Wolf RPG

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Forward dated to a time, when puppies can venture outside for a little while. All are welcome. 12th May.

Life was more or less back to normal again. All that Nunchuck cared for was being warm and being fed, regardless of who provided it all, therefore she did not grieve for the lost mother and readily accepted the substitute and found comfort in her father's protective embrace.

After having mastered the art of seeing (focusing her eyes was sometimes a challenge) and crawling, where she wanted to, the next step was getting up on the still unsteady and inexperienced limbs. And the brown puppy was not the one, who gave up, once she had made a decision.

With many tumbles, falls and rolls behind her there came the day, when she was able to amble around the cave. Not very fast and not very gracefully, reminding more like fat piggy-bank on small, stout legs rather than the agile wolf she was going to grow up to be.

And then came the day, when following a bright and warm ray of sun that had found it's way in the den she inhabited, the little girl took her first steps out in the wide world. It was so different from what she had been used to up until now, that she forgot, how to coordinate her limbs for a moment, and plopped down on her bum, while looking around with squinted eyes and mouth slightly agape.
At some point, others had arrived. He wasn't aware enough of his surroundings to know whether they had gone to the others or the others had come to them; it was all irrelevant to Lucas, whose only feeling on the matter was ecstacy. More pups to play with! More pups to dance with, too. Not that Piper and Wyatt weren't good dance partners, but as much as Lucas loved them and as thrilled as he was whenever they participated, he got bored easily.

One of the others had been sick for a time, but seemed to be feeling better now. Lucas watched her from the shadows of the den as she stepped tentatively outside. When he rose to his chubby paws and waddled after he, he displayed none of the same apprehension. No matter where Lucas was, he implicitly trusted the safety of his setting. That Nunataq's illness came from outside couldn't possibly matter to him. He didn't know any better.

Besides, the day was warm, he noted as he tumbled out of the wide den entrance into the soft grass. The sun was bright today, making him squint as he blindly stumbled right into Nunataq's side.

Making some vague assumptions and set present day.
After a month of life, Piper had found that the world had more to offer than she had initially imagined. Her eyesight had improved dramatically, and her ability to draw scent in was increasing every day. Even her stubby limbs had gathered enough strength so that she might hold her own against her brothers, and even the gentle touch of their mother. The Redleaf girl had found her grounding and was growing from it; every day meant something new.
When the other puppies had arrived in their family den, she had been shocked. They smelled so distinctly different. They had behaved unlike her brothers and herself. Piper had not enjoyed sharing the space at first, but she had been quick to warm up to the idea that she would have more bodies to play with. On that particular day, she watched as the brown girl had wandered out the mouth of the den and into the sunlight. Piper had been napping, but she’d rolled over to follow the other pup with careful eyes. When Nuna stopped and plopped down to her rear, the Redleaf girl rose up from where she was. It was then that she saw Lucas waddle in the other girl’s direction. Feeling as though she ought to be close to her brother, Piper scrambled in pursuit. There was a glint in her gaze that spoke of mischief and fun.
Nunataq was at an age, when her world was very small and therefore she readily accepted any changes that were presented to her. A move to a different den - good. Other loaves of puppies to share the den-space with and nap together with - good. She had no idea of a concept between - us and them - her mind was open and everyone was welcome.

Therefore it was no wonder that she was accompanied by other two curious muzzles soon after she had made her way to the den mouth. She cast a glance first at the brown and chubby one, then to the russet girl, who had approached soon after. For some reason their arrival gave Nunataq a sense of importance, therefore she straightened herself, puffed out her chest and stopped squinting and opened her eyes wide to the dazzling light.

Then she got up to her feet and with a welcoming "Umpf!" invited the others to take a step further. And regardless of whether they did follow her or not, she set out into the world. Bold, proud... unsteady and tumbling down soon after.
The world was fun. Lucas liked it immensely, but he knew his boundaries. That little tuft of grass poking out of the roots of a shrub, and that overturned pebble, and the puddle over to the far left—he was not allowed to venture beyond those. He stumbled a couple of steps away from the larger pup he'd collided with and sat down heavily in the grass, tail sweeping the young blades as he cracked a large yawn. It was going to be warm, and he was happy to sit outside with the new arrival and soak up the sun.

He was already letting his folds and bulk settle out around him when Piper emerged as well, far more energetic and driven than him in that moment. His tail gave a few welcoming wags, perfectly rhythmic as always, but his attention ultimately remained on Nunataq because she was doing an Unwelcome Thing. He watched as her posture lifted and her chest went out and a weird feeling descended over him, but he was unable to describe it or react appropriately; Lucas hadn't had a single negative emotion in his life and this new sense of wrongness coming from the new arrival wasn't something he was capable of sorting out in the moment.

