Wolf RPG

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Sleeping Dragon had been easier to find than Phoenix had anticipated. He knew almost immediately where he was by the warmth he felt in the ground and the sulfurous smell the smoking mountain maintained, but he wasn't as inclined to ascend as he thought he might be when reaching it. Instead, he lingered at the mountain's base, strolling about its skirts with a tender nose and a fixed grimace. How had wolves ever lived here -- with that smell? With that taste? He couldn't fathom it.

Briefly, he turned his copper eyes on the bruised-orange glow of the afternoon sky. It would be late soon, and colder still; he needed to find shelter. Far away from here, if he could help it.  

Note to self: this is before Ali gets home!
Also sorry for the worst phone post ever lmfao, wanted to get this in quick
The young Governor was hesitant to return to his pack just yet, though he knew he was close. He was not eager to bring news of Lennon's continued absence-- how would he tell Korei that the man was never coming back?
In his conflict, Alarian wandered close to the base of an ominous mountain like none he had seen. The air burned his nose, but he pushed forward, curious now and eager for a distraction. The scent was so thick he didn't notice the other wolf-- and Ali had always been an oblivious boy. Even when he had moved so each was in the other's line of sight, he remained ignorant to the presence. His eyes were trained on the mountain.
After a few beats, his eyes began to water, and suddenly he was sneezing violently. The movement jerked his head slightly, and the force of the sneezes caused an immediate headache. Half a dozen escaped him in succession before he could stop. By then, his nose was running and his eyes were streaming. Ali tilted his head down, muzzle nearly touching the ground, and began furiously rubbing his forelegs against his face. He was still quite oblivious to the other wolf-- perhaps that was best.
Phoenix slowed as another wolf materialized in his sights. It was a slight-looking thing, when compared to himself, with a slim, lissome frame that was neither distinctly masculine or feminine at his distance. His muzzle wrinkled, trying to discern any information he could of the stranger through scent, but found his sense of smell hampered by the smoking mountain. He knew he needed to get closer, so he padded forward to investigate without much apprehension.

Before he'd come near enough to announce himself, the unknown wolf was suddenly overcome by an allergic fit, sneezing until his nose felt like it had expelled the irritant. The red-earred yearling hung back a moment, posed with a single forepaw dangling, before deciding to announce himself. "You got some brain on that rock there," Phoenix teased flatly, motioning towards some snot-covered pebbles at the wolf's feet. "You alright?"
so sorry for the wait
Ali remained unaware of the presence of another until he announced himself. He lifted his head and sucked in a breath, panic gripping him for a moment until the words registered; he was embarrassed instead, then. There was a moment of pause before he answered.
Uhhh— yeah, I'm fine, thanks. Sorry about... that. The boy rubbed the back of his paw against his nose one last time for good measure. The few beats it took gave him time to gather what was left of his wits; he turned his gaze back to the stranger, taking a moment to study him now. Of course the first thing he noticed was the size difference, and suddenly he was nervous again for different reasons. Sure, he seemed friendly enough, but if things went sour Alarian knew he would be kind of screwed. He swallowed hard, wondering when he had become so suspicious of others, and pressed on. After all, he had questions— this seemed an odd place to be for a wolf, though it did not cross his mind that he, a wolf, was there for no apparent reason. Do you know what this place is?
Phoenix shrugged off the apology. Sneezing was involuntary as far as he was concerned; not something anyone should feel embarrassed about. He had been studying the male's scarred face, wondering about the unfortunate things that had happened to him, but he turned his eyes away when his guest began to scrutinize him. He felt no desire to make any challenging eye contact.

"Sleeping Dragon, I think," Phoenix rejoined. "Don't know why it's called that, but a pack used to live here. If you can believe it," he tacked on, not sounding like he much believed that himself.

Sorry! Had to go on absence there for a bit.
no worries! <3
He was confused when the male looked away, averting his own gaze automatically; unfamiliar with dominance, he assumed he had made him uncomfortable. Alarian sat down, posture relaxed, and hoped he wouldn't scare him off. His ears perked at the name offered— and the fact that a pack had once lived there.
Are you from around here? He couldn't help the question that slipped from him, eyes flitting back to him with new interest; it only lasted a few moments. The boy turned his gaze back to the mountain quickly. Maybe it wasn't always like this, Ali suggested after a few more beats. Or maybe they don't live here anymore because they all died. There was a tinge of humor to his tone, albeit dark.
From the corner of his eye, he noticed the stranger recline. This was a good sign to Phoenix, who relaxed visibly, and his posture became more receptive as he angled towards him conversationally. "No, actually," he admitted with a rather sheepish grin. He thought it odd to claim he knew something about a place in which he'd never lived. "I've just heard stories. These days I'm going around trying to put faces to those stories, as lame as that sounds." He knew his father wouldn't approve— and he tried his hardest in that moment to forget that his father's approval mattered.

