Wolf RPG

Full Version: Dandelions, Forest-Fern and Clover
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Following orders and getting something out here, aka pretending that that thread is already finished. Anyone wanna meet this doll?

Snow still coated the ground as the dawn broke - casting rays of orange light down upon the fading white powder. By noon it would be gone, and the valley would look like it had been kissed by Spring again. Until then, Mira simply marveled at the crystalline cold chilling her paws as she walked. 

She had no real destination, but she did have a goal. Since joining the only wolf she had met was Lana. As sweet as she was, Semira still wanted to meet the rest of whom she was living with. Of course, she already knew Horosk, so that was two wolves. Still, she wanted to get to know the others.

Tracking them could not be that hard, their scents were all around the place. The fae brought her snout down to the ground, breathing in the scent of the melting snow. Nothing. Tilting it up into the icy breeze seemed to also have no effect. Perhaps she was simply out of luck, today of all days.

Lily was more than happy to help Semira with this goal. She had felt isolated these past days, and though she had the company of Korei, Ali, and Lana, she still felt as if the others were distant. New scents in particular meandered through the territory, smells of wolves she'd not met. It was much to her delight, then, that she finally came across one of these smells, attached to the wolf to which it belonged.

"Hullo!" Lily chirped, trotting toward the woman with a wag of her inky tail. She skidded to a stop, kicking up a bit of snow, and smiled. "You're new, then. I'm Lily. Welcome to Bracken Sanctuary!" She assumed, by the woman's seemingly placid nature, that she had been invited into the fold by Alarian and wasn't here to do any harm.

Semira heard the fae before she saw her, bounding towards her through the slippery undergrowth. The wolf sounded like it had quite a bit of pent up energy in its walk, most likely young. The other woman let out a bright call, causing Mira to turn towards her. Sure enough, the fae was a vibrant, petite thing. 

Mira felt a suprised grin grow across her maw as the charcoal fae spoke in succession. She had not spoken to someone so unabashedly happy for a while. "Hello there," She chuckled. "Thank you." For some reason Mira felt more at ease. Perhaps it was due to the other woman's friendly nature. She had been a bit afraid that the others in the pack would be a bit dry. Of course, that had merely been her mind playing out the worst case senarios for her.

"What is your name?  If you don't mind me asking of course." She knew the fae would most likely tell her, but it was still the polite thing to say.

Lily cocked her head, giving a small giggle, though not meaning to be too terribly condescending. "I told you," she said, though perhaps the other hadn't heard her--fat chance of that; Lily was sort of loud--or hadn't been paying proper attention. "I'm Lily. What's your name?"

The dark-pelted girl sized up the newcomer, giving her a once-over with her pumpkin eyes before nodding, satisfied with what she saw in her. It was good to have new faces in Bracken. She hoped their impromptu family would continue to grow; she thought it would be a big boost to Ali, both in self-confidence and for his mood.

Semira cringed, having realized her mistake. A great first impression, although Lily seemed to have taken it in stride. With an uncomfortable chuckle, Mira spoke, "Semira, sorry, I can be a bit scatter-brained sometimes." Perhaps she just did not meet enough new people. Or she was simply inadequate in conversations. Either way, she felt bad. It seemed to her that she had been rude to the other fae, like she had not listened in the beginning. Although prehaps that was true, as she had still been taking in the details about her. "You can call me Mira if you like. My friends call me that." A not-so-subtle invitation towards the friendly woman. If she were to be a true part of the pack, she had better start acting like it.

"Semira," she repeated, then fell silent when the girl offered a nickname--for friends. Lily grinned, wagging her tail. She felt as if she and Mira would get on just fine, even if she was a bit. . .scatterbrained. Lily had more than a touch of that herself, though she did think she was improving, after time spent out on her own, away from family.

"What brought you to Bracken?" Lily inquired cheerily, glancing toward the boulders. It was quite tucked away, a haven from the tangled dark woods and the vast emptiness of the plains. She wondered whether Ali had stumbled upon her, just as he had with Lily herself. Maybe he had been climbing trees again--who knew?

