Wolf RPG

Full Version: we call that progress, but it's just movement
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Set for early this morning, anyone can feel free to hop in and I'll probably set the thread to private after that!
He had run. Same as his sister, though that made it no less senseless for either of them. The longer the boy thought about it, the more he regretted it.
Cortland didn't regret his anger or his hurt at the revelation-- the one he still did not let linger too long in his mind. He didn't even touch upon the words directly now, focusing instead on his own foolishness in fleeing. That was easier. Time and travel and thought had made him realize he should have stayed, to get answers if nothing else. Now he didn't know where his mother and fa-- Casmir were, and he was alone.

The fact wasn't as devastating for him as he worried it may be for Mona. If either of them had possessed any sense, he thought, they'd have run off together at least. Then he would know for sure if his sister was okay... because really, Cortland had discovered quickly that solitude fit him well. He loved his family, and worried-- and certainly missed them at many points, but there was something intoxicating about being on the road on his own. The boy glanced up at the brightening sky, at the sun's lazy greeting to the world. He was hurt and confused right now, but as long as he had this, life was good.
Is it possible to set it for after 20th February? I will keep things vague in my post just in case.

Wraen had visited the vast, grassy plains briefly during the summer months. Then due to a recent rainfall the grass had been lush green and had therefore lured a myriad of animals here. Not only the grazing species, such as bison and deer, but also there were rabbits and hares hiding and small rodents scurrying the forest of the green stalks on the ground. It was not unusual that your path crossed with a fox or a coyote on a very regular basis, as they prowled their own way to their own deeds and doings. Standing there then in the middle of life happening all around you could be compared to finding oneself in the middle of the capital, feeling the city's pulse, being part of the blood-flow. 

Now - during the wintertime - the scenery had changed. As far as eyes could see in every direction there were barren fields of snow. Silence broken only by the howling wind. Here and there Wraen found the tracks of the same grazing animals, who had tried to dig out the old grass, but had given up the effort, because the smells were old and no one was in sight. Except - she froze and focused her gaze on a moving figure in the distance. Curious to see, who else was traveling these plains, she bounded towards the other wolf.
works for me! thanks for hopping in :) also assuming she's coming up to him, let me know if I should change that
The wanderer had not expected company, but all too quickly it was apparent that it had found him nonetheless. With a tilt of his head, Cortland's argent gaze found the she-wolf, one ear flicking back as if to silently ask her intentions. He regarded her in silence for a few moments. It was not an unfriendly silence, though; the boy's tail swished behind him, his expression less guarded than curious.
Hello. The boy offered, eyes drifting past the other wolf and across the brilliantly painted morning sky before he refocused on her. His tone was passive and distant, warm but only barely. Who are you?
The wolf did not flee or show any signs of aggression, greeting Wraen as politely as a stranger would. She stopped at a comfortable distance from him and before replying, regarded him with a searching gaze, in case she had met him before and did not remember the event or if he was associated with any of the packs nearby. 

Entirely foreign - was the verdict, therefore in order to get out as much information from him as possible, Wraen settled for a very warm smile and friendly expression, when she said: "Wraen of the vagabonds. What about you? I have been in these lands for quite some time, but you look like a very recent addition to this landscape."
we agreed on making this his recruitment to Sunspire right? <3
Cortland shifted a bit uncomfortably as the stranger studied him, but did not avert his own eyes. At least, he thought, she was friendly so far. The boy found her introduction a bit odd-- Wraen of the vagabonds. He supposed he was a vagabond himself, but, the way she said it made it sound like a secret club that he was very disappointed to be left out of.
My name is Cortland... Mayfair. He wasn't sure how he felt about his family name right now. Not... ashamed, no, but some kind of feeling. One that was easier to ignore. You're right, I haven't been here long.
The wanderer gestured south with his muzzle. I came from that way. Do you live near here, then?
There was a talk - yes - but only, if you wish. :)

"Mayfair? I know that family name," Wraen said, though she was pretty sure that this was no one she had met personally. One of mom's old acquaintances? Yet this guy did not look old enough to have known Osprey, when she had lived here. 

