Wolf RPG

Full Version: C'mon soldier the battles not done
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@Mawk part one of plot thread #8. FOR OTHER EASTHOLLOW MEMBERS: he is standing a good distance from the borders, he isn't a threat.

He'd run through the throbbing in his head, never paused and his stride never broke. He couldn't remember running like this since he was a yearling filled with an abundance of energy. By the time he began to smell Easthollow his sides heaved and he struggled to catch his breath before wasting no time and sending a call filled with urgent need for Mawk. There was no time to waste, this was an emergency, that is what his call voiced. 

He stood there wobbling slightly, already tired from the run from wapun meadow already to Easthollow. Physically he was worn down, from the fight with cassiopeia and the heartbreak and pain caused by his run in with Olive but the adrenaline made him not feel it. Onyx was in danger and the need to get to her as quickly as possible gave him the strength to continue.
There had been a lot on his mind for the last few days, thoughts of Onyx and her new love, thoughts of Burr and his sudden death, thoughts of the fox cub trailing behind his wife's every step, thoughts of all kinds of things - ordinarily a walk may have aided in clearing his head but no, not today, as he wandered aimlessly around the edge of the borders. He marked here and there, but he was terribly distracted and paid little attention to the goings of harmless wildlife that chirped and squeaked as they danced around gnarled and bare trees.

The snow coated the ground in a thick layer, like a cozy sweater destitude of warmth, a fluffy dusting of white. But amongst that frozen landscape stood a figure in black - a shadow standing still in the bitter ice. Mawk squinted his eyes, speeding up to close the distance before recognising the man distantly as Dakarai. He knew little of the man but his sister saw him so dearly, Mawk found himself wishing to trust him. From what he knew, he seemed a decent wolf. "Dakarai." He greeted, finally within speaking distance. What he had come for, the gamma knew not; nothing to do with Onyx, he prayed.
As he waited it seemed like hours before Mawk showed up. He took note of where he hurt, he had small lacerations and his head throbbed. His vision occasionally swam too so he figured he'd hit his head pretty hard. As the cream furred man arrived he was startled yet again by how similar he looked to Onyx except the black tipped paws and ears and the bright eyes. Shaking his surprise off he released a breath "Lonzo...he has Onyx. I fought him but I was distracted by Onyx and he slammed my head down till I was unconscious. When I woke up they were gone. Please help me Mawk, please help me find her, I can't lose her please" he blurted it all out in one rush and then stood there with water eyes, breath coming quickly. Olive had been right, he was unreliable. Not because he chose to be but because he was useless and incapable of protecting others.
Snowflakes fell like little laced patterns of ice, twirling and dancing in the cool air before tumbling to the ground only to merge with the canvas of white. Dakarai was quick to speak up, panicked words falling desperately from his muzzle with concern clear in his eyes - oh no. Something was wrong, and the darker man was quick to confirm this. Onyx. Talk of Lonzo instantly caused his golden hackles to bristle, anger boiling in his stomach until it seeped from his fiery gaze. He would not let the snake touch his sibling, would not allow him to live - with Dakarai's help, they could do this.

"Of course I will help - I'd never abandon my sister." Too, the clear love, desperation, fearful longing for help - it struck him like a knife to the heart. Dakarai, he cared deeply for Onyx, this was so plain to see, and it only reaffirmed the idea that Mawk was going to aid him, was going to help bring down Lonzo if it was the last thing he ever did. The rage returned, paws numbing as though the burning hatred melted the bitter sting of ice around his feet.
He looked at the man with relief and took a few steadying breaths. The sibling bond was strong between the two, he'd known this the moment he'd met Mawk at the borders of Bearclaw Valley. Together him and this man would bring down Lonzo and return Onyx home safe where she belonged. "I'll bring you to where he knocked me out. We can track him from there. We have to leave now, there's no time to waste. She was injured when he took her...he was..he was on top of her just forcing-" his eyes squinted shut as he remembered the scene he'd run up on and interrupt thank the gods. He shook his head again and then stood tall, eyes opening with fierce determination. He turned to head away,looking over his shoulder for Mawk.
The flame continued to burn within his chest, fire ignited by the very thought of Lonzo and the pain he had brought to Onyx - never would he get away with it, of this Mawk was certain. Dakarai spoke of leading him to where the scene had occured, but the statement that followed caused the Gamma's breath to catch in his throat. Oh, oh Onyx... perhaps it was guilt that flooded him now, despite knowing it was not really his fault. It was guilt because maybe Onyx didn't think she could trust him, she didn't think she could tell Mawk about her situation. If he had known, he would have hunted the snake down the moment she told him. His features settled in a grim expression, and he nodded slowly. "Lead the way."
With nothing but a solemn nod of acceptance at Mawk's words Dakarai turned and began to lead back to the scene of the kidnapping. There was a sick feeling in his gut as troubled thoughts plaguef his mind. The way hed been so easily taken down by Lonzo scared him. Perhaps he wasnt the fearsome protector he thought himself to be, perhaps he was more like a foolish protector. Would he really be able to protect Onyx or would his grim promise to protect her even at the cost of his life come true? 

His face was set in a grimace as they walked away from easthollow, dark thoughts turning to how good it would feel to sink his teeth into Lonzo's throat and feel the warm wetness of his blood seep onto his tongue as the snake began to convulse in the throes of death.