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Dated Jan 28/29. Either the night of the 28th or the early morning of the 29th.@Dauntless @Valette Maybe: @Murdock @Mawk @Illecebra

She couldn't follow that trail any further. She could see that it went on for awhile, but she had Dauntless with her, and whoever had hurt Burr was more then likely able to hurt Pena too. She wasn't a fighter and if she was going to have any hope of finding him and helping Burr she would need help. 

Easthollow was the closest place and so she rushed to their borders with Dauntless at her side. She had kept him in mind, thinking that she had to keep watch over him, that maybe it would be best for him to stay at Easthollow if they ended up going after Burr, but talking to him about what they had seen would have to wait for another day. It was something that could really mess with someone, especially when they were young and seeing it for the first time. 

But right now Burr was in trouble, and so once she got to the border she let out a large howl, filled with the sence of urgency to the leaders of the pack and anyone else that might have heard. She might have been over reacting a bit, but it had happened so shortly ago, he still had a chance she thought. As long as they acted fast.
The week had been a good one and had filled Illecebra with hope for the future. Mawk and her were getting along just as well as usual, Rowana was home again and knew to stay close, Cyron was home too though she hadn't seen him around as of late but she wouldn't worry about him wandering away. Even despite Keoni being dead so suddenly she kept a sense of optimism and pushed away the sadness, though she would of course eventually find a way to speak to Valette and apologize for her loss.

As the urgent call from the borders went up, she had just finished a meal. Her one ear shot up and she strode forth wanting to be there incase anyone needed help. She spotted the woman and youth standing there and sniffed their scents in, catching her son's mixed in with their's and instantly her heart skipped a beat and dropped into her stomach. "What's wrong? Where's Burr?" She asked her voice coming out both snappy and shaky all at once as her hawkish golden eyes darted behind them as if her boy would come running up behind them.
When there was an emergency howl from someone she didn't know, Valette was a bit surprised. She didn't know how to respond at first. However, soon her sense of propriety kicked in. The female rushed to the borders. She recognized the two from Morningside. Valette rushed towards them. She knew Dauntless as he played with Clary and Steph the last time they were here.

Cebra seemed to be there as well. How was she always so quick? Valette noticed that she was in a panic. Valette wasn't aware that they would come and bring Burr over. She thought he needed time until spring and it wasn't spring. Valette didn't think there was a reason for Cebra to be this panicked. Valette stayed calm and looked at the two. "What happened? What is wrong?," she asked, demanding an answer.
He heard the call of panic coming from the border and was instantly concerned. He wasn't aquainted with ever member of the pack and so he couldn't be sure right off the bat that this wasn't from one of thier own pack members in need of help. But it sounded familiar and so he came rushing to the border. 

Cebra and Valette were already there questioning what appeared to be a female and young male. It only took him a moment to realize who they were. Pema and Dauntless. Howl had left things so abbruptly with them, Pema especially that he didn't say anything. Partly out of not wanting to be a burden to Pema or over croud the conversation with the repetition of questions. 

He walked up between Cebra and Valette, but stayed a step back, allowing them to lead the conversation with Pema. Whatever this was about seemed urgent, and Howl wanted to help if need be. Making sure his past with Pema didn't get in the way of that.
Pema didn't know either of the females that came to the border. She had heard their names in conversation, but had never meet either of them face to face to be able to put two and two together. But whoever they were, they were quick to respond to her call. Once asking right off the bat where Burr was. She might have taken the time to be formal and introduce herself but the situation with Burr was far more urgent.

"It's Burr. He was attack or something. He split off from the group for awhile and when I went to go look for him I found this pool of blood and a trail that followed." she said a bit out of breath from all the running she had done to get there and the panic of the situation. "It happened just alittle bit ago. If we leave soon we should be able to follow it and track him down before he gets even more injured." she said. Asking for assistance in her statement indirectly.

