Wolf RPG

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anyone can join! Hunting some deer here. One or two wolves would be nice! @Onyx Saefyn

He had continued on heading toward Kontla Flatlands, the temperature of the day being rather warm despite the grey clouds and foggy air. Even the breeze was slightly warm. As he walked toward the plains it began to drizzle, the droplets splattering his nose. He grumbled to himself quietly but stopped at a high point of the plains, studying the fields. He was pleased to see that below was a small herd of deer, grazing on the bright green grass that peeked through melted patches of snow.

There was a doe at the edge of the herd and from the distance he could only see that when she walked there was a wobble to her step. Slowly he made his way further into the plains, careful to keep downwind of the deer and not crunch any snow beneath his massive paws. Taking a place still a safe distance away he crouched closer to the ground and studied the doe again, seeing that her front limb was being held off the ground. There seemed to be some sort of large bulbous knot on the limb, maybe an infection of sorts. Either way it was something that hindered her movement and left her easy prey for him as well as made her a burden for the herd. He would definitely set out to catch her.
She shook her coat, the warm drizzle of rain flying off, disappearing into the snow as if it were never there. The air was abnormally warm for this time of year, but she wasn't complaining. It definitely wasn't the worst winter she had been through.

Lapping up some water at the half frozen creek, her nose caught a scent. Her ears flicked as her head came up gracefully. Sniffing again, her paws whispered on the snow ladened ground as she made her way towards the scent. Deer. Her stomach made a pained noise, and a look of annoyance crossed her eyes. 

Moving quickly and quietly, the breeze rippled through her healthy coat like an old friend. Her eyes went wary as she stopped in her tracks. Another scent. Definitely not deer. Scanning for the unknown source of the scent, it was foreign and almost heavy in her muzzle. Following the scent for a few minutes, her tail flicked with curiousity as it got stronger. She sniffed again, making her way cautiously to the edge of the plains. Her sense of curiosity was overriding her cautiousness. Always a problem. Flicking her ears forward, her chocolate brown eyes scanned again. 

A wolf. He came across her line of sight. As he did, she crouched, hoping he wouldn't see her. She studied him, her eyes going over his body. Muscular, but he seemed almost gaunt. He seemed focused on the deer, so she hesitated before rising up, dropping her tail slightly and chuffing softly enough as to not startle the deer. A fight was not what she wanted, so she  made her presence known. She kept her gaze down, so as to not put him on edge. Her eyes flicked over him yet again as her muscles tensed slightly. She would fight if need be, but all she wanted was food.
The focus of the hunt was interrupted by a new scent, that of a wolf. For a moment he still stared at the doe before moving his gaze to the presence across the field to the wolf a short distance away. It was a female of dark cream coloring, holding herself in a way that made him think she feared him. Not wanting her to think he would hurt her he returned the chuff in a friendly tone.  After that formality was done he slowly made his way to her, his tail wagging slowly and his ears perking forward to show that he held no ill intentions. She too looked hungry and he wondered if she'd be willing to hunt with him.

"Don't cower...I won't hurt you. Are you looking to hunt? I was going to go after that doe at the border of the herd, she seems to have an infected leg...I'm sure there's enough meat on her for the both of us" he spoke quickly, but in a hushed and friendly way. He offered her a smile as well, hoping that she'd straighten up and stop looking like he was about to lay a beating on her.
With his attention turned towards her, she watched him closely, her eyes scanning him for any sign of aggression. After he chuffed, she stood taller, her face now full of curiosity for this stranger. Her wariness of wolves was still there, but his walk towards her held no ill will.

An openness about him calmed her cautious spirit. Relaxing a little more as he stopped in front of her, his words calmed her more. 

