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please let @Lainie post first. @Stockholm @Coelacanth

He had led Lainie pack to the island. His pace wasn't very fast — not that it would be with his compact frame — but they still made good time. He supposed it was lucky that he hadn't run into her far from the Isle. Rokig didn't lead her straight into the island like the raven guardian had with him upon his first arrival. Instead, he halted a little inland from the shores.

This is it. He hummed with a soft fondness in his voice. Ready? The Tuttava asked with a soft raise of one brow. Once he was sure she was ready, he would tip back and call for the leaders of Undersea with a hopeful tone rather than one of worry.
Lainie was more than happy to follow the male who had fed her. He was nice, too, and that helped— and he had said the pack was nice, as well. She felt a little more clearheaded now that she had eaten a proper meal; hopefully, she wouldn't have to worry about that again. If she was allowed into the pack, surely someone could teach her how to hunt. Maybe Rokig could.
She glanced to him as he spoke, smiling faintly. Yes, Her gaze ultimately trailed back to the island ahead, though. It would probably be weird, living on an island. But it would be better than starving— better than being alone. Better than crawling back to her uncle, too; Lainie deserved a fresh start, she thought. Away from assholes who couldn't be bothered to notice her existence.
With only a week remaining until their pups are born, the Gampr answers the summons alone. His short-cropped ears press forward, as much as they can, anyway, and he chuffs warmly to greet Rokig as he makes an appearance. Broad paws make little sound on the soft ground. “Hello,” he says simply, looking over the tiny, silver-eyed female who stands beside and just behind Rokig. She is thin and underweight beneath the thick fur, and his golden eyes fill with concern. The recent scent of fish lets him know that she’s at least eaten a little recently, and her actual scent says she is healthy despite needing a meal or two.

“Welcome to Wheeling Gull Isle.” He keeps his voice even and gentle, and crosses the distance to rub shoulders with Rokig. He’d meant to make contact with the Tuttava before now — he and Seelie had discussed how they’ve come to depend on the stocky male — but he figures now is as good a time as any. “I see you’ve met Rokig, Seawolf,” he says, in that instant throwing away the male’s old rank to make room for the new one. It’s a promotion they’ve been meaning to make, and he grins at the tan-eared fisherman with a congratulatory huff.
Surprise, I have brought the sea blimp!

Unfortunately for Stockholm, he’d taken a rather headstrong woman to wife. Leaving Fern and Mur under their pack brothers’ and sisters’ watchful eyes, she followed her mate at as quick a clip as she could manage. She arrived just in time to hear the Overseer grant Rokig his new rank, and her feathered tail wriggled wildly as she danced over to the Seawolf and adorned his jaw with a few airy nibbles. Not to ignore the newcomer, she approached Lainie with characteristic politeness, tufted ears sweeping forward upon her crown as she whuffed a soft greeting. “Peace be,” she breathed, her heart aching at how much the female reminded her of Dawn and Sunny. She was tiny, younger than Seelie, and visibly underweight despite the heavy cloak of her lustrous polished pewter fur, and the sheepdog cared for her immediately. “Seek shelter? Hunger? Thirst?” she wondered.
It was the familiar form of Undersea's Overseer that appeared first. Rokig's tail swayed with a friendly kindness as his shoulder was brushed upon the larger male. The Tuttava respected and trusted Stockholm the same way he did Coelacanth.

The title that suddenly fell from the scarred man's lips caused a rare grin to spread over Rokig's features. Thank you. His words were calm but the excited glimmer in his eye said it all. But this was not a moment for him. Rokig had brought a visitor with him.