She noticed Howl only after explaining what had happened.  
they lost burr and if that wasn't bad enough he was clearly injured ...if not worse. dauntless is taunt the entire time he and pema were heading there. he did not want to be the bearer of bad news. he did not want to face the realization that this made him a shitty guardian, that he's failed a simple task. escort pema and burr to easthollow. he takes his place beside pema, ready for the judgement that will surely come, offering her a side look as they were approached by an abruptly hysterical mother, then valette who was calm but understandably demanding. a third approached then, howl, dauntless recognized but his gaze — green today — went back to the distraught mother and valette as pema launches into her explanation. he's tense, and cringes as pema talks of a pool of blood and that there was a trail that followed. it sounds bad. it makes them sound bad because instead of immediately following the trail to burr and trying to find him on his own they'd, at pema's bequest, ran here. his muscles ache with the threat of stiffness for as taunt and alert as he is at pema's side eyes flickering between the three easthollow wolves gathered though it lingers on burr's mother more-so than the others. if any of them was going to go for an attack it would be his mother.
Indeed he was late to the scene, though his black-tipped paws carried him as fast as he could once the urgent howl had reached his ears from over the canopy of trees. Mawk wasted no time in making his way there, rapid movements only quickening as time passed, an anxious sickly feeling creeping into his stomach and settling like a weight that caused the heavy thrum of his heart to evolve into violent hammering.

Upon arrival, he was quick to analyse the scene - a female out of breath, accompanied by an alert young male. In front of them stood Illecebra, and her panicked expression made his fiery eyes widen with worry. Beside her was Valette and a male who seemed distantly familiar but one whom he was too distracted to truly focus on. His ears perked forward and at the words he caught, his heart sunk. Oh no... not Burr...

Mawk approached with a ringing in his head, a sharp sting that reminded him tauntingly of his failure to keep Cyron safe. Bad father, you're a bad father. But this did not deter him, as much as it made his heart ache - for the man was determined to prove the voice wrong, and he was determined to make sure Burr was okay. With a deep yet shaky breath, he greeted the others with a quick nod of his head and then focused his attention directly onto the wolfess who had brought the news. He listened, and then peered urgently to Valette. "I must go to my son," The man spoke, clearly concerned yet he attempted his best to remain calm, seeking the rapid acceptance from the alphess so that he could aid the Morningside wolfess in tracking his oldest boy. While waiting for this, he glanced to his mate and send her a hopeful look, wishing to help ease her nerves in a silent promise: I will make sure he is okay.
Illecebra's heart beat frantically between the period of silence where her question hung in the air and Valette's arrival. She understood Valette's calmness was because she hadn't yet caught Burr's scent upon theirs yet seem him missing but even so her voice was strained and short when she answered "They smell of him but he isnt here" she knew that it could be that maybe Burr had decided to stay in morningside a bit longer or maybe he reinjured his leg and had to heal again but then why the panic in the she wolf's call? That is what stirred her own panic.

Howl's presence was sensed but not given acknowledgement, her sharp eyes focused in on the she wolf as she spoke. Time slowed down and she heard her heartbeat thrumming in her ears, hackles bristling as she felt a crushing pain within her breast. Burr....attacked...split off....pool of blood... the words echoed in her mind and she took a slow step toward the woman, her eyes darkening and mind clouded by grief. "You saw the blood, you say a pool of it. And a trail. But you decided to come here? He could be dead now, a young boy is nothing against a grown wolf or whatever had the violent mind to even wound him. Especially not Burr....he's not a fighter." Or at least he hadn't been when she had last seen him. So small and curious, intelligent and already questioning what he'd be when he was grown. She hadn't seen him in so long....what if he forgot her? Did he know she hadn't abandoned him intentionally...or at least not really? Any menacing posturing she had been doing was dropped instantly as her flanks heaved with a shaking sob. She moved to Mawk's side and pressed herself against him, her eyes dull as she turned to face Valette. Where Mawk had stated it in a more proper way Cebra simply spoke in a quiet voice, her voice toneless "I'm going as well." This wasn't something she expected Valette to argue but if the alpha took it as a challenge then so be it, for in that moment Cebra wouldn't be commanded, she would find her son whether by disobeying or by being allowed.
Valette didn't expect them to lose Burr but then to find his blood, a pool, with a trail and then leave to go to them?! The alpha female lifted her muzzle. Before she could say anything Mawk spoke that he would go and that Cebra wanted to go. She was not sure if it was good for Cerba to find her possibly a horribly injured son. But she knew being a mother she couldn't stop the other female. "Let's go. NOW," Valette stated and surged forward. If they wanted to save Burr they should go now.

