Wolf RPG

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The moment Wraen felt that she had had enough rest at the Moonspear, there was no time to waste to remedy her loss of direction two weeks ago. Even though scouting was not a trade she had considered earlier, now it seemed just the job she had to learn and master. Out of spite. In order to prove that she will never ever get lost again.

After coming to the borders and memorizing Moonspear and the surrounding mountain ridge, she chose to start small and head East. Firefly glen she knew already by heart, however, the woods on the other side were a mystery to her and for a yet unknown territory to explore it was a very good choice - within walking distance from her home - and she would have to try very hard to get lost there. 

Once in the Heartwood, however, Wraen soon learned a very simple truth - things appear easier from afar than they are, when you come up close. Despite her best intentions... soon she had lost her way. Trees usually don't give a person a very good and vast view of one's surroundings. The aspiring scout - upon realizing, what had happened - rolled eyes at herself, but did not panic. She found a river and followed the stream, until it led her through the woods to a small and rather spooky looking place.

"Graveyard..." Wraen said to herself, stopping at the edge of the hollow and letting her gaze travel over the scenery in front of her.

It wasn't so hard to find places to hide in this forest. Screech could appreciate the quiet of it all, even if the occasional breeze through the naked trees caused a weird sort of groan. It was a hollow sound; sort of eerie, sort of annoying, but easy to get used to. He'd spent a good few hours trying to relax enough to sleep, but there was no way that would happen. He hadn't managed a minute of shut-eye since he'd come-to in the Heartwood - and he looked it.

Having not cleaned his face in the slightest, Screech had a nice patch of brownish-red fur plastered across the ruined skin of his cheek. The wounds from the sisters' teeth continued to seep in to the snow, leaving small trails in some places, melting through in others. Although he didn't move much once he'd found his haven, there were a few red-streaked paths within the hollow that almost worked like border markings.

It was a gross thought - but it reminded him of Blackfeather, further spoiling what little appetite he carried.

Screech had managed to work up the energy to try one last patrol of the area (to make sure he hadn't been followed), and that's when it struck him: the odious signature of Moonspear. He stopped in his tracks and felt his stomach lurch; the world swayed around him, and then he dropped low against the frosted soil and dry-heaved his stress away.

As he got back up he heard the snapping of some twigs - and that made him whip his attention around so fast, he could've lost his other eye in the process. The stranger murmured something just beyond a copse of narrow trees, and he spied upon her with his cyclopian vision, ready to flee the scene if she got too close.
Wraen had never seen an actual graveyard, but Osprey, whose mind was like an encyclopedia with all 20+ volumes included, bible and all the fairy tales, legends and stories there existed in the world, had told her quite a few horror stories as well. About the old and dark forest the dead souls had to cross in order to reach the river Styx. Standing here it was clear, where her mom had got the inspiration from. 

She had been about to proceed, when a shuffling sound nearby made her alert. Wraen looked around, saw no one and since there was no wind either, she did not catch the other's smell right away. Therefore - taking that this had been just her vivid imagination - she proceeded towards the hollow. Few feet away - she stopped again, because she noticed fresh droplets of blood in the snow. And judging by the smell, it was a wolf.

"Is anyone here?" she asked, looking around again.

Screech was no magician. He had no affinity for parlor tricks, but he'd never been very interested in such things as entertainment - being a warrior had always been his priority. But right this second he would've sold his soul in order to throw his voice or do some kind of ventriloquism thing, maybe scare the girl back from whence she came. 

It chilled him to the core when the wolf began to look around for him. He was just on the other side of some trees and, from time to time, he thought she was looking right at him. He couldn't run, couldn't breathe, just stood there and watched as she investigated the snow and came creeping closer - until he had to take a breath, at which point he backed up a step and ducked his head, trying to breathe without being heard, but he accidentally jostled a small winter-clad shrubbery with his right shoulder.

What Screech did not know was that Wraen was just as much scared as he was. Blood of the unknown wolf unnerved her and, while she was tracking the blood trail, curiousity battled with revulsion. The spooky surroundings did not help her much to feel confident and comfortable either. 

Suddenly there was a rustling sound and Wraen's head shot up immediately. She sniffed the air now and realized that she must be close. And then she caught a glimpse of the person she was looking for. "Stay, where you are," she told, whoever was there, a quiver in her voice betraying her own agitation and fear. 

