around like a silent dream.

He was on the beach staying far away from the sea not being a fan of sea water when he saw a familiar figure. it worried him and he moved faster to make sure she was ok. athena you're far from home? are you ok? His blue eyes were studying her as he waited for her to speak.
Its not private, no worries!

Athena brightened a little when she saw the familiar wolf. I am far from home, I guess I just got lost in thought on my walk. She paused and continued, glancing from the dark wolf to the ocean. I guess I am just missing my family, thats all. I like to go on long walks to clear my mind. I hope you have been alright yourself. She said, trying to sound more cheerful. For a while now she had been thinking of her family, especially her brother. She missed him terribly, and as much as she loved her new pack mates, nothing could replace blood relatives.
Jace smiled at her his crooked boyish grin. Yea I do that too get lost in my own thoughts and lose my way. Though lately his thoughts had been darker than usual and he tried to stay away from thinking too much for fear they would consume him.

Jace shifted he guessed he was okay if you were talking about scratching and fighting for survival large predators were harder to avoid with not pack mates. Food he could catch but he could not dine on deer or any large game until he got into a pack, then yes he was doing fine. He wouldn't tell her this though she did not need to know and worry unecessarily. I have been alright, Ferdie and I are in the midst of trying to start our own pack we will see how it goes. yes Family I miss mine as well. I often think of my sister and my father. I miss them terribly.
Nothing comes close to family. I guess that's what we are forever searching for. I hope we find it. Athena said, smiling slightly. She was happy for Jace and his plans to start a new pack. She paused after thinking a moment and turned to face him. You will make a great pack leader, Jace. She said with the utmost confidence. Somehow this caused a pang in her heart. She knew she was still searching for something. The temporary elation of finally finding a pack filled this void but it was growing now.
Jace smiled at her simple words and nodded We will all find it someday Athena you wait. We will all find it one day. he tilted his head he had no desire to be a leader, that was a gift for Ferdie and Ferdie alone. He would be the males second in command, but he did not want the alpha position unless he needed to shoulder that burden then yes he would.

He tilted his head and spoke to the small femme beside him, she was so tiny compared to him so he sat down. Thank you Athena though I will be beta not alpha, that is reserved for Ferdie. He tilted his head studying her and he moved forward slightly and brushed his muzzle across her head she seemed so sad or lost he was unsure, but he wished he could ease that burden a little. Athena there is always a place here with us if you wish it, though we will be lone wolves for a little bit yet, but regardless there is always a place for you that I can promise. he gave her a small smile. He knew she was happy in the Creek and he would not take her from that if she liked it there so be it, but she was his friend and he did not wish to see her upset anymore.
That's kind of you, Jace. Athena felt nice to have a friend extend kindness. She knew that this loneliness was due to the adjustment of being a solitary wolf to being part of a pack but she never predicted the future and who knows where she would end up one day. Athena sighed slightly and breathed in the salty ocean. I feel a little better having talked to you, Jace. She said. I think it helps to just talk about everything...instead of keeping it bottled up.
Jace offered her a smile and then shifted his weight Yes talking things out does help. And going from a lone wolf to a pack wolf is extremely hard and it takes some time to adjust. You will do fine Athena I do not worry for you. Jace then just watched the water as it flowed and ebbed. It was beautiful yet so dangerous. It was something he was scared of yet felt great awe for.
Athena smiled gently. She admired Jace's kindness for her. "Thank youm And I wont worry for you, I know you are strong." She gazed at the ocean as well, breathing deeply. "Well, its time for me to make my way back home..." Somehow saying those words gave her some comfort. She smiled and gave Jace a gentle nudge in goodbye.
Jace sat down and watched her go. He hung his head and looked at the ground, he had been trying to make her feel better, and it had made him sad. He realized that he had lost an important piece of himself the night everything had changed and he wanted it back, but didn't know how to get it.