"Show us the way," she spoke to Pema. She then looked at the panting Dauntless. "Howl, can you inform Nanook about this? Tell her she is in charge while I am away. And... give Dauntless something to drink," she spoke. Valette wasn't sure if it was okay for her to take the lead in this but she felt that this situation needed a leader. Plus, maybe Dauntless was too young to see pools of blood from other children. She looked at Pema, Mawk, and Cebra. "Let's save Burr."

Let me know if Val commanding everyone isn't appreciated I can change it :'D
Cebra was obviously distrot and her words to Pema were a mixture of worry and and anger for the loss of her son's where abouts. But Howl understood Pema's actions she was no fighter, as far as he remembered, and he didn't think that if she were face to face with who ever did this to Burr, that she would come out victorious. Cebra and Mawk both wanted to come along and it seemed like a decent group of wolves would be comming along. He wanted to be one of them as well, but before he could say more Valette was asking him to stay behind and inform Nanook that she was incharge. He didn't want to go against her wished, but he could be of some help here. 

"With all respect Valette, I'd like to go as well. I'm far more experienced a fighter then Pema. She could lead us to the spot and we could venture on from there." he said in a voice that did not protray offence. It might of sounded rude, but it was the truth and he hoped Pema would see that. He knew how much it had hurt Cebra to have had her son kidnapped and taken to Blackfeather Woods. If he could help her and Mawk find there son he was going to do so. 
I have already chatted with the person who has Burr's body, and recieved permission for Howl (and the party) to be in the BFW territory while they are away. So I'd like to have Howl go along on the trip and leave Pema behind once she leads them to the pool of blood. 
She listened to the distressed mothers words with understanding, but she had her reasons for doing what she had done. "I saw the pool and I followed the trail for awhile, it lead south. But I knew that I would be of no help if I were to face whoever did this to him. I'm no fighter and knew getting help would be the better option, especially with Dauntless with me." she said in a non argumentative voice, but one hoping to find understanding and a quick resolution to all of this.

The mother and father of the boy both wanted to go after their son. Understandable, but it made Pema think about what Burr had been saying. That both of his parents had left him alone with the pack when they went to go look for his missing brother. The same situation was being presented here, but there was no use in Pema saying anything about the matter, especially not now. The leader of the pack was ready to go, but Howl had something to add.

His words could have been seen as harsh but it was a reality that Pema had to face, and it was the very reason she had come here in the first place. "I agree. Howl would be a far better candidate then me. I'll take you there and then I can come back and inform Nanook and care for Dauntless." she said confirming that Howl's plan could work. Nanook was one of the first wolves Pema had ever meet in the Teekon wilds. She didn't know that this was her pack and hadn't known her too well, but she knew her well enough to recognize her and inform her of the situation.

She looked down at Dauntless, unsure of how he was taking in all of these events. In a rushed but calm voice she said to him, "I'll be right back ok. You stay here till I do." she said in a compassionate voice, ready to lead the party to where she had found the spot.
as the distraught woman took a step towards pema dauntless takes a step forward to mirror her, instinctively ready to protect his mother. he's full grown now, if not very close to being full grown and though he hadn't agreed with pema's choice — unaware that it'd been him she'd unnecessarily worried about — he wasn't going to let her hurt pema if that was the designs she had in mind behind her grieving eyes. she was definitely the wild card out of them. dauntless huffs when she says that he was a motivating reason for her decision. he wasn't a child and the implication that he was a wee babe that needed protection insulted him more than it warmed him ...especially given the tension that hangs in the air like crack of a whip. "no," he isn't normally so argumentative but the sting of insult still smarts. "i'm going with you." dauntless protests. there was no telling the danger she would be stepping into, not to mention that she would be alone with four distraught easthollow wolves. he wasn't about to let her go off on her own with them. "i'm not a child anymore. i can protect myself." he reminds pema gently.