Wolf RPG

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For @Fire say outside Screechs den?

His wanderings grew farther and farther away from his home den and he realised he learned to put some faces to smells. He knew Towhee, Clover,Momma, Daddy, Cinder, and even remembered the one eyed nasty man's scent! Speaking of Ol' One Eye, he had picked up the scent and followed it to a den where he'd peeked inside. He spotted the white furred man sleeping (or so he thought) and began to make faces at him, only to see him open his eyes for a few moments and then close them again. Afraid he'd been caught,  he began to turn and head away again tail slightly tucked between his legs. He remembered how Clover had told him to stay away and cringed, praying he wouldn't be caught.

Works for me!

She had been on her way to visit Niamh and Screech again, because honestly even though they both made her nervous they were her best friends, and one of them was half-dead anyway.  But as the den came in view, she saw a little black blob escape instead (which is great, because otherwise she would have seen the Moment transpire between Niamh and Screech, and she would have inevitably been so pitifully jealous because that was both of her crushes!! right there!! interacting!!).

Hey, you.  Aren't you supposed to be, uh, not here?

Tywyll froze and looked over at the strange wolf, eyeing her for a moment before flattening his ears. "No, I know i was told to stay away cuz he's mean and a liar and a pussy and crazy but he's also kinda cool and i wanted to see him. Is he sleepin? He opened his eyes" He stammered and began to babble, afraid she was gonna grab him and cart him away to tattle on him to his sister. Deciding to try another method he peered up at her, wiggled closer, licked at her chest and chin, backed away and gave her the puppy eyes "Please don't tell Clover miss"

jfc Tywyll xD

Wow, so this fat black potato was kind of more mobile and talkative than she expected, but never before had she heard something like...... that.

Dude, what the fuck!  Okay, first off, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to say 'pussy'.  Ceara was one thousand percent flabbergasted.  Like, who taught him this shit?  Second, Screech isn't even a pussy.  He's got more cojones than you, probably.

Wait, what?  Did you say he opened his eyes?  I lied.  I'll take all of that back if you tell me what you saw.

Tywyll stared blankly at her as she seemed to go off on him. Interesting. She spouted foul words and even insulted him! Offended Tywyll puffed out his chest and gave his best attempt at a growl, not even caring that she said she'd take back the nasty mean words "I dunno what cohoo nays are but if it involves scaring pups like me for fun, then yeah he has em!" he retorted stubbornly, baring his teeny weeny baby fangs at the angry woman. Then he snorted "I was makin faces at him and he opened his eyes. Then he closed em' halfway, stayed like that for a second and then Bam! He was sleepin again" he explained in a still annoyed tone like jeez woman, you expect me to answer your questions when you offended me?

Since this little firecracker was presently a Very Young Prince and she could maybe still get in trouble for even being around him, she was glad he cooperated.  

But she was even more thrilled to hear the news about Screech.  Voluntary movement.  It meant something, right?  Thanks, kid.  Hey so, if I grab you like, the biggest, marrowiest bone, will you sneak back to your den so neither of us get in trouble?  I don't think we're allowed to be friends yet.

She scuffed the ground, flicked her ears back.  Sorry I said those things.  I just.  You probably shouldn't say those words.  Um.  Pussy, cojones, or fuck.  Any of them.

She wanted to bribe him? Hoooo boy! His tail slowly began to wag and a smile crept onto his face. "hmmm....If you grab me a nice bone and a new pelt to chew and wreck, I'll go home and i won't tell momma that you taught me new bad words" he said slyly. He obviously thought he was the shit right now, when he was just being a shit. Then her apology registered and he felt a bit bad so "Or...just a nice bone and I won't tattle. Forget the pelt" he said in a nicer tone.

A'ight.  Follow me, but be sneaky.  She offered him a wink before she set out towards the cache, and since she was busy filling the damn thing all the time she knew there was a very nice, marrow-rich bone waiting just for him at the end of the road.  So, what's your name, anyway?  I'm Ceara.

Yes! His negotiations had succeeded. He nodded eagerly and sneaked away with her, with exaggerated sneaky pawsteps. When they reached the caches he stared at it with open mouth and wide eyes. Never had he seen so much food before! "My name's Tywyll. Where does all this come from?" he asked with obvious awe. He was too young to know not all food was milk and chewed meat.

Ceara's ego was kind of like.. huge, honestly.  She knew that she had contributed quite a bit to this cache in her short time here, but it was probably best to tell the kid the truth.  Well, she began, batting the bone towards Tywyll, when we come across a prey animal in the wild, we hunt it, and what we don't eat we put here so it doesn't go to waste.

As the bone came rolling toward him he pounced on it with playful vigor, snatchinf it between his jaws and chewing at it. It was so large that the still small boy had some difficulty fitting it inside his jaws, but he managed just fine after a few moments of repositioning. At the new subject of hunting he grew curious and dropped the bone, peering up at Fire with extreme curiosity. "Hunting? You kill this stuff? That's ....that's awesome! Please show me how! he asked pleading her with giant puppy dog eyes.

Tell ya what, kid, she said with a grin, after your mom gives you permission to be out of the den, I'll take you to hunt some.. I don't know.  What's your favorite small game?  Like, rabbits, squirrels.  That kind of thing.  She nodded as if she was pleased with this compromise.  I just.. a kid's first hunt isn't something some dumb stranger should take from a mom.  She deserves to have that with you, even if you don't really understand it.  I will take you hunting when you're a bit older though, promise.

Tywyll began to busy himself with chewing on the bone as she began to speak, only half paying attention as she explained that she would take him hunting sometime in the future. "I like...um..those hoppy bugs and fish" he said proudly listing off the only two animals he knew of other than birds which honestly still scared him a wee bit. "Teach me to hunt rabbits when I'm older" he commanded, liking the sound of the animals name. Then he realised he was being bossy again and added in a cute little "please?" before resuming his gnawing.

She gave the youngin' a playful grin.  Anyone who saw her interact with him probably would've assumed that one day she'd make a good mother, but having kids just didn't appeal to her.  Too bad, too.

Sure thing, she said, eyes crinkling at the corners as she looked down at the sassy punk.  Come find me when your momma says you can go away from the den.

Yes! Rabbit hunting would be his forté he could sense it! When she said to let her know he nodded and then stood up. He figured he could make it home by himself, he knew his way around like the back of his paw by now! "Thank you Ceara!" he said remembering his manners last minute and grabbing his bone, running away to show Cinder what he had managed to score.