"Don't do anything stupid..." she added for a good measure, because that was just the thing you said, when you were scared and getting into trouble.

The noise had been enough to alert the observer to his presence, and he felt her eyes lock upon him between the criss-crossing branches. Screech wasn't sure what to do - he wanted to run, again, always, but stood like a gargoyle instead. He couldn't move; every second he spent in proximity to this Moonspear wolf brought up a cataclysm of emotions.

She demanded he not move, which was to her benefit. He wasn't about to go anywhere just in case this was the end. What if this was the scout, and one small sound from her could bring the Cerberus out of the shadows? What if they were waiting for him to slip up? He hadn't gotten far from their last collision point so he hadn't fully adhered to their terms -- they could be hunting for him!

Screech felt like a convict caught in the crosshairs of the law. As the stranger drew closer, he ducked his head (ruined side tilting away from sight) and felt the fur across his back begin to prickle with anxiety.
The wounded wolf's fear and compliance gave Wraen the confidence she needed to overcome her own cowardice. As she approached the fellow, the way she carried herself spoke of calm determination and this was, what kept her in place, when she came eye-to-eye with the cringe-worthy sight. 

Though the wolf had turned the "demolished" part of his face away from her, he reeked of blood, rotten flesh and festering wounds. Wraen did not have to look, to know that the guy was seriously injured and that - the more time passed - the less likely it was that it would end well for him (what with the limited medical knowledge she could tell).

"You look awful," she stated the obvious and then sat down. "Don't worry, I am not going to hurt you," she assured, thinking that it would be below anyone to attack someone, who already was beaten up very badly. "What happened to you?"

Being caught by one of these wolves was a terrible feeling, but what added insult to injury was how nonchalant the stranger was about his situation. No doubt the Moonspear wolves had spread the tale of Titmouse the Terrible, or something. The trio of sisters likely gloated about their execution of justice; so this wolf would know of him, or they should. Instead they were looking at him like some kind of lost little animal and asking stupid questions.

What happened? Your family happened, he answered venemously, raising his head and looking straight at the girl without any care if his face should scare her off. Let her be scared. She was as guilty as the rest of the wolves of Moonspear - if he were stronger, better, he would've unleashed all of his fury upon her, pissed on her remains, and left her body to rot right here in the wood. What happened - the very thought of the question was enough to make his blood boil, taking away whatever fear he might've held for the time being.

You're from Moonspear. According to your people, I killed some girl. He stated this cooly, factually, and watched her for a reaction. Eye for an eye, or some shit.
"My family? Wait? Wha-" Wraen asked in a confused manner and took a step back, thinking that her parents would never do anything like this. Hell, they weren't even here, what was this guy talking about? After his explanation things became clearer for her and again her first instinct was denial. They were not her family, she had not even been there to see or taken any part in the deeds of Cerberus and whoever had been involved. And yet there was a strong sense of guilt. She might not have attacked him personally, but she was part of the group. 

"Not all of them think that you did," she replied, eyeing the injured part of the wolf's face warily. "Not many though, and not those, who have any influence," she recalled, how just a day or two earlier she had talked with Korei Julia about this and how heart-broken she had been that no one believed her. "You did run away from the scene - that is, what they base their assumptions on. They think, that if you were not to blame, you would not have had to flee. What exactly happened there?"

It doesn't fucking matter, he cut in before the girl could get much of a word in (effectively nullifying most of what was said). She had begun to ask him the same damn question that everyone else he encountered seemed keen on: why did he run, and what did he do? Was he innocent or was he guilty? But he curtailed that with his gravel-laden shout.

I don't see the point in answering that question, he spat, not when those bitch-ass girls have already ruined my life. He glared from where he stood, then seemed to get an idea and lurched towards Wraen—turning so that she could get a good and full view of his eyeless side. Just know that your family was wrong. They jumped to the wrong fuckin' conclusion and I paid the price.

Wraen was right in thinking he should've stayed, but not everyone reacts the same way under pressure. He was now about to explain the situation to her; he would not tell anyone ever again unless it was very important, because he just didn't want to relive the horror of it all. Screech withdrew a second later, his tongue sliding out to lick at the dried blood across his ruined face, but he sneered at the taste. I hope — if they go against Blackfeather, if they fight in the war — I hope Blackfeather kicks their ass.

