Wolf RPG

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Life was so overwhelmingly exciting with all of its changes. More had changed than just Lucas' eyes opening; where there had been a lingering chill in the air before, now warmth crept into the den on beams of golden light. Each day with sight brought new details. If he squinted and was close enough, he could almost clearly make out something in front of him. He had to be almost touching it with his nose, but given Lucas' disregard for personal space and general love of everyone, that wasn't hard.

Today he was attempting to engage @Wyatt whilst seeming as inconspicuous about it as possible. It wasn't a conscious effort, but an instinctive one; he hunkered down on the den floor, strong legs curled close, and his tail stuttered over the dusty ground in a hesitant wag. He scooched forward a step, then dropped his muzzle to the ground and froze again, surveying the not-so-sexy dark blob ahead for a reaction. When one wasn't evident—though who knows, he couldn't really see anything anyway—he scooted forward another step with another hesitant wave of his tail.

He never reached Wyatt before his excitable personality got the best of him; he yipped out an unheard squeal before he ever got there and rushed the rest of the way as fast as his little legs would allow.
Cameo unless @Laurel or @Indra intercept and say otherwise.

With a rabbit hanging limply from his jaws, held loosely and swaying, Alexander found himself heading towards Laurel’s whelping den. He moved at a steady trot, easing down from his earlier sprint into an eventual walk, steps slow as he approached the mouth of the den. He glanced around, curious, before dropping the carcass there at the entrance. He was prepared to turn and take his leave immediately, as was the usual, when he heard one of the children squeal and just he stopped. With his ears shoved forward and head tilted ever so slightly, Xan looked back towards the entrance and tried to peer inside—but didn’t quite manage a good enough look before he pulled himself away and spun around, head shaking in the process, fully intending to get away before being noticed.
Surprisingly, Lucas had been inconspicuous until the very last moment. Despite being able to see, the vision of Wyatt's surroundings had yet to be honed to its full capability. 

Lucas' hastened approach was noticed, and instinctively, Wyatt turned to face his brother. Once he realized what was going on, Wyatt gave an excitable yap in response and sprang to meet his brother halfway. Due to the imbalance of their weight, it was feasible that Wyatt would be pushed back by Lucas' drive.
The visit from their father went entirely unnoticed; the growl that came from one of their two adult guardians wasn't capable of reaching his ears yet, and he was too excited to sense the vibration. He crashed into Wyatt with a wildly waving tail and began to nip and chew on any part of his brother's face he could reach—ears, snout, cheeks, shoulders. Everything was fair game to the excitable babe.

At some point he flopped onto his side and began to pedal his forepaws against Wyatt's chest, whining and whimpering happily as tiny pink flesh poked out of his gums.
one post mom cameo!

When Xan brought the rabbit, Laurel accepted it without any words. Not even a thank you was extended as she wanted nothing to do with him really, and didn't want to think that she owed him anything. Thank you would imply that he hadn't fucked up majorly, that she owed him for giving her something to eat, when really, as far as she was concerned the food was a meagre apology to the pain he'd inflicted, something small, a first step to fixing things.

She saw him look and vindictively thought good, feel bad. Her level, cold stare implied that he should not try to get closer to them, should stay away for now. If he didn't want to be any more than a seed donor to her, then he would be nothing more than a provider of sustenance for his own children, for the moment.
When Lucas flopped onto his side, Wyatt found himself all too riled up to act similarly; he wanted to play. With his brother's paws kneading into his chest, Wyatt pulled his chest forward, and he reached for his target. If he we were successful in weaving himself between Lucas' flailing arms, and dragging himself closer, Wyatt would grab at Lucas' chubby cheek and yank.
The pudgy cub remained oblivious to the cold moment that passed between the adult wolves; his focus was on Wyatt alone. As he pushed his fat paws into his sibling, the more wiry pup slid into the space between his legs and clamped onto his cheek. It didn't hurt until the smaller black pup pulled his head back, and then Lucas squealed and struggled to get away. For all his promised size and all his bulk as a babe, Lucas was a pacifist. He didn't like this kind of rough play and he made it known by placing his paws on Wyatt's thinner chest and pushing with all his might.
Although he had intended to continue their game, the sound of his brother's squeal kicked his instinct into high-gear; there was something wrong about the way that Lucas had shrieked and something within urged him to let go. He scowled once Lucas was free. What was that for? — his expression stated.
The world subscribed to the ridiculous notion that bigger was better; both cubs would have to contend with that sooner or later. For Lucas, who was undeniably big in more than one way for a pup and would stay that way as an adolescent and adult, was destined to struggle less to prove his physical capabilities than Wyatt, even though he had no proclivity for physicality. That was just the way of things. Opposing wolves were more likely to challenge a smaller, skinnier wolf than one that looked more threatening, whether or not it was the right choice.

But here in the den, with Lucas scooting away to give himself a little space from his crocodile of a brother, they proved the opposite—the biggest of the litter was certainly the biggest sook, the most likely to roll over and flash his belly to avoid a fight, and the smallest—or at least the skinniest, blessed as he was with Reek's unfortunate genes—was the fiercest so far. Lucas swung around to face his sibling and made an appeasing noise in his throat when he was met with nothing but a glare—why? his pinched eyes seemed to ask.