Wolf RPG

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Howl was making his was to Marino River within Easthollow's territory. He needed to take a bip, to wash up a bit. The front of his coat was covered with blood, and covered with the scent of a coyote. He had found one while on patrol and took it upon himself to rid the pack of this possible problem. He hadn't gotten too injured, a few bites to the ankles and chest, but nothing dangerious. The coyote on the other hand had fleed the area with sever injuries and Howl suspected he wouldn't be back.

He walked over to the river slowly, not with a limp but slower then the average wolf, not wanting to agrovate his injures, no matter how minor. When he made it to the water he winced a bit. The water was still very cold and it wasn't a pleasant feeling, but he sucked it up and began waiding in the water.

The beta had parted from @Rhodes and @Banner earlier, leaving the pair to reconnect and for Banner to give him the 411. Stark had been a bit busy, trying to secure his place properly within the pack and make sure that no matter what their borders were safe. He'd made it halfway through his patrol when he'd come across the scent of blood and the signs of a scuffle - one trail lead out of the pack, the more sparse trail lead further in. 

Although he was no sort of healer at all Stark still followed the trail. If nothing else he would get the details of the fight and make sure his pack mate was alright. When he found Howl in the waters he let out a low chuff, a slight cant of his head in curiosity. 

As Howl waided in the water he heard a chuff and he turned his head to see Stark looking at him strangely. He had seen him around, but never had the chance to get a real conversation with him. Howl had been working on the borders and patroling, but he felt he needed to do more for this pack and was wondering how to get his foot in the door. Looking to Stark now he thought that he might be his gateway, but his thoughts were muffled for a moment as one of his injuries stung in the water.

"Hello there." he started, then relazed how it might look odd to an on looker. Him waiding in the water with rather ruffled fur and a few bleeding wounds. "I had a run in with a coyote alittle while ago. He won't be coming back, but I didn't get off scot free." he said in a joking voice with a smile, though he winced a bit right after from anther stinging injury.

Howl was quick to explain things, which Stark appreciated, and gave a nod. "I'd definitely get checked out anyways - an infection isn't much of a reward for good work." He quipped, although he was serious enough. He truly did want to make sure that Howl wasn't going to hurt longer than absolutely necessary. Hearing that he'd dispatched the coyote pleased him although he was surprised he hadn't called out. "Next time give a shout; I'm sure you would have had some backup." The beta male offered with a flash of a smile. 

"How bad are you hurting?" Stark asked - although he didn't know very much about healing, he was still willing to put what he did know to good use - which was mostly what had been done to him after his own massive injury. He'd at least be able to help with the pain, even if he felt it a better idea to have the male watched long term by someone else to avoid infection. 

Howl thought he would be alright but appreciated the beta's concern. His words weren't incorrect, it was possible that his injuries could lead to infection if they were not treated and cared for properly, but he wasn't sure he would get much help with that other than his own precautions. The pack didn't have any clear medics, at least not to Howl's knowledge. His plan was to keep it clean and bear the pain till it subsided.

Stark recommended that next time Howl call out for some help. "I'm sure I would have. It just seems to slip my mind at times." he admitted. Howl wasn't afraid to ask for help it was just something that slipped his mind when he saw impending danger. Acting on adrenaline at times more than brain.

When he was asked about how badly he was hurting he replied, "Overall not too bad I would say. The water is helping. A few stinging feelings here and there, sore muscles, cuts and bruises... standard." nothing majorly injured at least.