Wolf RPG

Full Version: He's never going home
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After being shown around by Terance, Bernard decided to take a rest, but not for long. Soon, he found himself traversing up the mountain, following where the scents appeared to converge. The forest's flow slowed to a trickle as he moved, only the scarce straggler greeting him now and again. Finally, he reached what he presumed to be the pack's main site and tensely looked around, tail waving anxiously—anxious to see Wraen but also the other wolves' responses to his arrival.
Tambourine rolled to a stop, his big paws crunching in the snow, and craned his neck upward. Moonspear was a fitting name; the peak thrust up toward the heavens exactly like a javelin with a lunar target. As his pale eyes combed over its slopes, he saw a figure climbing. His heart dropped into his stomach.

Without thinking, the yearling threw his head into the air and howled a warning to the wolves who lived here. "There's a bear on your mountain!" he called out to them, thinking of @Wraen and her family. "Bears seem to cause a lot of trouble in these areas," her voice echoed in his mind as he frantically stamped the snow, feeling helpless.
Wraen had been taking an afternoon nap in the badger's den she had found and claimed days earlier. A comfy place, which felt like it was made for a wolf her size and proportions. Compared to her last residence, this was dry, with no water seeping through, and she simply slept well there. 

And she would have slept longer, had it not been for the loud warning howl in the distance, telling everyone, who was willing to listen, that there was a bear in the area. Since the voice sounded familiar as well, Wraen's desire to rest was replaced by worry for both the clawed trespasser and the stranger on the borders. 

She ran to the borders as fast as she could and, when she finally came to the place of action, she had remembered one solid fact about bears - they hibernated during winter. A moment later she caught sight of Bernard's familiar shape in the distance and then another surprise came, because the caller turned out to be Tam, who she had met in the Glen. 

Situated between the two people she recognized and being at loss of words of what to say or do now, she simply sat down, looking from one to the other.
He hadn't spotted anyone around just yet. Just as he was about to sound a howl of his own to announce his presence, the sound of someone else's howl rang through the still air. He'd have expected it to come from within the territory, but instead it came from the border. "There's a bear on your mountain!" It warned. Bernard's fur bristled in alarm. Were they referring to him? Everyone he'd met in the Teekons so far thought he was a bear or some kind of bear-wolf hybrid. This would not make for a good first impression, so he let out a deep, loud howl to dispel any concerns that he was anything but canine.

Seeing as there was no one nearby, he made his way down the mountain again towards the source of the howl. From what this wolf said and where they were located, he assumed they weren't from the pack, but he wanted to investigate, anyhow. As he neared the border, a familiar scent reached him—Wraen. Suddenly, Bernard broke into a lope, bounding towards her. Wraen?! He called out, overcome with so many emotions whirling inside of him at once. When he came close to her, he skidded to a stop, sending snow flying. Is it really you? He asked in disbelief, frantically sniffing her for information.
He didn't know what he expected, though the silence that met his warning perturbed Tambourine. Had they heard him? Should he howl again? He was deliberating when someone did call back. He squinted upward, his jaw falling slack when he could plainly see the bear howling. Did bears howl?

A few moments later, Wraen appeared. "Wraen!" Tambourine exclaimed, pointing his snout up at the bearish figure now clambering down the mountain toward them. "There's a b—" His voice cut off abruptly as the "bear" came closer. It was much smaller than a typical bear, its snout too tapered. It slowly dawned on him that he was looking at a bearlike wolf.

Feeling like an absolute idiot for the false alarm, Tambourine gulped and took a step back when the bear lookalike scrambled to greet Wraen. "Oh man, I'm so sorry. I thought..." He was too sheepish to say what he'd thought, though his mistake was quite obvious. "I'm an idiot." All thought of possibly joining this pack suddenly fled from him. Even if they let him in following that blunder, he was too embarrassed to ask in the first place.
There was some commotion going on not far from where Charon was patrolling. He quickened his pace to get there, hurrying to a gallop. There was an alertness in his face as he arrived, but when he got there there didn't seem to be much going on. He only caught the tail end of what the stranger said — ... an idiot... — and glanced over to Wraen and Bernard who were headed this way.

"What's going on? I heard shouting," he asked with urgency to his voice, deciding to assess whether he needed to be ready for a fight or not first. He didn't specifically ask the wolf who'd shouted, actually looking in the direction of his pack mates first and foremost.
"Yeah, it's me," Wraen told Bernard, when he had come to a halt. She had heard about a big bear of a wolf joining the Moonspear ranks, but had not had time to go and greet him in person. Now she could. 

"Oh, hey, Tam!" she then turned to the young wolf, who suddenly looked very embarrassed about his honest mistake. Who could blame him, after all - Bernard was one of a kind. 

"This is B..." she began, but did not finish, when Charon appeared too and Wraen's face fell, not knowing, what to do about the situation now. She knew all too well, how strangers on the borders were treated nowadays and she did not want Tam get hurt. 