His company was a great help at that. "That's a sound theory," Phoenix laughed. "I'd say let's go check out their skulls if it didn't stink here so bad." He glanced up at the smoking mountain wistfully, but decided that he'd had enough of it for now. This was a place more suited to distant viewings than up close. "Want to get outta here and find some stink-free water?" he asked, glossing over the fact he hadn't even introduced himself yet.
Crushes were frequent things for Alarian— he rarely acted on them, but honestly, guys were just really cute. Though he had not thought him particularly handsome at first, he couldn't help being taken in by the red-eared male's easy, if a bit youthful, charm. A shy smile curved his lips for a few moments before he tucked it away, chiding himself. If he still possessed the boldness of his own youth, he might have pursued the male. At his core, Ali was kind of a hoe; it was really a blessing that he had zero confidence.
That doesn't sound lame, He offered softly, resisting the urge to pry. Stories sounded interesting— and the drive to put the weight of experience behind them was kinda hot. Even if Ali knew that experience was just a measure of how many times life made you its bitch; from experience, of course.
Alarian was admittedly a little relieved when the male dismissed the idea of checking out skulls; skulls didn't sound appealing right now. Or ever, really. Briefly he wondered if his father's skull was still in that tree— wondered what it looked like, without the flesh and fur and blood. Probably less ugly. Patricide aside (heh), he just didn't want to know if they had really died up there. The invitation, though— that gave him pause. Of course, his first thought was that it meant something, because he wanted it to. He tempered the thought just as quickly.
Yeah, He agreed easily, unperturbed by the lack of name exchange; it would be nice to steal a little more time with the stranger. The boy rose and stretched briefly before he gestured in the direction of the river he knew ran through the valley and started that way. Have you had much luck, then? Putting faces to the stories.
Phoenix was a little taken aback by his company's reassurance. The validation felt entirely foreign to him and the warm feeling he got from it resulted in a mightily stupid grin. He was too busy feeling self-important to notice that his skull-hunting comment had dampened the mood for his scarred acquaintance, but luckily enough for the both of them, he was young and dense enough to sweep them both away in a welcomed distraction.

Now he began to pay closer attention to the male. He was mindful to pace his stride as they went, and though surprised that the stranger pursued a subject he'd thought passed by, Phoenix was always ready to brag and he didn't hide his delight at being asked. It was like no one had ever asked about him before. "The best luck, actually. I found my namesake first," he gushed. "It was called Phoenix Maplewood when my mom lived there, and it's this really great forest not too far from here— but I didn't get to spend much time there because it's claimed or whatever."

He'd huffed out that last bit, but didn't seem any less cheerful for it. "Oh! Yeah, duh, and I'm Phoenix. Named after the woods."
At the mention of Phoenix Maplewood, he perked up a bit; it seemed the place Morningside had claimed had a history (he wondered briefly if they knew of this). It seemed the male before him had a history, too— both were of interest to Alarian. Yeah, He offered softly, nodding. Claimed by Morningside; the only pack near here other than mine, as far as I know.
At the stranger's clarification of his name, Alarian stifled a laugh and, before he could stop himself, responded with: Oh, I thought you were Maplewood. He paused a beat, gaze flitting briefly across Phoenix's features as they walked. Turning his eyes forward again, he continued. I'm Alarian Keil. I don't think I was named after anything— I think my mom had a few too many poppy seeds, actually.
But she didn't name me Maplewood, so I can't complain too much. He decided in the next moment.
Maplewood Phoenix gave his companion a cheeky grin, taking the playfully assumed name in over-confident stride. "I could pull off a name like Maplewood," he remarked with quite a bit of sass and a definite amount of certainty. Unconsciously he had begun to do a sort of prance -- perhaps reminding one of the dance a race horse does when being led to the starting gates -- and he bobbed his head at Alarian Kiel, canting his red ears curiously as he wondered for a while about the statement made of his mother.

"What are poppy seeds, though?" the teenager asked after chuckling about what he thought was a joke. "They mess you up or something?"

[Image: 2014-06-20-23-26-16.gif]
LMAO i love phoenix
Oh god, he was really cute; Alarian felt his ears flush slightly, trying not to stare too long at the younger male's energetic movements. You could, He agreed softly, the hint of teasing still in his voice. It was probably bad to feed the youth's ego, but he couldn't help it— he never could.
At Phoenix's question, he laughed slightly. Yeah, kind of— they're seeds from poppies, y'know, the flowers? They relieve pain, but they make you pretty weird, too. And tired. When their destination was in sight, Alarian's pace increased slightly until he came to a stop at the edge of the river. He cast a single glance to his companion before he bent his head to drink, cool water soothing his irritated throat; the air had been harsher than he realized around the mountain.
Phoenix, whose greatest remedy for pain was a stern licking to the afflicted area, looked on a little blankly as Alarian schooled him in botany. He shrugged his shoulders and rejoined with: "yeah, I don't know much about flowers. They're cute or whatever but I've never been interested in finding out their use myself. I mean, maybe I've seen a poppy, but I couldn't call it by name if I have." They came riverside in that moment, his scarred companion taking swiftly to the water. He probably needed it more, considering that fit from earlier, so Phoenix was glad to take a break in their conversation to quench the unfortunate raw feeling he had in his throat.

Crouching long legs at the bank, Phoenix lapped thirstily at the surging liquid and cast his copper eyes around them out of watchful habit. His tail wagged slowly, showing his present contentment, and it wasn't long before he finished his drink and sought to keep Alarian's company rather than depart it. "So are  you from around here?" he asked, trying not to sound too much like he wanted attention.