Wolf RPG

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Korei Julia sat just outside the den. She was having so many...odd feelings. Burning feelings in her chest when she looked upon Lennon near the new female, @Xahi. And Alarian, when she got close to him. But it all was so confusing, so frustrating.

She growled, and while she had no idea where that came from, she could care less as she kicked a rock away. "Why...why do I feel like this?" she asked, looking ot the stars.
Xahi stretched her long figure, her claws drawing across the floor. She shook out her long, creamy mane and parted her jaws in a wide yawn. The girl had grown restless and decided she was ready for a breath of fresh air.
      As she padded out of the den, she noticed a pallid figure sitting outside the den. Xahi debated on whether or not she should approach the young girl, as Korei had seemed quite unhappy about Xahi earlier, and she didn't look to happy now either. In the end, Xahi decided that she should start building relationships with the three wolves, and Korei would be her start.
      Xahi gave a soft chuff to the girl, announcing her presence quietly. She then padded silently to Korei's side, sitting beside her and looking out into the distance. Xahi sat there beside the lighter female quietly for a minute, blinking softly.
     "It must be weird for you, having me here," the girl spoke in her deep voice, still looking over the landscape. She hoped to make a conection with the girl, but on Korei's own time.
Korei Julia thought of the first time she felt one of these feelings. When under Terance's comforting touch. She heard the chuff and slightly turned her head. She felt one of the burning feelings again, but set it aside to put on a small smile. "Hi..."

She went to turn back to the stars, though she was confused by what she meant. "We do have one other to our group...but I see no other difference?" she asked up to the other female.
Xahi closed her eyes and smiled at the ground. "Perhaps on the outside it may seem the same, but under the surface, do you see change?" She turned her head to the girl, and before an answer was given, she spoke up again. "How long have you known the boys," she inquired. Xahi had had many conversations like this with Ezi, where her mother would help her find what she needed to learn in the moment. Perhaps Xahi could help this little one. Xahi gave a soft gaze at Korei, awating her response.
She had to think about that as she looked at the stars. "N...No?" Was she missing something? Something big she was meant to be seeing? "Why? Did Lennon say something was different?" she asked, turning to Xahi. Was something bad, had something gone wrong recently. 

"Not that long" she answered. "Lennon...Lennon saved me from drowning. Then they both saved me from a cat, and another wolf and....and...." She sniffed as she felt a bit sad. "And I did nothing to help...."
"No, Lennon didn't say anything. I just want to know how you feel." She softened her voice even more, "change, even little things, can have big effects."
     Xahi was surprised to hear that the boys had only recently started to travel with Korei, as they seemed very close. Perhaps that was the way things worked in this group? Upon seeing the young one become sad, she touched her nose to Korei's shoulder. This small gesture was something Ezi had always done to comfort Xahi.
     "If you were in danger, it is the responsibility of the group to make sure you stayed unharmed, Korei. You have no reason to be guilty. A pack is meant to keep each other safe without expecting anything in return." She smiled at Korei, hoping to lift her spirits.
      Xahi directed her gaze back to the landscape, adding another comment. "From what I can tell, they both love you, and love can push a person to do most anything to protect their loved one."
Korei Julia made an 'o' with her mouth in understanding. "Well, I guess it could...but I've felt nothing different...well, except..." She shook her head, she didn't want to talk about the feelings she was having. "It's nothing."

"I know, but I...have you seen what happened to them? Lennon has his leg hurt, Alarian got his jaw torn, and I..."
She looked down shamefully, her torn ear flicking.
"Are you sure? I know I'm new, but I promise I'm a good listener, and it is important to me that my partners are well." She cocked her head at The young one, a sadness crossing her face as the young one continued to feel shameful. "Korei, you have nothing to feel guilt about. They chose to help you because they love you. It is not your fault they were hurt. Love pulls people together, drives them apart, but at the core, it helps them follow their spirit. In the boys' spirits, they felt the need to protect you, and so they did."
      The girl then returned to Korei's previous sentence. "If you don't mind me asking, are these feelings...are they for other wolves?"  She turned her gentle green gaze to the younger, blinking at her softly;
Korei's other ear twitched up as she heard this. What did she mean by love? "I know they love me. Like my Mama and Papa, they....they loved me." At least, she used to think so. She still thought so sometimes, but their views had been so different to hers. 

Her face grew warm as she shifted her face away. "Well...every time I see Lennon near you, or Alarian protecting me, I feel...feel these bruning feelings..."
Xahi, after hearing these things, layed down, and encouraged Korei to do the same. " I see. Korei, it is possible that what you are feeling is attraction. Attraction is, well..." The dark-faced woman searched for the correct words to explain attraction. "Do you remember when I talked about spirit? Well, the feeling can sometimes be without spirit, this is known as lust. It is an attraction to physicality, which does not quite sound like what you are experiencing. Attraction with spirit is a...connection to another. A connection in which one or both has the wish to be a...romantic partner of the other. To love the other like your ma loved your paw." Xahi smiled, proud of her explanation.
Korei Julia tipped her head. Attraction? What did Xahi mean by that? "Lust?" she asked aloud. She did yearn for physical contact a lot, but it was out of comfort...wasn't it? 

Then Xahi siad 'romantic', and Korei's face flushed. "R-Romantic? You mean...you mean I like Alarian and Lennon?" Could she have liked them in that way? She did not know. "I-I never thought about it like that...are you sure?"
Xahi decided it would be best not to go into detaill on lust, and ignored her inquiry. 
     "I am not sure. You could simply love them as siblings, but the burning you are describing...it is very similar to the burning another has described to me." Xahi smiled at the thought of her mother rambling endlessly over the man she wished would have been Xahi's father, Jolon.
     "I wish I could be sure, but I can not. This is something you should explore in the future. Don't be afraid to confront your feelings. Please, do consult me in the future. I do not want you to have to work through these feelings on your own. As your partner, I would like to make certain you are well." Once again, Xahi reassuringly pressed her nose into the younger's fur. "Most of all, you must not be ashamed. It is okay to be scared, and confused, but not guilthy, and not alone."
Korei had to think about this. How would she explore these 'feelings' she had. "But...but how am I supposed to? I can't just ask or tell them, can I?" She could not imagine just walking upt to either Alarian, or Lennon. What was she to do? She knew she could not just ask either of them, she was too nervous and scared to. 

"I-I will...I'll talk to you about it" she replied. Though she was not sure she could ever bring herself to do so.
"The next time you have these feelings, try to, well, find their root. By that, I mean to see what has caused them, try to think on why you are having them." Once again, Xahi cocked her head in thought, observing the younger she-wolf carefully. "Either way, it will be okay." Xahi layed her head down next to the young girl, hoping she had comforted her in some way, as she desperately wanted to make the girl feel safe and hopeful.
Korei Julia smiled a bit. She went to lean against the other, a telltale sign that she felt comfortable around whomever it was. "Thank you, Xahi...I think you'll be...you'll be..." Before she could finish, she started drifting to sleep. The past few days had been so, so tiring for the girl. "A good...friend..." And then she was out.