"Sorry, but are you from... Donnelaith? Well, what was once that pack anyway. Because I am pretty sure that it was run by a bunch of Mayfairs long time ago," now she remembered that the pack's leader definitely had been the patriarch of the family. And that he had daughters with very pretty names. Deirdre, for example, sounded like a person she would have loved to know personally.
I would like that ! :D
Immediately the boy perked up at the girl's mention of his family name, caught between a mix of tension and excitement. Ears pulled forward and eyes wide, Cortland found a new interest in the girl.
No, I'm not from Donnelaith, but that was my father's pack, I think. Lasher. The name was still strange to put in the place of Casmir's. Cortland's gaze flicked to the ground for a second before he thought to add: I never met him.
The desire for knowledge won out against his momentarily frayed nerves, and after a couple beats he started again. Did you know him? Or... any of the other Mayfairs?
"Lasher was a good friend of my parents Osprey and Dante," Wraen explained, a little disappointed that she could not help any more on the matter, because she had not spent nearly as much time buggering her mom for detailed descriptions of her former acquaintances, than she had been interested in all the interesting places around the wilds. 

"I might have met him, when I was very, very small - I lived there until I was four months old and then I left with my family. Memories of that time are very foggy and sparse," she explained. "Is there any other way I can help though? Guide you somewhere, maybe?"
so sorry this thread has taken so long to finish
would it fit with your timeline alright if we pulled it forward a little more, date-wise, so it's not too far back when we wrap it up?
He soaked up the information eagerly, not at all disappointed with how little the girl had to offer. A bright smile graced his features as he listened; it was a start, if nothing else. Osprey and Dante. The boy noted the names, tucked them away for later-- for when he found someone who knew more. Suddenly the she-wolf before him was intriguing-- mysterious, even, if he let his imagination wander. A piece of the puzzle that was his past, however far removed she was from it.
Even a little bit helps, so thank you, really-- Cortland began earnestly before Wraen had finished speaking, cut off by the questions she tacked on at the end. He fell silent for a moment, glancing around as if lost. Guide me somewhere? I don't know where I'd want to go. I don't have anywhere, or know of anywhere.
He trailed off, gaze drifting to the ground as if in thought. A few beats later, silver eyes turned back to Wraen, unabashed curiosity shimmering behind them. Do you?
Sure. :) And take as much time as you need.

"Alright," Wraen responded, though the answer was not a very promising start for her being of any use to the young man before her. It would have been a lot easier, had he told her at least the general direction he intended to move to. Now she was at a loss, what to do with him and inviting him to stay at Sunspire did not cross her mind at that moment. 

"I live with a group of other wolves nearby," she answered, when she remember that there had been a question for her at the end. "We settled in those mountains recently," she beckoned to where Sunspire was located.
The mountains? He repeated, only half-questioning as he gazed in the direction Wraen had gestured. The boy was entirely consumed now with thoughts of his family, of the dead father he had never known. The wolves you live with-- could any of them have known a Mayfair once?
It was a long shot, he knew, and perhaps she wouldn't even know herself. Cortland didn't expect a promising answer, so he pressed on after a couple seconds of pause. He was thinking out loud by now, but there was a hint of dejection in his tone. I don't have a clue where any of my family is, but that's all I have. If I can't find them-- I guess I should look for somewhere to stay.
"I am very sorry, but I doubt that they have any idea, who Mayfairs are. We are all in our second year of life and are pretty ignorant of the great leaders and important family names of the past," Wraen replied - had this fellow met his mom, he could have heard a lot more about his family at least.

"Well, you can find a place to stay and look for your family from there," she offered. "I say that you would have good chances staying with us, if you were interested. At the moment the leaders accept wolves of all sizes, ages, shapes and colors."

The spoke a little while longer and then their paths parted.

Clearing out my threadlog - this is a little outdated. However, if your character happens to be around Sunspire, feel free to mention meeting Wraen.