Wolf RPG

Full Version: i walk around, heavy-hearted and sad
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someone come talk to her before she goes bananas please and thank

Almost a week had passed since the trio had been born, and although one might have once thought it difficult to adjust to the life of a parent, Queenie was doing just fine (so far). The only major issue that she had was not being able to leave the den, but that would soon pass. And besides, there were options; Eris and Delight were both viable babysitters — that is, they would be, once (if) Queenie became comfortable with the idea.

The two girls, @Solomon and @Brilliance, were interesting to watch, but it was @Mali who had really caught his mother's eye. While his two sisters slept, Queenie lifted the boy from his spot against her chest and placed him gently down in front of her, where she could kiss and coddle him as she so pleased. Mon doux fiston de lumière; tu vas être un guerrier, comme ta maman.

she does not mind her mother's favoritism; she's too little to know, after all. her world is small and filled with comforts, her mama's belly, her siblings' warm bodies pressed close to her. she has no real opinions on any of it yet. briefly she stirs from her contented sleep, moving as if to climb over sister brillo, but gives up halfway and falls back asleep with her tiny form half atop her sister.
Mali was easy enough to interact with -- once he started making noises, it was hard to make him stop.  You could probably breathe on him and he'd make a sound.  In fact, as he was carefully lifted away from his little spot, he squeaked in confusion.  Then he was set back down and he squeaked again.  His tiny paws waggled around and he warbled at his mother's touch.  She was obviously the nice friendly smell by now, but he couldn't tell what was going on, so his only real response was to wiggle a bunch -- and make more noise.
she’d been sleeping just fine next to one of her den-mates, enjoying the warmth split between her mother and the others. her old place had controlled temperatures and she never had to complain about that (but she had plenty of other things to complain about). regardless, she’s being disturbed and that’s… simply not acceptable. as solomon begins to crawl over her, her head instantly wobbles upward to find the annoyance. when she stops, resting upon her and not budging, brilliance wails as loud as her little lungs will go. WHERE IS THE LANDLORD OF THE PLACE AND WHY DO THEY ALLOW THIS???
Unsurprised by the sudden outbursts, Queenie snorted and quietly groomed Mali while watching the girls from the corner of her eye. It was strange how their personalities were able to shine through without any of them being able to notice, but it was even more peculiar how much they were beginning to mimic their parents. It made Queenie laugh to imagine the Sanctuary trying to deal with not two Singing-St. Clairs, but five. Mes semeurs, she cooed, placing Mali back at her side and rolling over onto her back.

brilliance's screams arouse solomon from her short-lived nap; alarmed, she kicks at her sister, wriggling the rest of the way over her until tumbles off and hits the earth again. if her eyes were open -- and her personality more developed -- she might have glared at her sister for the ruckus, but as it stands, she just whines, offended by brilliance's fuss-making. there's rumbling in the den as mama rolls over that she feels rather than sees or processes, and instinctively she clambors back towards the safety of mama's belly -- or, well, tries, but direction's a bitch when you're blind, and instead she collides back into brilliance for the second time today.
Again he squeaked, but at least the good thing about being moved was that he wasn't the one in the middle.  Well okay, that and he was almost certainly pointed in the right direction unless mom was being a total jerk.  While his sisters played bumper-pups, he was able to wiggle forward and headbutt himself into Queenie as he restarted his single quest -- that for food.  It wasn't like he was super hungry or anything, but he was awake and active and that meant there was a 99.9% chance he should just find some milk until he zonked out again.  Being tiny was so very exciting.
with a lot of complaints, brilliance is ignored. for a moment longer, she continues. if she screams loud enough, surely someone will pay attention to her and fix this god awful problem. except, after a while, nothing changes. her screams are for naught.
a soft huff escapes, breathing sass into the air.
she jerks, bumping once more into her sister as she turns around and tries to find a teat. if no one is gonna fix the problem, she will, and getting away from her wombmate and onto food will make everything better.
Amused, Queenie watched the three pups on their conquest for food. Maybe she felt a little guilty for stealing it away from them, but to be fair, they were her teats and it's not like the kids were starving. They would figure it out on their own, and if they didn't, that was more or less their problem.