It didn't matter, for soon her Unwelcome Thing became a Bad Thing as she stepped past the pebble that marked Lucas' threshold and he froze on the spot, the quiet music in his head that dictated his life turning up as anxiety suddenly made his heart beat faster. He glanced at Piper—was she going to do that, too? Lucas had made plain his own stance; he was a good pup who only wanted to dance and be happy, not a rule breaker.
tagging for adult supervision LMFAO piper is a lil chicken
Though the excitement of something new had pushed her beyond the furthest point she’d seen before, Piper could feel the lack of her brother at her side and she felt sudden wash of hollowness that swept through her insides. It made her ill, and the Redleaf girl turned back to see her sweet pudgy Lucas parked near the mouth of their den. She glanced back toward the newcomer with a tentative whimper and her tail wavered behind her with timidity in the face of something unknown and the idea that she could leave her sibling behind. It was dangerous out there, instinct told her, and so she wiggled a bit before releasing a dramatic and high-pitched yip of distress.
Piper did it again when she noticed that the other puppy was not returning to the safety of their den. Her eyes darted back and forth between the escapee and her brother, who seemed as though he was uncomfortable with the events that were unfolding. The young Redleaf girl wobbled in place and then barked again, calling the other puppy back to their home. Her eyes were pleading as she watched the form of Nunataq trotting away. Another yap, and this time it would be clear to the adults present that there was trouble in paradise. @Laurel could save her! Or aunt @Indra could leap to the rescue. One thing was certain, though... Piper would not leave her brother.
Her nap was pleasant for as long as it lasted. Sunken away to sleep for the moment Laurel's sides went up and down rhythmically as she snoozed softly, dreaming of great things. Yet when she distressed mewls of her pups reached her ears she woke up rather abruptly. Laurel lifted her head to catch another distress call coming from her baby girl and with an alert expression to her face she blinked herself awake.

A yawn split her mouth and Laurel smacked her lips as she called out "What's wrong, sweetie?" and shuffled to her feet and made ready to go outside and gather the pups, who seemed to 've gone outside (but, Laurel knew from experience, doubtlessly hadn't gone beyond their given boundaries, so she was not too worried yet).
The fall did not stop Nunataq in any way, she quickly got back to her feet and only because Piper began to make a loud noise, the she stopped and looked over her shoulder (which with her proportions was a little hard to do). It turned out that one of her allies had decided to plop down and not move anywhere, and the other - for whatever reason - was panicking.

Nuna furrowed her brow and, since thinking was a difficult process, she plopped down on her bum and scrutinized the russet puppy first, then the surroundings, waiting for an explanation of all this. Another set of mommy-long-legs (in her world all adults, unless they leaned down, were defined by pairs of legs) appeared and did not seem to be particularly concerned about the whole situation.

Which Nuna took as an encouragement, got to her feet and with a long sigh and an expression that told - "You will deal with this from this point on" - turned on her heel and with her nose stuck to the ground, continued her initial trajectory that led away from the den.
Nunataq continued on but Piper stopped, and that was enough for Lucas. The th-thump of his heart began to wind back down to normal levels as he watched her falter, but still refused to move from his spot. Their new playmate was a welcome addition to his life but he didn't feel for her quite the same way he did for his mother or his siblings. She could disappear into the wilds and would leave hardly a trace on his long-term memory. They were scarcely even acquaintainces, after all, and if she left, so would the feeling of wrongness that her authoritative actions elicited. Lucas wouldn't say no to negativity being quashed.

