Wolf RPG

Full Version: Kicking The Dirt
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sandpiper would never admit it, but she sure was lucky to have raptor -- first he was cavorting onto the scene as her own personal white night, and now he was offering fresh takeout?

can we say boyf material?

she nearly swooned in place. instead she steadied herself, but she certainly pirouetted to face him. her unsightly muzzle light up in excitement and despite the soreness as her face moved she managed a toothy smile. "oh?"  her tail wagged out behind her and she looked up and then down the coast as if considering what on the menu appealed to her. "urchin?"
Raptor grinned and lashed his tail left and right in a jolly wag. "Sounds good t'me!" He said as he diverged from Sandpiper's side to lead her toward the tidal pools.

Still riding his high, Raptor's swagger was particularly swagger-y and he softly hummed an old shanty as he made his way. "Y'ever go raidin', Piper?" He asked as he loped along, turning his head to glance at his fiery companion.
wanna wrap up? i want to archive sandpiper's threads that take place before the challenge if that's ok. feel free to PP her for conclusion

he split from her company and she trotted along after him, wincing occasionally as the surface of the beach went from undulating steppes to a flat, uninterrupted swath of beach. he asked if she had gone raiding and she considered the question, issuing a dull "no" in response. part of her thought the prospect wildly inviting, a way to stake one's claim on the world -- the other knew raiding deserved no such romanticism, and was a daunting enterprise indeed.

she assumed he would elaborate at some point, though she did level him a curious stare as she gingerly picked on alongside him.
"No?" He was surprised. He was starting to get the sense that his pirate upbringing was a rather different affair than Smoke and hers.

That was not a bad thing.

"I'll tell you about my raids." Raptor stated as the pair continued their casual lope toward the tidepools. Having a heart to heart with Sandpiper about his past was not even on his radar, so regaled her with tall tales instead. He painted raids to be exciting adventures, wherein he was a badass (of course). In his tales he was a sneaky and cagey thief who could snatch a chick from beneath a hen's ass without her knowing, and he was a cagey brawler who lured a shark into the shallows and then lured a wolf to those shallows so the shark could eat the wolf and spit out its left fang for him to keep as a trophy...

She probably never believed a word he said, but she let him spin his stories until they were chowing down on urchins.
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