As if on cue, her stomach rumbled again, a sharp pain passing through her abdomen. Her ears flicked forward as her tail wagged, her stance now completely relaxed. She smiled almost sheepishly at her stomach, her eyes flickering over the herd, easily finding the doe. He was right. Her mouth salivated as she watched the doe limp slightly as it foraged on the sparse grass. Anticipation of the meal energized her as she turned back to this stranger. A glint came into her eyes as she grinned. Her tail swished in excitement as she spoke, her voice matching his, a touch of the anticipation mixing in with appreciation. "I would very much appreciate that. My last meal was scarcely even a morsel. Since you saw her first, I will follow your lead." Tilting her head slightly, she waited for his answer. 

The wolf had been the first one she had seen in more than three weeks. Lonely nights had followed, the pang of being alone once again striking her sharper after the temporary companion said their farewell. Pushing the thought away, her muscles tensed, this time in preparation of the hunt...however small it was.
Almost as if responding to his offer her stomach growled and he laughed openly again, the sound relaxed with not a hint of mockery in it. Now that she wasn't acting afraid anymore she was actually quite pretty, someone he could see himself easily getting along with. He hadn't had any companions since he originally left Moonspear and that had been almost a year ago if he was correct in his estimation. A year...a year of no real connections. The realization stunned him for a moment and he swallowed back a wave of bitterness and sadness, instead smiling at her once more "I've been scavenging and eating berries for a while. Mostly scavenging...I've had bad experiences with berries" he said with humor in his gaze. 

He turned back to the doe "see how she's a good distance away from the rest of the herd?" He asked motioning with his muzzle. "They won't interfere, they've already shunned her to the edge. They know she's going to either die or be killed. You can easily slip between her and the herd, give her a scare and chase her in this direction. Once she starts getting close I'll run in and go for the kill." He said but looked to her to see if she was okay with this plan. With two wolves hunting even an injured doe left little room to really structure and organize. It was just going to have to be chase,bring down and kill.
She grinned lopsidedly at his laugh. It was good to have company yet again. His laugh sounded rusty, as if he hadn't used it a long time. Pity. Watching him, she tilted her head a little as he went quiet for a moment. He looked like he had gotten lost in memories. But the moment passed quickly, and she listened as he spoke again. 

She grimaced at the mention of berries. Definitely not her favorite, although she had once ate them to keep from starving. She almost shuddered. Any experience with berries was bad in her mind, but the thought of them getting worse? She gave him a quick look of compassion, then focused on his next words, her tail swishing as her eyes swept the scene. Her mind went into hunt mode, her head tilted yet again as she figured out the best way to run it towards him. She stood up, her anticipation for the hunt growing as he talked. The herd shunned the hurt deer, as if trying to force her to leave. They could help with that. 

Her eyes sparkled as she nodded at him. "I'll work my way around and frighten her this way. She shouldn't be too much of a hassle." Her spirits light for the first time in a while, she winked at him and quietly started walking away, calling over her shoulder. "My name's Onyx, by the way." Not waiting for him to respond, her stance changed as her muscles tensed. Her eyes shot back and forth as her paws whispered on the snow. The deer had no idea. She grinned widely, pricking her ears forward. She would like to keep it that way.

Swinging wide, she got behind the deer. The wind picked up, and the grin widened. That would get the doe's attention. The doe's head snapped up, startling the herd. They scattered as the doe tried to hobble after them. Crouching down, her eyes glinted as she bared her teeth, her tail flicking as an angry snake. "You're going the wrong way, dinner." She snapped at her heels, and the doe took off towards the wolf. Tensing her muscles, she growled after it, making sure it headed straight for him.
Dakarai nodded at her plan and felt his tail slowly sway at the wink tossed his way, She was quite pretty after all. He grinned at her as she headed away, eyes staring at her behind for a few moments longer than he really should have. It seemed that being alone again with no real duties had given him his eye for females back. Olive would always be his love but part of him was beginning to think maybe her pushing him away had been fate after all. 