His posture sharpened up and he whipped his head to the side when Piper yawped. He hadn't been expecting it and it set his nearest ear to ringing. He flicked it—that buzzing noise didn't jive well with the beat that was his life—and then tilted his head so far back when Laurel emerged from the den that he lost his balance and tumbled backward over himself. A huge smile broke his face at the sight of his mama and his tail beat strongly against the ground—Nunataq's Bad Thing was forgotten, just like that.
Mom was there! Piper had never been so happy to see the tired expression of her mother as she wandered out from their family den. The little Redleaf girl had remained firmly planted beside her brother, because she would never leave Lucas; he was her brother and she didn’t want to be very far without him or Wyatt close behind.
As if to signify her distress, Piper looked from Laurel to Nunataq and then back to Laurel with a gaping jaw and wide eyes. It was as if she were saying; look at what this strange other puppy is doing, mom! What kind of a puppy-sitter are you to allow children to just wander off like that? We could all have starved out here on our own! Of course, she lacked the verbiage and the social etiquette to offer such a berating, so she merely stood with a shocked expression and continued to bounce her muzzle like a ping-pong ball between her mother and the visitor puppy who wanted to leave the astounding Redleaf Resort.
Laurel smacked her lips and yawned to banish the last of the sleepiness from her head and then emerged from the den. Piper was looking at her with the saddest little eyes in the world -- heart-breaking, really -- and Lucas was just sitting beside her, seemingly fine. Laurel didn't really see what was wrong at first, until she noticed one of the other pups was running off. Truthfully normally Laurel wouldn't really care and just let them wander off (at least until Laurel would decide, in not too long from now, that Marten and Nunataq would be Indra's and that they would raise them thusly), but she didn't want any bad examples to rub off on her beloved babes.

"Don't go too far," she called out to Nunataq and Laurel let out a warning growl as she approached the pup, intending to cut off her trail and herd her back to the den.
If Indra was sort of a mix between a good policeman and fairy godmother with whom Nunataq felt no qualms about being rough at times, pushing boundaries to the furthest point possible, then it was entirely different with Laurel. The moment the little piranha had met this she-wolf she had instinctively known that this was a no-nonesense person. You did not mess with her, you did not act like a fool in front of her (like pretend that you did not hear her) and you obeyed - plain and simple, no questions asked. And it had not taken any corrections from her side for Nuna to understand. Naturally she went on with her mischief, but in Laurel's presence - within the acceptable borders.

This respect for authority, however, did not mean it was easy to follow, therefore she winced, when she heard Laurel's voice, commanding her to stop and return. Nuna did, what she was told, though her spirit rebelled against this and the pull of the outside world was still very strong. To compensate for it, she cast a quick glance around, spotted a small piece of antler that was lying on the ground, pounced at it immediately and picked it up. Then - holding it proudly between her jaws - so that all puppies and adults alike could see, what had been her plan from the very beginning (:D) and how cool she was now, returned to the group.

He collected his roly-poly body and heaved himself back to his feet while Laurel headed off to deal with Nunataq. Her growl for the other pup reinforced for him, too, that doing Bad Things led to trouble. Luckily, Lucas wasn't much of a fan of bending of breaking the rules, so he wasn't likely to need a similar talking to anytime soon. Things were soon back to normal, with Nunataq hauling a toy of some description back to the densite. He was torn between galloping forth to engage her in play and falling asleep right where he sat.

In the end, sleepiness won out for an infant. Lucas found his paws just long enough to carry him back the shaded mouth of the den, where he flopped down and fell immediately asleep.
It was almost just enough that Lucas was no longer worried – that his heart was ceasing the wild thrumming in his chest – and the fear that had filled up inside of Piper was starting to drizzle out of any exit it could find. Her nervous jitters started to fade. Laurel’s voice was enough to being the strange new puppy back around toward where they were intended to play. Piper peered at the other pup with a very stern expression, hoping that they understood how far the pups were supposed to go. Then, the Redleaf girl offered a wag of her tail and turned around to face where Lucas had teetered off to.
Finding the plump boy passed out near the mouth of the den, Piper neared him and nudged his rump softly with her dark nose. When she had found a suitable place beside her sweet sibling, the Redleaf girl parted her jaws in a yawn that caused her to squeak. All of that adrenaline had coursed through her like a fire, but she was ready to sleep with Lucas. The russet pup rested her head near her brother and breathed a gentle sigh before she drifted off into a comfortable sleep.
It didn't take much coercion for Nunataq to better her ways, thankfully, and Laurel was pleased when she instantly turned 'round, well, almost, with a piece of antler in her mouth that she had found. "Good," mumbled Laurel and she turned around towards the den again. Meanwhile, Piper and Lucas were near-passed out near the den's entrance and Laurel was still sleepy too. Her sleep had just been interrupted, after all.

"Don't go too far, alright?" Laurel warned as she lay down not too far from Lucas and Piper, ready to doze off for another nap herself.
If Nunataq had expected something of an awe from the rest of the family, then she had a reason to be disappointed. Because by the time she had come back, all of them had lost any interest in her and fallen asleep. She stopped and looked at the company with a comically furrowed brow, then snorted and plopped down on her belly. Sleep was not in her plans for the next hour or so. With the piece of antler secured between her paws she began to chew on it.