Wolf RPG

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Like most days, he was out near the water's edge. Today he figured he ought to get back to trying his paw at fishing. Rokig could only focus on the sky for so long and while he adored it the job did get boring sometimes. Especially when it was just clouded as far as the eye could see. Or even worse, when nothing was there.

He stood in the shallow end of the water as silver eyes stared at the lulling waves. So far he could not find anything worthwhile. Something had to give, right?
She divided her time between the forest and the beach, the old and the new. She was both fascinated by the sand but sometimes it grew to be too much; that was when she sought the shelter of the trees, the darkness within. Today, her awkward gait brought her onto the beach, weaving around the various rocks and shells strewn about. A pincher scuttled her way and she dodged it adroitly, smiling.

The little creatures reminded her of Rokig, and it was with a flutter in her heart that she noticed the guy at the edge of the water, looking intently down. She approached quietly, not wanting to disturb him or whatever he was doing, but made her presence known with a muffled bark.

Like a pale shadow, she sidled up beside him on his left, so that the undamaged side of her face was closest to him, gazing at the rippling waves. Her Melonii indigo eye gave him a sidelong glance, her mouth lifting in a half-smile. "What's up?" she asked, flicking one ear in curiosity.
Rokig thought he would have been alone for at least most of the day. It was a small surprise (but a nice surprise) when Maegi arrived — he didn't mind her company one bit when she stood beside him. At her question, his head lifted some and he tossed her a glance with a small smile. Looking for fish. Wanna help? He asked as his silver gaze looked back towards the water's surface. They might not find anything too big in the shallow end but surely they could find something. Even if it was just a tiny snack.

I mean, you don't have to help if you don't want to. We can always go do something cooler. He added on the words just to make sure she didn't feel obligated to him. The Tuttava could always go fish later if his partner had something better for them to do.
"Yeah, definitely," she responded, eyes wandering to the water. "This is cool." Try as she might, she couldn't find any moving shapes beneath the surface. Every so often, something would catch her eye--but it was a frond of seaweed, or the wind rippling the waves ever-so-slightly. Still, she persisted, gaze narrowed as she concentrated.

"I said I wanted to learn to fish, and I meant it," Maegi said absently, still looking forward. She glanced down at her feet. "I only have one good forepaw," she said, flushing with embarrassment. Her twisted right leg was still a source of shame and anger, for her. "So, I don't know if that will, like, make it harder or something. . ." She trailed off, looking back at the water and wishing she hadn't said anything at all.

Suddenly, a silvery shape entered the corner of her vision, sliding gracefully through the water. "There," Maegi whispered, eyes widening as it got closer. "I think that's something." Sure enough, it was a fish--slim but long, a decent-sized specimen. She gave Rokig a sideways glance, wondering if he'd seen it--and waiting for him to try and catch it.
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He grinned, hoping the comment was genuine. Despite his flustered beginnings to the world of fishing he was really starting to enjoy it. Which made him want to share it with others he enjoyed as well.

His ears stood tall at her next words. Rokig had never made a comment of her forepaw, never felt the need to. She did more than most even with it. If you can collect plants and all that stuff, I'm sure you can fish. I mean, I just kind of stand here and lunge when something comes by. My job is a lot easier than your interests. He said with a small grin, silver eyes glancing over to look at Maegi in hopes he hadn't said the wrong thing.

Rokig's attention flickered back to the water as his partner pointed something out. It took him a brief second but he spotted it. Per usual his neck reached down with jaws open ready to snatch the fish from the water. Sadly, the thin creature was quicker than his usual prey. When he lifted his head up there was nothing to show for his efforts but a damp face and a mouth full of saltwater.
She said nothing in response, but smiled, watching as he went for the fish with curious eyes. Unfortunately, this one wasn't meant to be caught, as Rokig came up empty-jawed. She flinched slightly as the spray caught her, gently shaking out her silky pelt. "Awww," she said in sympathy, mouth tightening in genuine disappointment. "So close."

Maegi continued to look at the water, trying to find the silvery shape she'd caught sight of before. She glanced over to Rokig, trying to remember how he had done it. Just straight down into the water, jaws open. She thought of the last time she was underwater--running from Serem--and shivered, the old wound on her head throbbing anew.

Finally, another silvery shape made its appearance, and Maegi said nothing, meaning to try to catch this one herself. She took a deep breath to steady herself, trying not to stir the surface of the water, and waited for it to draw near. It was right under her nose when she lunged, mouth open--

Her eyes squeezed shut as icy water filled her mouth, nose, it burned--but her jaws snapped shut, sinking into slippery flesh. She yanked her head out of the water, pulling out a flapping fish, which promptly smacked her repeatedly in the face with its tail. Shocked, she flung it to the ground, where it writhed in trembling agony, bleeding from where she'd bit it.

Unsure of what exactly to do--but knowing she had to kill the damn thing somehow--Maegi stepped on it with her left forepaw, bringing her full weight down. The spine snapped, and the fish ceased to move, limp on the sand.

She whirled to face Rokig, mouth open in surprise. "Wow!" she exclaimed, laughing. "I can't believe it! I just caught a fish!" She swiped her tongue along her lips, trying to get rid of the salty, cloying taste.

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Can't win them all. He mumbled softly even if he really really wanted to win them all. His brows furrowed softly as a salmon hued tongue swept out to lick at the salty droplets on his muzzle. It was the taste of disappointment that laced his mouth.

When one came by, Rokig did not leap for it. His ears stood erect on his head as he watched Maegi. It was her turn to try and master the art. She looked more than ready for it too. A wide grin swept across his features as she popped up with her well earned prize. I knew you'd be able to! He spoke with a voice more excited - more lively - than he had in a long while. It felt good to know he wasn't the worst example out there.

Although he noticed that the ripples of the water had spooked another silvery figure out from its hiding spot. The silver-eyed male lunged into the waters, front end submerged as his jaws reached through the water. He finally felt successful as his jaws pierced flesh and he reared his soaked front end up.
She glowed like a candle at Rokig's praise, eyes lit up from the inside. And the taste wasn't so bad, anyway. She resisted a dance in place, instead settling down to watch Rokig's next attempt. Every small movement had her gaze darting this way or that, and she lurched back instinctively as he struck the water, returning with the silvery creature clasped in his jaws.

"Wow, nice catch!" Maegi exclaimed, flinching as the shower of salty droplets rained down upon her. She shook out her silky pelt, grinning. "Now we're even," she joked, nosing at her catch. At least they had something to show for their afternoon. Some days, she'd learned, fishers weren't that fortunate.

Now it was her turn again, but it took a while for the water to settle after Rokig's attempt, and the fish were presumably hiding (she didn't blame them one bit). Finally, though, one specimen grew brave enough to venture out, slipping gracefully along the rocks and sand lining the shallows. Quietly, Maegi drew herself up to lean over the ledge, mouth poised over the rippling waves. When it drew close enough, she lunged--

--and came up with an empty mouth, the water in her nose burning. She stumbled back and let out an explosive sneeze, then another, blinking in bemusement for a long moment. Maegi looked shyly at Rokig, hoping, praying, he wouldn't laugh at her complete and utter failure.