He could not wipe the grin from his features as his Aralez greeted him. It was short lived but he understood exactly why. Lainie was still by his side after all. We met at the river. He explained as he glanced from Lainie to Stockholm. I expected to bring home fish but it seems that wasn't meant to be. Not that he regretted running into the girl. He felt the opposite really.
The first to answer the call was an undeniably strange looking man— dog-like, Lainie thought, offering him a shy smile. There was little time to react; as he spoke, another appeared beside him. This time female, heavily pregnant, and beautiful. Her breath caught slightly. She was immediately enamored with the dark woman, averting her gaze to hide the fact. It was easy enough to pose as shy, at least.
She ignored the flush spreading through her ears and cheeks and lowered herself to a bow, tail swishing. Hello, Lainie offered, directed mostly at the dark woman, though her gaze flitted briefly back to the unfamiliar male. She found herself unsure how to answer the questions, so she nodded mutely to the elegant woman, subconsciously pressing a bit closer to Rokig when she rose from her bow. He was the only familiar in this situation, and the normally bubbly grey girl was far too exhausted to feel anything but overwhelmed.
After a beat, she thought to add: My name is Lainie— I've been alone for... for awhile. I can contribute— help with whatever you need. If you'll have me. The last sentence held a tinge of desperation; she didn't know what she'd do if they turned her away. Cry, probably.
The Armenian grins at his comrade with a warm rumble of congratulations and stifles a chuckle at the way the little gray female’s breath catches in her throat when she sees Seelie the first time. Yeah. He gets it completely. Take it from him — it really never gets any easier. And he doesn’t say anything, doesn’t make it weird, just introduces her accordingly: “This is Coelacanth, and I’m Stockholm. It’s nice to meet you, Lainie.” Brow furrows with concern when she mentions being alone. “Hey, it’s okay,” he says at the note of desperation in her voice. “You don’t have to be alone anymore. Can stay here, if you want.”
“Lainie, most best — better — fish,” the inkdark Groenendael quipped clumsily, her feathered tail whipping so wildly its motion started to resemble a slightly off-balance seaplane propeller instead of a normal to-and-fro swish-swoosh. Her inability to phrase things as fluently as the other wolves present made her shy, but not insurmountably so, and she mirrored the young wolf’s bow before ghosting nearer. A fond look was cast Stockholm’s way as the rotund Aralez retraced her steps and butted her head against the underside of her mate’s chin like an overzealous cat. “Coelacanth, Seelie,” she breathed to Lainie, inching forward. If the girl did not demur, the sheepdog would rub her cheek against the taller wolf’s before drawing away. “Welcome Undersea, Tauhou,” she offered cheerfully, leaving it up to the boys to explain the ranking system.

A spasm of pain crossed the little wolfdog’s delicate features and she swung her muzzle abruptly toward her comically convex flank. The puppies, it seemed, were eager to meet their mother’s newest friend, too! “Guppies say hello,” she whuffed humorously, but the tightness of her mouth betrayed her discomfort. A few seconds passed as she broke into a soft pant, and with a stretch and a shake, she seemed to recover neatly. “Be Lainie, all enough,” she reassured the female. She really didn’t need to do anything specific to impress Undersea’s leaders in order to stay; she just needed to want to stick around and forge relationships with the other seawolves.
probably last post from Rokig, anyone is free to skip/PP him<3

Rokig stayed silent while the leader's talked to Lainie. For now, he would be a silent show of support by her side. It seemed they were ready to take in the silvery female. Which was a huge relief mentioning Rokig was positive he would have been riddled with guilt had he offered her a place only for them to turn her away. Granted the leaders of Undersea didn't seem like the type to send off someone. Especially kinder creatures like Lainie.

Tauhou is Undersea's starting rank for newcomers. He explained in a gentle whisper to their newest Tauhou. The Seawolf did not want her to feel overwhelmed by the unique title. It had not been long since he was holding that title. The least he could do was help her understand and adjust.
Closing up shop!

After all the pleasantries were explained and Rokig detailed the rank of Tauhou for the slip of a girl, the trio led Lainie gently inland where she could eat, drink, and rest. Only after she was certain of the girl’s comfort did Coelacanth return to Fern, Mur, and Moorhen, curling up beside them with a heavy huff.