Wolf RPG

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The ragged eidolon shuffled north, toward the crash of the sea. The constant sensation of unfamiliarity had swiftly become the one thing he could count on. He had found the blue-eyed girl, but he could not trust that She was real. Still, he thought of Her with an obsessive air, turning Her over in his mind, recalling Her wretched, cosmic blue eyes and Her slim runner’s frame. The nagging feeling that he was forgetting or overlooking something desperately important assailed him again, and he raged against it; but the fates were kind to him today, and his baleful, wild gaze fell upon the cracked and soured carcass of some medium-sized ungulate. At this point, his gut was so sorely in need of sustenance he could’ve made a protein shake from turpentine — and he fairly threw himself at the cavernous rib cage, cracking a bone between his teeth to suck and lick at the sparse marrow, consumed. Shards of bone splintered his gums, his lips, and a froth of blood flecked his frowning mouth, but he could not be stopped. A sound like a moan bubbled in his throat, became a snarl.

He sank his aching teeth into a thin shred of sinew and thrashed his head maniacally until finally it was torn from the bone it clung to — and he ground it between his molars with a vengeful air. It did not satisfy the need, but there was comfort in the monotonous rhythm of ripping, gnawing, and filling his empty stomach — even if all he had was scraps.
hihi !! i love the font you use ahhhh ♥

The coast had become her home, a place where she could rest and worry little about what might happen to her; she was cautious, still, about those she shared a home with and often avoided them for lack of a way to approach with confidence. She missed the mountains at times—her mother, too—but was never daring enough to climb the high peaks and locate the dragon’s looking glass. She was content there, living near to the sea, and being where her family was not. And yet, she ventured out beyond their claim, wandering paws carrying her towards a familiar expanse of land that she was most displeased to see. The child was a curious one, however, and gradually becoming bolder, and so she continued into the land of false eyes with the hope that courage might find her—

—it didn’t.

Every hair that covered her dorsal rose, enticed by fear and overall discomfort. She did not like the area, did not find any peace in confronting her fears—what she did find, however, was a beast of a wolf. The sounds he made reached her ears before the mountain that was his body entered her line of sight, and she immediately stopped. How he tore at the creature, the way blood clung to his lips, unsettled her greatly—she realised her mistake in having ventured out on her own. The yearling was quick with her attempt at returning whence she’d come, but the world was a cruel, mischievous place and she found herself tripped up by a hole in the dirt. A sharp yelp slipped past her lips as she twisted around and fell down, startled and now aching.

And there she froze, wide-eyed and weary whilst her head turned to regard the dark force with unmasked worry and hope.
A yelp from behind gripped tall, tattered ears and wrenched them back against the dark wolf’s narrow skull, turning his headpiece upon its axis tick by inexorable tick. He whipped around like a thing possessed, an ugly snarl contorting his scarred muzzle, but it fell away the moment he realized — here, again, was the girl. Brimstone eyes took on a feverish light; he was ashamed of the violence that crept within his bones, and sought to appease Her with the slow, crumpled offering of his submission. Long limbs twitched and shifted into place like a poorly piloted marionette’s, his spine slinking and creaking into a guilty skulk that drew him away from the carcass and closer to Her. He did not ask himself why She looked different this time — She was Benevolence, and it was not his place to question Her.

When he was still too far away to touch or be touched by Her, he curled his haunches beneath himself and thrust his unblessed maw toward the earth in a hangdog manner. The curve of his hackled back formed a roughhewn gravestone as he cocked his head to look obliquely up at Her. Within his bloodied mouth his tongue rolled and turned upon itself, but he could not find a greeting for Her and merely issued a threadbare whine of supplication.
Kaori was silent and her stare unbroken as she watched the scene unfold before her, a snarl wiped clean of his features and a show most unusual performed; she was a stranger to submission, truly, her instinctual response buried so deeply beneath her teachings that she could not even begin to understand what it was that made him bend the way he did. Thus she trembled, still, though in awe of the sudden alteration to his being. Would he bring harm to her? Was this day to be her last? Every act that she’d yet to commit and experiences she’d never felt fluttered through her mind, reminding her that she was not ready to join the stars—yet she knew she would have no say in that, should it be her fate, for only Draco could revoke decisions previously made, and almost only ever for his dear vessel. Drawing in a deep breath, she pinched her eyes shut and waited—

—but there was no pain, no teeth tearing through flesh.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and sought out the male’s gaze, curious as ever—and then came the whine, forcing her ears to lay flat against her crown, eyes gleaming with an unspoken apology, for surely she had offended him. Her mind wandered back to previous encounters, to how often she seemed to accuse others of crimes before they were committed, and even when there was no intention for them to ever be. Weighed down by these things was her heart, awful feelings working through her as she was filled with regret for her inexcusable judgment. “I am sorry,” she uttered, at last, dipping her head and dragging her eyes off of him. “Are you alright?” Surely not, his honour undoubtedly struck, but she hoped to be of use in salvaging that which potential for pleasantries might remain.
He knew now that She could not be captured with a name. She had so many. Alya. Hydra. Lyra. Lucy. He was shocked and shaken by Her apology — it was enough to bring him to his knees, but he could not bear to give in to the weakness that coursed through the marrow of his bones. He stood firm. He did not wish to be disgraced before the eyes of his goddess, and straightened with a fierce set of his jaw, sulphureous eyes luminous with fanatic desire. He did not know that he knew Kaori, had known her in another lifetime. How could he, when everything he thought he knew was wrong? “Have I disappointed you?” the words cracked from his lips syllable by painful syllable, and his sides heaved as if breathing life into each one had cost him immeasurably. He remembered this time not to make accusations as to why She had never come back — She was immaculate and he was unworthy to make such demands.