Wolf RPG

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The young prince made his way through the frosted lands. His warm palette stood out significantly in the dreadful colors of late winter/early spring, something he much enjoyed. Pink pearls slid over the landscape, obsidian nose inhaling the smell of the place. No, he didn't want to stay low here. But, over there, right there, there were mountains! And a prince like himself deserved a spot on it, he found. It did not come to mind that he had never climbed a mountain before.

It started off great, like most things. But then the mountain got more mountain-y and slippery. Regal feet slipped and found footing, over and over and over - The prince got sick of it quite quickly. But he was no quiter (unfortunately, most would comment). Even worse was the smell of pack - or was it? honestly, he had traveled for a few days now (2, to be exact, but that was 2 too many) and the pampered poodle had become rather tired of wandering.

Therefore, the prince threw his lion-like head into his neck, calling out to whatever peasant ruled the peaks of this particular mountain.

she came not because she was leadership, but because she was concerned.  ever since redshank had shown up and threatened the lives of her family and screech had gone after him, she had been on edge.  additionally, there came the pressure of proving herself, making herself worthy again since she had slighted rannoch and liffey.

she did not know she was pregnant yet.  the last bit of heat still clung to her fur, refusing to leave.  but it was on its way out, thankfully, and she knew it.

she regarded this stranger with a watchful and tentative eye, and, keeping a good distance, regarded him coolly.  hello, you've reached sunspire, she greeted, i'm seabreeze.

Rannoch had arrived shortly after Seabreeze had, and without a second thought, he slid into place beside Seabreeze. With his shoulders squared and his ears pressed forward, Rannoch silently inspected Goldy. From Rannoch's first impression, the wolf before them appeared to be a strong, young man without a pack; he was intrigued. 

"Rannoch Frostfur, Alpha of Sunpire," he greeted once Seabreeze had given her introduction. "What brings you to my borders?" 
The prince was impatient. Incredibly so. Where one would have simply stood still and waited did the prince lean left and right, scratching at the rock beneath his feet. It became so bad he was about to up and leave (even though it could only have been a few minutes), but then there was the sound of approach. Sweet mother of God. Seabreeze wasn't just a gentle breeze in the face of a young man, she was a blast of air that threatened to blow the lion off the mountain and back to where he had started. She was more breathtaking than the air at the highest peak of the mountain, than any view that could be seen from so high up. Even with her wounds and gashes, it even made her more desirable to the prince. Seabreeze from Sunpsire.

But the male who greeted them next was an impressive sight as well. While the prince was mostly fur which made him seem a bulkier than he was, Rannoch was a true beast of war. Sturdy, most certainly handsome with wounds to prove his worth. Both their eyes were sky-like in appearance, while his own were a strange hue of pink. It had even been uncommon in the place he was born - his sister, for example, carried gems of chocolate. The prince bowed for the leader of the Sunspire and his beautiful companion - no matter how vain he was, he had manners. Goldyfox - or simply Goldy. I come from far to seek a place to stay. Though he hadn't come from so far, it definitely felt like far.

skip me unless i'm mentioned / asked for, she's just here to make sure this dude isn't gonna try to kill everyone

she did not think much of goldy, but did catch his surveying eye.  it made her feel exposed — beautiful she may be but she was also pitifully thin, and she was still incredibly self-aware of the gashes that littered her pelt.  she shuffled visibly, turning her gaze to the ground as rannoch approached.

this boy reminded her of mato, with his extreme formality.  it seared her and her stomach turned.  oh.

as the days had passed she had begun to miss him terribly.  she would have let him hurt her again so long as she'd get to experience that brief, star-shattering infatuation.

her ears twitched back and she shuffled behind rannoch, simply standing guard to make sure she'd be able to alert the rest of the pack if this boy decided to turn on them suddenly — with all of the commotion that'd been going on, she didn't doubt the possibility.

Rannoch was oblivious to Goldy's wandering gaze; the only thing that stood out to the Alpha was the stranger's manners and the unusual color of his eyes. 

When Goldy's intentions were voiced, Rannoch nodded. "If I allowed you into my ranks, how will you provide for the rest of the pack?" he asked.
Of course he had to answer such a question. He had no real passion for pretty much anything, except for beautiful creatures of course, but that didn't mean he had no skills at all. If one would believe Goldy, he was decent at absolutely everything! 'Course, those who knew him wouldn't believe that. But if there was one thing he was good at, it was making himself seem better than he really was.

I am an exceptional addition to a hunting party. He started with. While it wasn't a complete lie, for he certainly had hunted in a group alright before, the word "exceptional" might have painted a too pretty picture. And I am a real prince - though they usually only made me walk borders - Tawny was better at being nice, anyway - but any task you still need done I can most definitely do. He somewhat explained, muttering just the smallest of compliments to his sister before bowing again.
Rannoch took Goldy's words at face value. "More hunters are always welcome," he commented; he had no reason to doubt the stranger. 

The mention of Goldy's previous title stirred intrigue within the brute, and his head tilted as he regarded the stranger. "A Prince? What caused you to leave your home if you held such a title?" Although his mind races, Rannoch held his tongue and allowed for Goldy to elaborate on his history.
Goldy smiled gratefully, the feeling of such pretty rare for the prince. Everything was pretty much handed to him on a silver platter the first year of his life, which was a big part of the reason why he simply expected things from others. But he felt like he was being more independent already! I mean, surely he could've joined any pack he wanted to *mane flip*, but getting it right on the first try must've been very unlikely.

Hold, my alpha. He smiled. Though I don't claim any rights with it, of course, I am still a prince. Mother and father simply tasked me with exploring the world, perhaps start our legacy elsewhere - but I am perfectly content with a simple pack life. Elated, even. He giggled at himself, not knowing he was sent away so he couldn't bother the rest anymore.
Rannoch nodded; the information sufficed. "Pack life is far from simple," the alpha mused, his voice kind, "But if you are willing to work hard, I will accept you into my ranks." 
Surely it was simple - far simpler than the lone life. With a group around you, it was always easier, but never mind that. He wasn't going to backtalk his new leader yet, not when he just got in. My very hardest. He answered with a nod and a smile. For Goldy, the hardest wasn't so hard, but he wanted to impress so he simply had to do it.
@Seabreeze game me permission to PP!

With Goldy's promise vowed, a new member was welcomed into the ranks of Sunspire. "Welcome to the pack, Goldy," Rannoch said. 

With a decision made, Rannoch welcomed the golden-pelted man into his territory. As they meandered towards the heart of Rannoch's claim, he allowed for Seabreeze to lead the conversation. She offered to show him around at a later time and explained her role within the pack. 

After some time, the three wolves parted ways, and Rannoch made a mental note to check in with Goldy soon to see how he was acclimating.