Wolf RPG

Full Version: for the winds that blow today,
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she neared @Smokestep, her body hunched and ears flat to the side. she stepped with predatory purpose, her head hunkered down and pupils black and wide. he might be aware of her presence, he might not -- either way, there was no escaping the impish grin on her features as she suddenly bolted forward towards him, wild as a hooligan and quick as a sailor's lash.

she leapt and aimed for his scruff, her bite neither gentle nor strong -- just enough, just so, to hold him if she was successful.
He had been lounging comfortably next to his favorite boulder when Sandpiper had opted to rouse him. The pale boy jumped with a startled growl, ears swiveling wildly atop his skull. The surprise had been enough so that she could latch her teeth to his nape. The yearling huffed softly at her request to play, knowing that if he were to rise for her, he would never get himself back into the same position of comfort. Fighting the urge to turn and wrestle his golden sister, Smokestep attempted to yank his nape from her clasp and flop back to his side.
if sandpiper was going to be gunner, striker, anything, she had better demonstrate her wares. and she had very little wares to speak of. it took two to spar, and she hardly wanted to ask rosalyn -- so smokestep seemed the natural contestant.

only, her soggy turnip of a brother had no intention of rising. with a flop, he was back on his lazy side with a rude yank of his neck -- sandpiper's eyes widened in affront and she growled as she attempted to wrap teeth around his scruff, giving him a few inciting, forceful tugs if she was able. "c'mon," she pleaded, muffled between all that fur -- can't you see she just wanted to play?
The golden cloaked girl tugged against the nape of his neck with force and the pale yearling breathed a heavy and dramatic sigh that caused his body to sink further into the sands. His tail flapped once before falling back to rest against the ground and he lifted his head only slightly so that he could eye her eager expression with a glowering stare. Every inch of him wished to remain planted in the sandy shores of their home, but he had always had a soft spot for the gold in her gaze, so he huffed and rolled over to support himself on his elbows. “Yer lucky I love ye,” he grumbled and then grunted himself into a standing position with an unimpressed look at her ready shape.  
the second her brother propped himself up on his elbows she sprung back delightedly, tail rowdily wagging and a wide grin on her face. "that's right." she grumbled affectionately, stretching out in an elegant playbow before her brother.

he didn't look amused, but she was -- with a growl she lunged towards him, attempting to jawspar as she roughly shouldered her weight into his shoulder.
Sandpiper stretched herself and bowed to him with a sharp glint in the gold of her gaze. He huffed again and shook the sand free from his coat before fixing her with a prepared stare. It did not take long before his sister growled and then lunged toward him, throwing her shoulder toward his own and meeting him with the weight of her. Smokestep grunted and forced his neck downward; one touch of her teeth to his throat and she would have been victorious.
Then, as though inspired by the energy she had afforded him, the marauder barked softly from the back of his throat and used the force of her weight to propel himself backward. He kicked sand behind him and landed with a beckoning sneer. Now that he had placed space between them, Smokestep could move more freely, and he had positioned himself as a real threat to the golden Cairn girl.