"Oh, hey, Charon," she recovered and mustered up a sincere smile, even a tail-wag that was pretty genuine. "That's my friend Tam and we had arranged a hunting-date. Came to meet me at the borders, saw Bernard in the distance and thought he was a bear. Called out to warn me. No other trouble, right?" she now gave both guys a "don't you fail me now" look and hoped that they would go along with the lie.
He heard Wraen's familiar, soothing voice answer him, and his tail wagged vigorously behind him in relief and excitement. They'd done it; they were finally together again. The unfamiliar wolf apologized, and Bernard turned to him with a grin. It's a common response, He explained nonchalantly. Though he supposed it could have turned out badly for him, Bernard felt that he would've handled it well and wasn't overly concerned.

Wraen greeted the man she called 'Tam', which he assumed was a nickname. She was about to introduce him when she cut herself off—having noticed something behind him—and solemly looked to the ground. Confused, Bernard furrowed his brows and looked where she had to find Charon approaching just before he asked what was going on. He moved out of the way to stand beside Wraen and face him fully.

Wraen explained the situation which, to him, sounded like the truth. So, he nodded in agreement and said, There's no trouble. A hunting date sounds fun. Bernard kept a neutral expression, but he felt a pang of jealousy. Was she going to leave so soon with this wolf after they'd just been reunited?
Neither Wraen nor her bearlike pack mate seemed particularly concerned. In fact, their reactions were reassuring. Evidently this wasn't an uncommon occurrence. These kind words did make Tambourine feel slightly better, though there was still a part of him that felt deeply embarrassed about making such a stupid mistake, especially right in front of Wraen. Furthermore, he had clearly caused her worry, which made him feel even worse.

And she wasn't the only one. A commandeering figure appeared at the borders, barking for an explanation. Tambourine cringed inwardly, though this reaction was partially offset because he realized he recognized the latecomer. His mouth opened to say something but he appeared to be addressing his pack mates rather than Tambourine. While they answered him, the yearling tried to place his face.

Floki! he thought. It had gone silent again and now was the time to speak up for himself, though Tambourine's brain replayed the last few words and realized Wraen had mentioned a date. "Did y—whaaa?" was the result of said realization. His cheeks immediately heated as he realized how dumb he sounded. He cleared his throat and tried to get his head screwed on straight.

"I'm sorry for causing a disturbance. I—what she said," Tambourine said, nodding at Wraen and shooting her a bit of a starry-eyed look. "I'm glad you're not really a bear," he said sheepishly to Bernard before turning toward Charon and rephrasing the question he hadn't quite gotten out a moment ago. "Did you ever find Floki?" He wondered if the other wolf remembered their brief encounter.
Eyes squinted a little at Wraen's sudden uncomfortableness as he approached. He didn't really understand why she would feel this way, though maybe it had something to do with the stranger at their borders. He looked at the other wolves there — Bernard, who showed so little emotion that it seemed almost suspicious, and then the other guy, 'Tam', who actually seemed the least suspicious in this whole situation. At least he was just looking dumb, but, y'know, naturally so.

Shaking off the thought that something weird was going on here that he was being excluded from Charon looked back to Wraen as she greeted him. It was like things fell back into a normal pace, at least for a little while. He didn't think much of the hunting thing, but no other trouble, right? seemed kind of fishy to him. He wondered if he was just growing paranoid from the impending betrayal of Rannoch and Liffey, or if there was really something going on. But this was Wraen, who was basically almost like Osprey in most ways — he adored her, and he didn't want to believe that something was wrong or that she would pull his leg on any front. No, everything was fine. Wraen was fine. Wraen would never do something like that to him.

The thoughtful frown at all of this was washed off his face quickly by one word. Floki. "What?" he asked, the word coming out much more impatient than he intended. He'd forgotten all about ever meeting the boy. "What do you know about Floki? Where is he?" It seemed stupid to him that he would still care so much about his brother's whereabouts even now, half a lifetime later. Realising this, Charon looked away, a look of pain to his face. "Never mind, I — No. No, he's gone. We never found him." And it was unlikely that he would ever return. Floki was likely dead in a ditch somewhere, since he had disappeared in the dead of winter. Where else would he be now? He didn't have any reason to leave at the time. Maybe if he hadn't been reminded of this painful memory and the lack of his brother in his ranks at present time Charon would've joked that he could've imagined Tam thinking Bernard to be a bear, but right now he was at a loss for words.
Wraen almost regretted that she had lied, because it seemed that Charon was more confused about her and Bernard than the stranger on his doorstep. The knowledge of being open with Terance about her feelings about pack's alpha, did not alleviate the situation either. Speaking behind someone's back was just as bad for her as an outspoken disloyalty. 

Therefore it was a relief that the two fellows picked up the thread quite smoothly and even moreso, when it turned out that Tam and Charon had a mutual acquaintance. Not wanting to be of a burden, she moved over to sit next to Bernard and give the other two space to talk matters over.
Charon narrowed his eyes and looked quite suspicious, though Bernard couldn't say why. Both Charon and Wraen's responses left him confused. Perhaps there was some dynamic between them from the past that he wasn't privy to. Charon also seemed suspicious of him, though, and not even concerned much with the stranger at the border. Had he done something wrong, or was this just his instinctive distrust in him? Bernard's head was spinning with questions, and he felt uncomfortable from the tension in the air. However, he had to stay put—he was in the presence of the alpha, after all—so he stood rigidly in place and kept a straight face.