Crouching down low he felt himself tense, watching her closely as she went for the doe. For a moment the doe went in the wrong direction and he growled deeply with anxiety but Onyx quickly corrected the Doe's path. He waited until the doe was halfway to him and sprung forward, gaining speed as he barrelled toward the doe. As he neared the injured Doe he leapt into the air, jaws parted with a mighty snarl. His form collided with hers and she fell down, injured leg buckling beneath her. He landed on top of the doe and was quick to press down against her, snapping his jaws around her throat. With a quick slash of his fangs he tore her throat out and stepped away to avoid the splatter of blood. 

Turning to Onyx he flashed her a grin "Good job Onyx. Go ahead...ladies first" he said, deep baritone turning into his most polite and gentlemanly tone though he winked at her, his smile growing wider. "The name's Dakarai by the way" he said as an afterthought.
Her eyes sparkled as his body hit the doe's body with a resounding hollow thud. He was impressive. His skills with his fangs made her widened her eyes in curiousity yet again. How long had he been alone? He did not act like he was from a pack.

Her nostrils widened, the smell of the blood and fresh meat making her stomach clench in protest that it had not yet tasted the meal. The blood spilled on the snow, painting it bright red, the hotness of it sending steam into the air, making her mouth water.

She sat down as he stepped back, his actions making questions fly through his mind. Who was this wolf who stood back from a fresh carcass to let a stranger eat? Much less a female? Tilting her head, her tail wagged slowly even as her ears turned to listen to the almost beautiful voice. She opened her mouth to protest, knowing he was as hungry as she was. But pain shot through her belly, and she held back a gasp as she tensed her muscles, waiting for the pain to pass. She didn't have to wait for long.

Smiling at him thankfully, she tore into the stomach, closing her eyes as the sweet liquid ran down her throat, the meat feeling amazing as her lips rolled back and her teeth ripped yet another chunk out. She wagged her tail subconsciously as her belly began to fill. Slowing down, she realized that she hadn't even said thank you. Almost reluctantly, she stepped back and licked her lips, blood still dripping from her jaws. 

Her alto voice was genuine as she wagged her tail, dipping her head. "Thank you, Dakarai. I'm sorry it took so long. You must be starving. Please, eat." She stepped back and sat down, smiling. Why he had let her eat first still confused her. Lone wolves, if that is what he was, usually tried to chase her off. Her eyes were full of curiousity and a touch of wariness as she watched him. Did he want anything from her?
Dakarai flicked an ear curiously as she seemed to hesitate, looking massively confused. He realized then that he had acted exactly as he would if Olive were there instead of Onyx. He would have let her eat first and probably insisted that she get full before letting him eat his share. The thought pained him but he kept a calm smile on his face, the only sign of his troubled thoughts being a slight dimming in the twinkle of his eyes.

He sat patiently as she finally began to eat, the scent of exposed meat and warm blood causing his stomach to finally protest, but he still held back until she parted from the carcass. She thanked him and he nodded slowly, watching her from the corner of his eyes as he moved to the carcass. She was staring at him with the weirdest expression, almost like he was a puzzle that couldn't be solved. "You're welcome...I think maybe it's habit or how I was raised to allow others to go before myself, I tend to make sure everyone else is full and safe before caring for myself." He said softly, hoping that got her to stop looking at him like that. 

Lowering his muzzle to the already shredded area she had made in the stomach, he ripped through the meat with ease. The taste of fresh meat and warm food almost made him groan out loud but he contained himself. He continued to eat until he was full and then stepped back again, sighing heavily. "I'm really glad you ended up stumbling upon me. I don't know if I could have downed her myself" he said, body relaxing fully now that his belly was full.
She tilted her head at his words, the wariness falling from her eyes. As he began to eat, she licked the blood off of her muzzle and stretched again, her muscles protesting only slightly. Relaxing, she blinked slowly as she sat down. She hadn't had a meal like this in a while. She tried to cover up a yawn by dipping her head as he kept eating. The breeze blew, and the blades of grass ruffled. 

Peace settled on her for the first time in...a very long time. It was an intriguing thought. Why peace? It was a strange but welcome feeling as she sat back on her haunches. Looking at him again, she nodded at his words, then spoke, her words blunt, but kind. "I'm glad that I could help. You looked like you hadn't eaten well in a while." 

