Wolf RPG

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@Kiran perhaps a tracker thread?

Valette was into the forest when she caught the scent of a fox. She knew that in their neighboring territories there was quite a population of foxes. The female liked to keep them out of their territory as much as possible. The female also found a pluck of fur clearly smelling of a fox. Valette noticed it was quite fresh.

She decided to get rid of the creature, or at least, chase it out. But for that, she needed to track down the animal. She let out a howl for anyone that was close. Perhaps there was someone who liked to help her with tracking down this fox.
The female heard her alphas call and let out one of her own in response. The days had been slow in the time she had been here, she hoped something interesting could be happening that she could help with. After following the sound she sees Valette; her alpha. Kiran bows her head out of respect. "Hello."
Valette smiled in greeting at the pale female. "Hi Kiran," she greeted politely. She hadn't seen the female in awhile so it was good that the alpha female saw her. "I'm going to track down this fox. Do you want to help me?," she wondered. She knew that Nanook had taken her on a hunt and that she sufficed. So perhaps the female knew a thing or two about tracking. "Are you familiar with tracking?," Valette questioned.
Kiran nodded her head. "I've done a bit." The female knew a bit about tracking but not enough to be confident in the skill. Surely one would be better, and she knew it to be so.
Would it be possible to write a bit more? Now I have nothing to write about or react on. <3

Valette smiled at the female. "Alright. Well, any help with welcome," Valette spoke at the female. She wanted to take that fox down. "So would you want to help me?" The female hadn't said anything about helping her, if she didn't want to help her then that was fine as well. She didn't want to force someone into the profession of hunting. She loved to track and hunt, but others might not. It was almost like solving a puzzle.
Kiran thought about it, she would enjoy that so she nodded her head. "I would love to. What is it that we will be tracking. Though i mist say that my tracking is a bit rusty." She thought that she might let her alpha know before hand than letbher find out later.
Valette nodded, glad that the female would help her. "There is a fox in the territory. We need to chase it out," she repeated herself. She had already told about the fox but it could have been a detail that the female had forgotten. "Doesn't matter! Usually, you start with scent markers, pawprints and other hints that the animal has been here. We already have a start here. Look, a pluck of fur," she pointed out. "There should be some pawprints here as well!"
Kiran nodded. She had never tracked a fox before and it was the first time but she walked over to the fur and sniffed it, taking in the scent. She looked over at the footprints and where they lead. "Well by the looks of it, they are fresh. Correct me if I'm wrong though."
Valette nodded. The female was right, they were fresh. Hence why they needed to find this fox, fast! Valette nosed over the footprints and started to follow the trail. "I will keep my nose low to the ground, can you check for other plucks of fur? Or scats even?," she wondered. Perhaps this fox was making their territory their home and that was not something Valette liked. She didn't want to feet a family of foxes as well.
The she wolf nodded her head and began to sniif the air in hopes of catching a scent as well as scanning the landscape for any sign of the animal. Miraculously she spots a small tuft of fur clinging toa bush nearby. "I believe I found something." She calls out.
Valette looked for tracks down on the ground while the other kept her nose ready for scent marks. Valette lifted her head when the other called out for her. Valette saw the pluck of hair. "We are on the right track then," Valette nodded and then noticed a pawprint in the softer earth as well. Valette pointed it out to Kiran. When she looked in the distance she saw a white tipped tail. "There!!!," she growled and started to chase after the fox.
Kiran nodded and looked over at the direction in which she pointed and quickly darted after it as well. Kiran began nipping at its heals, trying to drive it towards Valette.
Valette noticed that Kiran was helping her greatly. The female noticed how she was steering the fox towards her. An excellent hunting skill. Valette instantly attacked the fox and then grabbed it by its neck. She threw her head and bit down hard killing the fox in the progress. Valette let the fox go once she knew that it was killed. Val gave a quick nod of approval to Kiran. "Good job! We tracked that fox nicely!"
Kiran watched as her alpha killed the fox between her powerful jaws and it goes limp soon after. "I barely did anything ma'am. I simply looked around." She says in attempts of being humble.
Valette shook her head. "But by looking around we found this fox," she spoke with a grin. The female then nudged the other. "Tracking is fun, isn't it?," she hummed. Valette then reached for the fox. "I will bury this in one of the caches. Thank you for your help!," Valette smiled and then grabbed it and trotted to once of the caches to bury it.

- end -

Thank you for the thread!!!