Wraen felt sorry for the wolf and she believed him, having observed that Hydra (she had had less to do with the other two) was occasionally quick to do something and think about consequences later. Rarely if ever - have a pinch of doubt in her assumptions before acting. Though she did not blame her 100% either - taking someone's eye out was over the top, but then again she had lost her sister that night, emotions had got better of her and she wanted justice. You can't attack gods for taking a life, so you attack the one you have in range. 

"And for your sake - if they go against Blackfeather wolves - I hope they do," she replied calmly to the angry statements. It did occur to her that at this moment she was betraying not only the Cerberus, but also the rest of the Moonspear family. That she had breached the trust they had put in her. And yet she was also a creature, who wanted justice in life. And she hated to see that an innocent person was suffering, because of someone's mistake and seeing things the way they wanted to see them and not for what they were. 

"I think you should know that Moonspear informed Redhawk caldera about the incident," she thought the man should know that he no longer had a home among his family as well. "You probably know Redhawks better, but I have a feeling that you would not be welcome there either."

Her first statement throws him for a loop because he isn't anticipating agreement. Rebuttal maybe, a defensive volley of words, but instead he hears the opposite. What comes after is the painful part and his teeth set in a grimace, ears shooting back upon his head sharply when she mentions his family — that maybe they'd have given up on him and fallen for the Moonspear bullshit.

You talk about my family as if you know them—you don't. They support me and -- and they'll always be there, hearing otherwise did hurt, but it came from the mouth of a Moonspear wolf so Screech wasn't exactly keen on believing her. Still it made him doubt. Towhee had never been very happy with him around, he barely had a connection to Elwood or Finley, and even Raven had seemed pretty busy prior to his banishment. He didn't want to believe anything that Wraen was saying but at the same time, there was some truth to her words and some venom beneath.

They don't know everything. They don't know that I was chased out of my home. Did you know? That they were going to rip open my face and then banish me? He didn't want an answer to that despite speaking the words, and went off on another aggressive tangent before she could get a word in: I can't go back there without those three lunatics killing me. But my family will notice. Moonspear won't be safe for long once they know the truth—once they know I've been run off for nothing!
"You are right - I don't know your family at all," Wraen replied calmly, while listening to yet another emotional outburst, which reminded her of another situation at another place with a Redhawh wolf involved. It occured to her that maybe this guy was related to the deaf girl Towhee was her name?

"They have heard one side of the story and, since some influental folk of my pack is close friends with another influental folk at yours, they might be quite convinced of your guilt," speculations, speculations, nothing more, but it was the first time in this conversation, when Wraen was actually glad that she was not in Screech's place. 

"The last I heard Redhawk caldera were planning to go at war with another pack. I doubt they will want more enemies before the big fight, or after," it was a bad day for being wrongly accused of a crime you didn't comit. "So, do you have any plan of, how to convey the message safely and believably?"

He was done. Anger still pumped through his system but he wasn't afraid of her anymore, and he wasn't rooted to the spot as he had been for the majority of the confrontation; now he was pacing and unable to contain himself, and he couldn't sit here and scream at her any more than he could try and have a civil conversation. It seemed as if she was trying to make nice and on some level Screech would appreciate that—but he was still too riled up and the trauma was too fresh for him to try and pay further attention. What was the point? She wanted to know his next step and all Screech could do was stare at her incredulously.

Are you slow in the head? He hissed, with eyes wide. Did you hear anything I just said to you? I can't go home. Whatever happens in the Caldera will happen but I can't go there. You fuckin' Moonspear wolves wanted me gone so I'm gone. His tail was lashing behind him and the gray of his spine spiking haphazardly; there was no way he could go home or send any messages or anything, he was on his own now. Didn't she get that?

Go home. Get back to your people and pretend you never saw me. All he wanted now was to sleep, or to run. To get away from here and never look back. The sooner all of this was behind him the better. Screech was already pushing her aside with what meager amount of force he had left (which wasn't much) and making a bee-line for whatever lay behind her.
Wraen realized that she would probably never make a good ambassador or excel in diplomatic conversations, therefore she did not take the man's insults to heart and stepped aside, when he pushed past her, eager to leave the place. She should have worded her question differently, because had he understood, that she was offering help to be that messenger, he might have reacted otherwise.

Don't die. She said to herself, while watching him disappear in the haunted woods. They might not see each other for a long time, if ever, yet his ravaged face would haunt Wraen for the weeks to come.

ooc: thanks for the thread and good luck with Screech and his future plots. :)