Wolf RPG

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He stepped forward then, blocking the black Frenchwoman's path. "Where and when did you eat this carrion? I make sure there is none stinking up the territory." If she was desperate enough to eat carrion of all things then that is her problem. But she was clearly not on pack territory if she was complaining of a sick stomach from food. And now that he was close to her, he could smell the sea salt on her fur....
I'm going to have Jinx's paranoia spike here since this thread sort of needs to end with them telling Erika to get out and knowing why. Normally she isn't smart enough to figure things out but it's kind of needed here. Hope that's cool.

She might have accepted that answer. She might have allowed Erika to pass and never suspected a thing. Yet she got the sense from the others present that there was something she was missing, and so Jinx was made to evaluate the situation more closely. In the background, Cara's lips mouthed liar, which the Kesuk just barely was able to decipher. Kaname interjected by explaining he was careful to clear out any rotting meat, and that was when it clicked: why would Erika, a pack wolf with many fellows to provide for her, stoop to eating meat that was clearly bad? And since when had carrion even affected the steel stomachs of wolves? Why was she reluctant to go after Majesty after a direct order? It was all very fishy, and paranoia began to mount.

Her eyes flashed as she lifted her lip and decreed, Liarrrr.” She didn't know exactly what Erika was up to, but whatever it was, the suspicious Alpha decided that it had something to do with Majesty. She wracked her brain, trying to come up with a connection between Majesty and a mysterious, sudden illness... And then it hit her.

“You bitch,” Jinx spat, suddenly losing her composure and taking a menacing step toward the scar-faced female. She could smell it now too, the tang of salt on her fur masking a very, very subtle hint of sex that was impossible to wash away. Had she never been pregnant herself, she never would have thought of it, but now it seemed to loom as the only explanation. The Alpha snarled, her hackles bristling, and loudly proclaimed, “you did not have permission to breed, subordinate.”

With that, she glanced sidelong at her companions, interested in how they would behave. “You have fraternized with an enemy, let him fuck you despite my authority, and have undermined me. You will die.” And with that, she lunged for Erika, unwittingly leaving her right side wide open for the wily black-furred woman to slip by and run for her life.
I think this is going to be Erika's last post. :)

Erika stepped back when Kaname blocked her path. She bared her fangs in fear, but kept her head down and ears flattened. "I was outside ze territory sure, and I was 'ungry..." she stammered. But her worst nightmare came true when her alpha growled and lunged towards her, snarling that she was a liar, a traitor, and that she would die. Frightened, the black she-wolf searched for an escape, finding it at Jinx's unblocked flank.

Not taking any chances, the Frenchwoman barreled past her now-former alpha and ran for her life. Down the mountain, towards the sea where her mate's pack was.
He grinned as Erika's lie broke upon her, and loped from his place inside the caves to snap for the blackfurred wench, his growl hot upon her heels. A curse rose in his throat; he hurled it with the force of his mind at her retreating back. Though she escaped their initial attacks, he followed Jinx in pursuit of her for some time, halting only when the sylph ended their cascade down the mountainside with her firm voice.
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