Wolf RPG

Full Version: Goodbye, cruel world, hello space
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ooc: for Nerian.

It was late afternoon and Pump, who had been patrolling the borders with the rest of her "crew", was taking a walk in the northern parts of the territories. She had found there quite good spots for catching mice - who would have known that the area of the rockslide had provided these tiny rodents plenty of small hollows and dens to live in - and returned there at least once or twice a week. As long as it was possible, she preferred smaller prey that required less effort to gain to a larger, but more nutritious one. The upcoming hunt was still a fresh idea in her mind and she had decided to carry it out as soon as her injured foot would be healed.

When Pump arrived at the hill of rocks, she easily found a good place to start her evening hunt. She climbed up swiftly the easy slope, then stopped and listened for mice. A victorious smile appeared in her lips, when she heard the unmistakable squeaking and the next moment she following a scent, her tail wagging excitedly.

Nerian had been collecting rocks to make her den, rather then dig one she had decided to build one out of rocks, Like the building of her birth lands, however this wasn't going as well as she had hoped. She had found a large slab toward the back of the denning area where she was commanded to den in, her building was going going slower and seemed more crude then she had wanted it to look but no other wolves would likely share in her vision of the den.

For now she was content to collect rocks to help build her 'supporting wall' and it was there she came upon Pump she watched the alpha for a moment, She noticed the alpha's gait was off slightly, but then she saw what the alpha was eating and recoiled visibly, She hated eating rodents if only for the increased risk of the parasites they hosted.

Quickly she collected herself and set the rock she had been carrying down, In her birth home, she would not have been allowed to look at a higher ranking wolf let alone engage in conversation, but in this 'world' it seemed to not only to be accepted but expected.

So in this frame of Mind, Nerian drew closer to Pump and asked a question Dear leader, why do you shift your gate so? Might I be able to help you?

The pictures here are as inspiration for her crude stone den. she is building the supporting wall under a slab that will need to be tipped over to creature the roof

[Image: rock+shelter+3.jpeg]

[Image: lean-to.jpg?e4fe0f]
The first mouse was an easy catch - Pump pounced at it in a cat-like manner, secured it between her paws and with a swift movement of her jaws, the poor little thing was relieved of any suffering in this cruel world. The wolf-dog barely chewed on her meal, gulped it hastily down and then resumed her hunt. The gain was very small, but the process was exciting. For a creature, who had no hobbies or any other interests that weren't linked directly to her duties, this could be classified as "fun".

It was then that she heard someone addressing her and with a look of slight dismay, Pump stopped her hunt to turn around and face Nerian. She examined her with her gaze, trying to find any clues of, why would the she-wolf be here, because clearly she had no interest in hunting. Then acknowledged her with a slight nod and replied: "Not with this," she lifted her paw and put on the ground again. "But I wanted to speak with you about another matter," Pump continued.

"When you joined, you said that you were a naturalist?" she still had no idea, what it meant, but she was willing to give Nerian a try and prove herself. "We are going to have a deer hunt - anything to say about that?" she asked and tilted her head to the side, expecting the she-wolf to spill out her knowledge.
in the Teekon Wilds.

81° F · Partly Cloudy
V: 10 mi · H: 69% · W: 0 mph

Nerian looked toward the sky and watched the clouds the could that were up there were not moving much and they were a light shade of grey, The moon was full currently full; though not wholly visible surnign the day

After staring to the sky Nerian licked her lips and tasted the air, she moved over toward the terrain that offered more dirt and pawed at it confirming her thoughts since the worms were all nearing to the surface, she returned to Pump and tilted her head she hoped the Alpha was not just humouring her for she took that topic with great seriousness.

The deer are going to be dropping the last of their fawns about now, and they'll be hiding in thickets away from the herds. That and it is going to rain soon, you can almost taste it in the air, the clouds show it as well. When it rains some of the herd is going to seek shelter and it will make the terrain slippery, so we will need to be careful though we are not the ones runs running for our life.

Oh, and if the wind doesn't kick up the rain will be hard and loud making visibility poor since it will be coming straight down and not at any angle. this makes the rain puddle up faster too.

All this and we could hunt by stealth and try and find deer bedding places or we could go after the diminished herd and try our luck there. That would be your choice and either is good. Because after those Fawns get up and going the herds will be harder to disperse they'll stay closer together to protect them.

Nerian sighed dropped her posture exhausted by her long winded speech, her eyes fell upon a long flat rock, perfect for the wall of her den, she looked up and pump and nodded then set to work gripping the rock and pulling it toward the dirt where she could get a better grip on in and hopefully transport it back to her den.

Once she got it to the dirt Nerian would place her paw upon it claiming it as her own. Only then did she offer her gaze back to Pump wondering if she would be dismissed now that her knowledge was freely given or if she'd be question further. Either she was prepared for.
It was interesting to observe Nerian in action. Pump had expected her to express her knowledge in the same haughty and defensive manner she had at their first meeting, but was pleasantly surprised. She followed she-wolf's movements with her gaze - first looked at the sky and the clouds, trying to understand, what the naturalist was seeing, then leaned her muzzle down to have a sniff at the earth, which Nerian was pawing. Eventually she settled on her haunches and listened to, what she had to say.

It was a lot to take in and Pump very soon lost the track, but her interest was sparked at the very end, when the she-wolf offered two alternative options for the hunt. She hadn't given much thought about fawns, because there was little to consume, yet the fact that the herd would be more dispersed now than ever was news to her. While Pump was lost in thoughts, Nerian continued to build her shelter, which also seemed as an odd thing to do. Eventually the wolf-dog returned to the present time, got to her feet and shook her coat, easing the tension the intense thinking had caused.

"That was quite smart," she said with approval in her voice and then added. "How do you do that?"

She decided that Pump wanted more explanation but she wondered why, since the alpha didn't seem keenly interested in what she had to offer when they first met.

I have been taught from a young age to respect nature and to know all about it,
In my culture there are wolves who live for the study of the clouds and sky, weather really. And then the are the wolves that only study the prey animals and their patterns and then the are the wolves who study the earth and gardens and then there are the wolfs whom guard the pack and.... well the list goes on, but each wolf when they are born are given tasks in which to devote their lives too.
My task was religion, God. And in doing so I had to know each wolf and their tasks so unlike most wolves in my home country the Clerics; the Priestess's were the only well rounded wolves. Not that we used the knowledge to our own benefit like I have since I was taken from my home.

Nerian sighed troubled again by all the talking she was doing, yet Pump seemed to draw it out of her like air from a ballon
I know that when it is going to rain hard worms do not want to drown so the come to the surface of the soil and sometime right out of the earth and seek high ground. The clouds are gathering and darkening they promise to drop their collective water when they do this. And I have noticed the pattern of the winds lately just by observation. I listened to the wolves who talked about deer and learned about them and more then once it has come in handy.

Nerian pawed at her rock anxious to get it back to her denning site I am building a den in the area you have told me too She offered to pump as an explanation for her rock hoarding not that it would actually clear anything up for the 'uncultured' wolf hybrid.