Shaking her head, she apologized for her look earlier, looking almost sheepish now. "I'm sorry for the look earlier. I have just never run across what I assume to be a lone wolf that would do that. My curiousity got the better of me. It must have been showing on my face. I try to curb it. It's not the healthiest of habits." A sound that almost sounded like a laugh emitted from her throat as she wagged her tail slightly, her head tilted. A small smile rested on her face.
As he finished eating finally he stood up and gave a long stretch, his back cracking loudly and causing him to grunt and sigh with relief. Now that hunger wasn't gnawing at him he was able to focus on other things like finding Aries, Cassiopeia, and Sirius. She began to speak again and he turned his focus on her as he slowly lowered his large frame to the ground. "Ah...well...around these parts there are many who are kind and of good nature but there are just as many who will do you harm. I just happen to think that a stranger deserves kindness until they prove themselves deserving of rudeness." He smiled again as she laughed, the sound making his ears twitch forward. "So Onyx, where are you headed? What's a beautiful woman such as yourself have planned?" He asked, his eyes twinkling as he flirted playfully. It wasn't a lie or smooth talking, she really was quite good looking. He didn't know how else to start a conversation but he hoped she would stay around a while to chat, company was nice after being alone for so long.
Watching him lay down, she subtly admired his frame. He was built, and she brushed some odd thoughts away. His words made her eyes twinkle. If wolves were as he said, she would enjoy passing through. As it crossed her mind, a pang went through her, but she shook her head and lowered herself to the ground gracefully. Blinking slowly, she listened to him begin to talk again. 

Her eyes went wide as his words hit her, and she casually saved herself from embarrassment by forcing her jaw to stay shut. Was he...? She met his eyes, the sparkle in them making her forget what words were for a second. Shaking her head, she cleared her mind and grinned at him playfully. She rolled over on her back, the snow feeling good now. Hoping she wasn't making a fool of herself, she turned back over and rose. She shook her coat, snow falling off. 
Cocking an eyebrow at him, she gave him a lopsided grin and laid back down. She had never had anyone flirt with her before. Flustered, she started to speak, trying to hide that very fact. "For a starter, I planned to have a meal with a good looking male and relax a little." Winking at him, her tail wagged, and she almost groaned. How could her body betray her like that? 

Trying to keep his attention off her tail, her voice was softer than usual. "I've been on my own for about 3 years now, looking for answers to my...muddled past. It's been..an adventure to say the least. I almost stopped this spring, but..I just couldn't let it go." She was surprised she had told him this. Her privacy was important to her. The company of another wolf who actually made her relax was rare. Maybe it was that. She smiled bittersweetly at him as her ears flicked. Curling her tail around her feet, she tilted her head at him, wondering what he thought about all of this.
Her reaction to the flirtation was cute. It made his grin widen and he tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow in an amused fashion as he watched her roll in the snow. Had he made her speechless? The stunned look on her face brought a chuckle from his maw again and his own tail tapped against the snowy ground a few times. Then she did speak and he nodded "Well you got your meal but...oh..are you saying I'm attractive?" He asked widening his eyes and feigning ignorance. She had returned the flirt or at least that's how he took it.

then she began to tell about herself and he felt his smile sober into a sad sort of understanding grimace. She had been alone far longer than he had and seemed to have issues of her own. does everyone in teekons have problems? he wondered bitterly. "I've been alone for...I've lost count of the months. Maybe a year now...I don't know. My wife Olive left me to worship God's, my children are missing. I almost died several times. It's...been a lot." He said in an equally soft tone. "But now I've managed to find myself a pretty female with a cute personality to eat a good meal with. Maybe my luck has changed" he said trying to sway the somber mood with another teasing flirt.
She grinned, her eyes sparkling at his feigned ignorance. His laugh was nice. Her ears came forward as he began to talk, her wagging tail stilling. He had been through a lot. An ache of pain filled her as he talked about his children. She knew about looking, searching for something you long for. It was a long, lonely road to walk alone. Hope that he would find what he was looking for showed in her eyes for a moment as she nodded, staying quiet at his soft tone. 