"Tam" seemed nice enough, seeing as he apologized and just seemed a bit goofy. However, now Tam was asking Charon about someone Bernard was unfamiliar with. After failing to understand anything that was going on, he took a page out of Wraen's book and sat down. He gave her a chaste lick behind the ear and a small smile. At least she was here.
It was the wrong question to ask. The wolf—Charon, Wraen had called him—seemed taken aback by the mention of Floki, giving the yearling a shrewd and suspicious look. He gulped quietly. This is what you get for coming to a pack's borders, a voice chimed in the back of his mind. You just need to steer clear, buddy... He drew in a deep breath, trying not to feel utterly horrible about the aggrieved expression that crept onto Charon's face when he reported that no, he'd never found his friend. Tambourine knew that pain.

His pale eyes skipped to Wraen as she took a seat, soon joined by Bernard, who gave her ear a little lick. Tambourine tore his eyes away, looking now at Charon's feet as he rushed to apologize. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a sensitive issue. I just—we met a long time ago. I was looking for my d—Stark and you were looking for—" He wasn't sure he dared say the name again, triggering Charon all over again. "I'm just gonna get out of your hair now," he added, shooting Wraen a regretful look now. "Sorry again." It was meant for all three of them, for the various ways he'd bungled this encounter.

He backpedaled, stumbling slightly on his maimed feet. Tambourine then spun and began moving swiftly away from the scene, too upset with himself to even chance a backward glance even as he thought remorsefully, Bye, Wraen...
A lot happened all at once. Wraen and Bernard sat down and Charon noted it was quite close to each other, though he didn't see the lick shared between them as he was distracted by Tam's continued stumbling over words. He blinked as Tam threw out word after word, though he genuinely didn't remember anything about it. He opened his mouth to ask if the boy'd ever found this Stark fellow, because somehow it felt like that might make his own grief slightly better, like, at least someone'd found back who they'd lost in that storm. However, before any words came out the boy already offered to 'get out of their hair' and made to leave. By now Charon's posture had dropped to a neutral one, as he didn't see any danger here, even moreso in the goofy boy with the weird paws' presence. If he knew Wraen, that was a bonus, but even other than that he seemed fine.

"Did you ever — Hey, wait!" Charon called after the boy, his question turning into a request that was almost a demand; "You don't have to go —" But the boy was already running away, it seemed. Should he stop and turn around Charon would ask him if he'd ever found the Stark wolf, but if he wouldn't turn back like requested to, then all there was left to do was look utterly confused at what the heck just happened. And what about that hunting trip..?
Wraen frowned, when Tam suddenly got all too nervous and afraid (Charon was nowhere near at his worst - he was very civil, if not a little shaken as well) and took off. You fool! - she thought, looking intently after him, because he had just about busted her hunting date lie and now she would be left to explain herself. Which would complicate things unneccessarily.

"I think he got very shy with you," she said, getting to her feet and approaching Charon. "Age difference and all, plus, he told me that he had been a nomad for a very long time, therefore maybe he is not quite used to company of too many people just yet," she continued. "Me and Bernard will go after him - he owes me a good hunt. Anything you would like to find out? Should I convince him to come back?"
Tam seemed incredibly flustered until he, oddly, decided it was best to just leave. Wraen rose to her feet, and so did he. Bernard listened to Wraen explain Tam's behavior to Charon. What a strange fellow he was. She roped him into going after Tam, which he had no objections too. He just wished he knew what the hell they were talking about and that he could make himself more useful. But there wasn't anything he could do about that, so Bernard stood in silence, waiting for Charon's orders.
'Shy' seemed like a massive understatement, considering the situation. Charon quirked an eyebrow when Wraen said she'd take Bernard to go after him, considering they were supposed to meet up for a hunt. "I'd say taking the 'bear' seems like asking for another flight risk situation," he said, a spark of humour in his voice. "How 'bout me and Bernard go for a patrol while you find your friend for the hunting trip? We don't know each other nearly well enough yet." Charon smiled at Bernard invitingly, hoping he'd join him along the borders so they could make do some small talk.

"Have fun hunting," Charon offered to Wraen and he set in the patrol, assuming that Bernard would follow right behind.
It was a tricky situation - Wraen wanted Bernard to come, because - first - they had a reunion to celebrate, second - she wanted Tam to get to know the bearlike wolf, so that there would not be any mistakes later, third - a trio had more chances of taking something down than a duo. Therefore - in her opinion - the beardog was an absolute necessity for her. 

Yet she understood that speaking against Charon's orders would do neither of them good, therefore she would have to figure out, how to get, what she wanted, and keep the alpha happy as well. "I thought that it would be nice for Bernard to learn some group hunting basics," she said, carefully choosing each word. "I will find Tam's tracks and - once I do and you two have finished your patrol - maybe Bernard can join me?"

We started a group thread right after Tambourine's exit post, where it says that after Charon had let them both (Wraen and Bernard) go, they went after Tam. Specific time is not an issue, therefore, if Wraen fetched Bernard after the patrol - that's ok.