Wolf RPG

Full Version: thought we could be [bwp]
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Weather: 2°F, mostly cloudy. Collar time!!!

He felt groggy when he finally awoke, and when he tried to prop himself up, Dune wobbled and felt dizzy. Trying to remember how he had gotten here was... difficult, at best. He recalled being on Moonpear. He recalled hearing a strange growl above him, then the largest bird he could ever remember seeing. It came closer and closer, making that horrible noise. He had tried to get away, but something had stung him. From there, he didn't remember a thing until now.

Dune lay there, groaning. He didn't exactly have a headache, but the whole world seemed to be spinning around him. He was thirsty, too. After a few minutes, he managed to get to his feet. It wasn't until then that he noticed the strange weight hanging from his neck. He couldn't see it, but he sure could feel it. He plopped down on his bum and attempted to scratch whatever it was off, but it seemed as though it was going to take more than that to get the thing off him. He tried backing up, shaking his head (which didn't help his vertigo), and rolling around on the ground. Nothing seemed to help.

At least it didn't hurt. It was an annoyance, but considering it didn't seem to hinder him, Dune began to trot toward Moonpear, hoping to cross some source of water along the way.