As he began to flirt again, the ache lifted for the moment, the sparkle returning. Tilting her head, she gave him a lopsided grin. He had called her attractive twice now. The grin grew wider as she teased him back, her voice tinged with sassiness. "You aren't so bad yourself. With black mixed into your grey, you almost don't look old." Her giggle betrayed her as she eyed him. He was definitely attractive. She hoped he didn't take it the wrong way as she let her tail wagging yet again.
When her eyes grew sad he frowned, releasing a soft sigh. He hadn't meant to drag her mood down like that with the tales of his woes. But as the flirtation registered in her mind she was quick to turn a lopsided grin upon him and sassily return the flirtation. The almost innocent playfulness that she had about her made her seem like a newborn fawn attempting to engage in play or maybe a mischievous pixie. He didn't seem too old? He laughed at that fully, his eyes sparkling with amusement "Aye Cailín amháin, but I am nearing middle age." He replied falling easily into his native tongue, referring to her as playful one.

Curious to how she'd react to it, he belly crawled toward her and flopped onto his side, placing his head just on top of her paws. "But you're quite young. You've never experienced a man in any way have you?" He asked, his voice taking on a more husky tone as he peered up at her with questioning blue eyes. He was attracted to her for sure, but not just physically. He thought she was sweet and beautiful in spirit too from what he'd seen of her so far.
Her eyes perked forward at the strange language as he spoke. Curiousity sparked in her eyes. Whatever it was, the language made it sound beautiful. She was about to ask what it meant when surprise struck her as he started to belly crawl to her. She tried not to look at the muscle rippling in his legs, but it was incredibly difficult. Her breath quickened as he flopped on to his side. No one had shown her their vunerable underbelly. Ever. What did it mean? 

Her heart all but stopped as she felt his large head rest gently on her paws. What did she do now? He began to speak, and his voice...She took in a breath and tried to focus. Almost succeeding, his eyes met hers. Her tail betrayed her yet again, hitting the ground fast. They were so blue. Like the bluest of skies on a summer day. Trying to find her voice, she smiled at him, her eyes sparkling. Swallowing hard, she shook her head, her chocolate brown eyes not leaving his. After what seemed like forever, she spoke, her voice softer than usual. "No, I haven't. I hadn't... haven't found anyone that would be worth my time." 

She cringed inwardly, hoping he hadn't caught her mistake. "If I'm honest, no one has offered. I'm what wolves from back home called a 'dirty blood'." She resisted the urge to nuzzle him. Taking a deep breath, her playfulness came back on her face as her voice got more steady. "Besides, I don't think you could keep up with me." She laughed as she looked down and winked, amusement in her eyes. She wondered why she was acting like this. This had never been a problem before. Tilting her head, she wondered what he was thinking.
His heart skipped a beat as their eyes met and he felt something similar to what he has felt when he first spotted Olive. He sucked in a slow and long breath, his nostrils flaring as he breathed in her scent. The tapping of her tail made his ears flick and he realized that it signalled when she was flustered, the realization making a small smile form on his maw. Finally she spoke to him and gave him new information that made him frown. Dirty blood? Back in his Homeland they'd had a similar term "Fola measctha" that meant mixed blood. It usually referred to a wolf mixed with the domestic canine or as they were casually called, dogs. It wasn't something that everyone had considered a bad thing but the nastier of wolves looked down upon them as lesser, like peasants to a king. It was something that disgusted Dakarai, to him all were equal except in terms of hierarchy, alphas were naturally more respected. "You're part dog?" He asked curiously, his eyes roaming her face and the parts of her body that he could see from his rolled over position. She quickly tried to change the subject into something more playful but he still remained calm, studying her.