The fae considered the charcoal dove's question - not truly knowing the answer herself. She and Horosk had not truly been searching for a home, but perhaps they had been unbekownst to themselves. Their journey had been fun, but they were pack wolves - and both of them knew that fact. 

Horosk especially.

He had to be kept out of his own head. Without the hustle of daily life in a pack, Semira was not sure if she could have kept him from sheltering down into his own thoughts about Kelina. When Lana appeared, they both knew that it was time. Even if she had not been to in to it to begin with.

Semira smiled - allowing one side to quirk a bit more than the other. "Perhaps it was fate, but we were just heading north and ran into Bracken." A soft chuckle escaped, "And of course this pack happened to be exactly what the both of us wanted." She wondered for a second if the other woman had met her counterpart. "Have you met Horosk yet?" She inquired.

Lily smiled politely. She'd never really bought into the idea of fate. It was Mum that spoke of such things, finding meaning in the moon and the stars. Lily and her siblings--well, save Freddie, perhaps--were more grounded, like Daddy. But maybe there was something to it. After all, she could have found any other wolf in the trees, and instead she'd found Ali. Had it all been meant to be?

The girl shook her head. "No, not yet," she answered, though she thought she'd smelled him around here and there. An unfamiliar male scent, one she couldn't pin down. Ears pricked with curiosity, she gave Mira a long look. "So are you two, erm, together?" she inquired. Her voice was casual, but each word brimmed with intrigue.

She prepared herself to be let down. Since Lennon had left, there had been a dearth of handsome men in the pack, which of course was a disappointment to boy-crazy Lily. This Horosk was likely Mira's mate, in which case. . .she'd have to wait a little bit longer for her Prince Charming.

Semira looked to the ground at the woman's words, embarassment at her predicament thick on her tongue. She could not truly define her and Horosks' relationship. It was like they were mates, but with out the mating part. They had never discussed the idea of pups, as it would have been a bad thing to have with only the two of them out in the wilderness. Now that they were here though...perhaps the next time Spring came around. "Well, its sort of complicated, but technically yes?" That would do for now. 

Mira had seen the lack of other males around here, so she watched the other fae's features carefully for her response. Females were not to keen on being alone for long. The emotional stability that came with a partner was beautiful, not to mention other things.

That was that. Lily smiled politely. "That's very nice," she said, half-meaning it. It wasn't even really jealousy, per se; just a nagging feeling of loneliness. Maybe a touch of envy, too. There wasn't anyone to choose from. She and Ali were just friends, and now this Horosk was attached. It was aggravating, but she tried not to let it show on her face.

She dipped her muzzle toward the border, looking at Mira in inquiry. "I was just about to mark the borders," she said. "Would you like to join me?" At any rate, she needed to be kind to the woman, even if she was unfairly in love and Lily didn't get to be. And she always appreciated the company. She felt as if she hadn't seen Korei in a while, and the Keils were scarce, it seemed.
Semira could not help but to theorize about that mildly glazed look in Lily's eyes as she spoke. It seemed the woman was lacking in something, but Semira could not quite pinpoint it. Perhaps lonliness. Whatever it was, it seemed to go away as soon as it came.

The fae's invitation sent Mira's features alight with happiness. At least she had not done too much wrong to scare away her new aquaintance. "Of course! Thank you." She grinned at the fae.

Lily grinned, beckoning for the woman to follow as she began to walk away. "Come on, then! It won't take too long." She looked back at Mira, wagging her tail. "We don't really defend our borders so much; we just like to let everyone know we're here." Friendly piss, she supposed it was. Not like the acrid stuff she smelled on other pack's doorsteps.

She hoped she could meet this Horosk soon, even if he was attached. Perhaps he and Mira would have babies soon! Her heart gave a delighted squeeze at the prospect. For now, she was just happy to have another good friend.

last post from me