Wolf RPG

Full Version: Lucky Number 7
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Korei Julia had not seen much of Alarian's sister, @Lanawyn. She wanted to go out then, to find her. They had not conversed in some time, and the last time they did something fun was explore that cave with the bats. She giggled lightly at the thought of that, how they laughed afterwards.

what're you laughing at, she teased as she brushed past korei, knocking the girl's hip with her own.  haven't seen you in a while.  how've you been holding up?  she turned a look at the sky, tail twitching amiably behind her.

She saw that the exact wolf she was thinking about had come over. Korei smiled over to her, wagging tail. "Just thinking about the cave. Remember the cave, with the bats? When I was scared?" he answered, smiling to her friend. Then she sighed, happily to herself.

She grinned and laughed.  Yeah, I remember that.  And then you weren't scared after we went into the dark cave.  Briefly, she touched her nose to Korei's forehead.  You're doing so good here, it seems.  I'm proud of you.  In true big sister fashion.

Korei Julia nodded, smiling gently. She really liked Eris, her and Lily were like older sisters to her. She sighed happily. "I am proud of myself, too. I have come such a long way" she said quietly. Such a very, very long way.