After a few moments he simply shook his head and pressed his nose to the hollow of her throat, placing a quick lick there. "It isn't something that would deter me either way. You're still phenomenal" he whispered and then removed his muzzle from her throat. Once separated some he offered her a lazy grin "I'm much more spritely than you'd think for an old man" he teased, his tail tapping against the ground between his legs.
The frown on his face made her tilt her head, wondering if she had something that had upset him. She was stating what she knew as fact. Nodding slightly, she gave him a small smile as she thought back on her mother. She had been a caring mother. Her memory would always hold a special place in her heart. Striking the ache for a family from her heart, she noticed as she talked, he studied her. It made her heart beat a bit faster. 

She closed her eyes for a moment as he licked her. The affectionate gesture was strange, but welcome. It had been..too long.  His next words touched her deeply, more than she would care to admit to anyone, including herself. She smiled softly at him, a light in her eyes that made the brown look darker than normal. Her ears turned towards him as he teased again, a light laugh emitting from her throat, almost echoing across the land. Her heart was light as she looked down at him. She nuzzled his chin playfully then raised one brow, trying not to smile. He was very agile for his age, but she wouldn't admit that right now. She relaxed a bit more. "Just remember, old man, I had to help you with that doe. You even admitted it...or have you forgotten, my good sir?" Her eyes eyes sparkled with softness and amusement as she sighed softly with happiness.
As they teased and joked around with one another he began to realize that he could really like this woman. He could even see himself falling for her if they weren't two lone wolves that met by chance. That fact scared him and for a moment the fear slipped into his gaze and he looked to the ground. Everyone he ever loved ended up leaving him through some means. His life was a mess of loss and pain, maybe he really was cursed after all. Maybe he should go...they had filled up with food and had a nice conversation but he didn't want to plague her and ruin her life like he had with Olive and Arturo.

But as he tensed to leave she began to tease him again and he slowly relaxed, a small smile forming "That you did, flew like the wind behind that deer. But really, how old are you?" He asked. He had thought she was quite young but up close he wasn't sure, she looked like a fully matured woman.
She saw the pain in his eyes, and her peace escaped from her heart. He didn't want to stay. She should have been used to this, but it still hurt, this one a little bit sharper than the others. She felt his muscles tense to leave before she spoke. After she did, he relaxed again, but it felt as if she had forced him to. She mustered up a small smile and tried to shove everything back.

"I am over 4 years old." She huffed softly at herself, an almost mocking sound. She felt tired all of a sudden, the long nights alone, the sleepless nights and silent days trying to crowd in all at once. He didn't want her. She shouldn't have thought..What had she thought? Closing her eyes for a second, her brows furrowed as the emotions took hold. She shook her head and took a deep breath of the cold air, her nostrils flaring a moment. The frozen breath cut the feelings back, but an ache had settled on her heart. His still belonged to another. How stupid a mixed blood she was. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The word repeated at each beat of her heart as she spoke again, a smile on her lips that did not quite reach her eyes as she opened them. "I was born 4 years ago in winter. How about you?"
He watched her demeanor change and cringed. He hadn't meant to hurt her, he didn't want that at all. He really found her to be absolutely incredible in every way. As she tried to hide it from him he moved forward again, sitting up slightly and placing his head across the back of her neck.As she tried to act tough and told her age he sighed.  "Don't. Don't do that. Don't try to hide from me. You are beautiful in every way and my pain has nothing to do with you at all. My ex wife...and my first deceased wife. They all ended up leaving me in some way. I.. brought them both suffering." His voice shook slightly as he told his secret. 

He licked at the back of her neck soothingly "Onyx, I tensed to run because I fear if I fall for you I'll only bring you Suffering as well. If...if we stay together, I will fall for you." His voice turned into a whisper as he reluctantly pulled away from her. He looked into her eyes and offered her a small but genuine smile "You're funny,Sweet, cute...and you're beautiful." He began and then began to chuckle "You're also my age, probably a few months younger" he said with a grin. "Who's old now?" He asked playfully hoping that after everything he'd said she would feel better.
As she thought about leaving to stop the pain of the sight of him turning and leaving, she felt his head resting gently across her neck. It was bittersweet and confusing to her. What was he doing? Why hadn't he left like the others yet? Then he began to talk, and her eyes closed. She heard words from him that she had never from anyone. Her mouth came open to protest his statement, but he continued to speak, and she just enjoyed this brief contact for the time it would last. As his words hit her, her heart ached for a completely different reason. He had been through a lot of heartache, and he blamed himself. His voice shook, and she realized how deep he had kept this secret. Warmth spread through her as he licked her, her thoughts calming at his voice. Her heart leaped at his next words. He would..fall for her? Her eyes held disbelief in them as she pushed back hope. No, she couldn't let hope well up yet. Not..yet. He began to describe her, and she almost couldn't believe his words. Yet the genuineness of his voice soothed her.
She felt the cold wind on her neck as he removed his head. A shiver went down her spine as if she had lost something. A small came on her face, and she nuzzled under his chin, enjoying the contact again. Raising her brow at him, her smile grew, her voice steady as she spoke. "Oh, now I'M the old one? You're incorrigible, Dakarai." A small laugh came from her throat, her tail wagging slowly. It soon came to a stop as she tilted her head, a touch of sadness but understanding in her eyes. "You need to go... don't you? You..need to look for your children. Don't let me stop you." Giving him a small lopsided smile, she looked into his eyes again, as if to memorize his face.
Dakarai closed his eyes as she nuzzled under his chin, the gesture both simultaneously making him ache and warming his heart all at once. He released a slow sigh and opened his eyes again, this time they were filled with regret. Oh how he wished that he could simply run off with her into the distance and forget everything else that had happened, but he knew that was not possible. He had to locate his three children and at least try and find Olive again.

Then she joked again but the sadness and heaviness in the air hadn't left them and it came to a stop just as soon as it had begun. She asked if he had to leave and the way she spoke, he knew that she understood that he truly did. He slowly stood up but never tore his gaze from her face. Those eyes...so warm and brown that revealed so much yet kept many things hidden. His eyes warmed a bit but he nodded "I do... I have things to say and apologize for. I at least need to try.." he whispered. Slowly his eyes travelled her body, memorizing every detail before returning to her face. "I won't forget you. leanfaidh tú i mo chroí agus in intinn." He spoke the irish naturally and as the words flowed out he knew them to be true. He'd never forget her. "Maybe we'll meet again if the stars write it in our future." He said this yearningly,sending a silent prayer that he'd see this woman again. At that he stepped closer and pressed his muzzle to the top of her head, breathing in her scent before forcing himself away from her. Before he could change his mind he turned and ran. don't look back...don't look back...don't look back the thought ran through his mind. If he turned back there would be no search for his children. Despite the desire to so anyway he pushed on and disappeared from view.

the Irish "You will remain in my heart and mind" 

Dakarai out! He'll see her soon though xD thank you for this beautiful thread.
The regret in his eyes tore at her as he stood. The heaviness that was in the air settled like a stone in her heart as he began to speak. His whisper echoed in her mind. He had to go. She knew this. He did, too. As he studied her, she looked at him, her eyes trying to hide the sharp pain. He didn't need to see that. The strange language passed over his lips again, making her ache to know what he had said. His next words brought hot tears to the back of her eyes, but she fought them off, closing her eyes as his muzzle rested on her. Her nostrils flared as she breathed him in, trying to sear his scent into her memory. And then...he was gone. She tried not to open her eyes, but as soon as she couldn't feel his muzzle, she opened them, her eyes searching for him. Her breath left her as he saw his back. 'Turn around..just once.' But his face never turned towards her, and the pain made her sit back on her haunches. Letting the tears fall, she scolded herself. There was no reason for her to feel like this. What was WRONG with her? But the scolding did not stop the flow as she watched him disappear over the plains. It took everything not to move, not to howl. But her voice was silent as the wind howled for her.