Wolf RPG

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Niamh was well aware that the Redhawks didn't exactly claim the thicket as their own- but as it bordered their territory, and the only accessible part of their pack, she felt somewhat protective over it, and wasn't best pleased to find the scents of several loners lingering in the area. She told herself to buckle down, but her spirit wasn't having it. Part of her wanted to start marking the area out of spite- it was her favourite hunting grounds, as birds were her specialty- and she didn't want lone wolves taking from her personal supplies, or scaring them off either. The scrubby landscape was one of her favourite places to go, and she had to seriously convince herself not to start marking borders around the thicket. 

The grouse had already been more or less spooked, so she couldn't find much to hunt. Maybe a rabbit or something, then, she thought, but it seemed like the area was devoid of prey. As per usual, Niamh was hungry, and wanted something to eat- maybe she could fish? It seemed like a good idea- but she hadn't the faintest idea how to do that. Nevertheless, she headed West, toward the river to see if she could try her hand at fishing.
haha fishing XD good luck - that takes patience

     Embry was a travelling soul if ever there lived one. As much as he'd like to settle down and cultivate some true soil for his seeds, he was still liable to make progress at a time further down the road. For now, his ripe and brazen youth was leading him onwards into the lands of exploration, discovery, and (a personal favorite) plenty of fandango.

     Therefore, as the great writer would have it, our Embry was a natural candidate for the oncoming concatenation yet to befall him. Upon happenstance, the naif found himself drawn to this particular river in hopes of gracing his tastebuds with an exciting new nosh.

     Thus, the boy was an amusing sight at first glance: a tall, clumsy fellow with tawny flanks aureate and shimmering beneath the effervescent, mid-day sun. He splashed around for a few seconds out of irritation. Was it possible to reach a maximum tonnage in which fishing was rendered nearly impossible? He lunged at every sprig of bubbles; grunting rather childishly with every failed attempt. From a distance, it was not unlike watching a fox upon first sight of snow.
Even before Niamh could see the river in the distance, she could hear a sound that made her flatten her ears. Someone, or something, was splashing around- so there went her hopes of catching something to eat. Unless, of course, she could simply eat whoever it was that was splashing around...There was always that option- and Niamh wasn't a picky eater. She'd eaten prey and predator alike before, and while she definitely preferred the former, she wouldn't turn away a meal of fellow predator if one became available. 

Not if it was a wolf, though- and the male who splashed in the river was like a darker version of herself. He had more brown to his coat, but there was still a slightly golden sheen to it, especially when it was wet. Though she was completely oblivious to the fact, Niamh was quite drawn to wolves who looked similar to her- and this male was no exception. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do with him, but something sort of klepto-like inside her simply wanted to collect all wolves who resembled her in any way shape or form. Except at this present moment, she wanted to wring him out for scaring away the fish. 

She flicked her tail from side to side in bemusement, and turned her ears back. "Good job. Ya scared all the fish away. Was that your goal?" She asked dryly.
     Embry froze mid-dive; paws thrust outwards, legs spread wide, muscles in the shoulders clamped tightly at the wings. His emerald gaze flickered curiously as he adjusted his visual target. It appeared that, in the process of clearing the stream of all prospective prey, he had neglected the virtues of instinctual vigilance. 

     Tail flicking, ears poised, the female was not immediately hostile nor overhwelmingly amiable. Masking the heat rising to his face, Embry erected his stance to full height; subconsciously shifting his tail into the pendulus state of automatic. 

     "Indeed, I'm proud to say that the task is very nearly accomplished." He released a contented huff of air. Roll with it, Embry.

 "As it appears, however..." He grinned waggishly. "I've managed to attract something, now haven't I?"
Arrogantly, Niamh lifted her head and sniffed as the stranger expressed no qualms with having frightened off all prospective meals. In fact, he not only seemed pleased with himself for doing it, but he admitted it- without sounding sarcastic, either. She grimaced lightly, while still keeping her teeth sheathed. This wasn't her pack's territory- so she couldn't exactly chase him away but still...He was close enough and he'd annoyed her- and that was enough to merit a good ass-wholloping, wasn't it?

Her eyes narrowed- but shamefacedly, her cheeks flushed at his compliment. She bared her teeth, then, and regarded him flatly. "Yeh, sure. A hungry, and now hangry wolf who wanted to catch a fish." She said. "Some catch." She said, and lowered her head. "Out of the river with you, now," She said, flicking her muzzle to the side and hoping he got the point. She would only give him one warning.
     Embry watched the female as she negotiated her means of action. His sea-green orbs were bright, albeit diffident, and round as saucers. Hangry. Indeed. He blinked ceremoniously; straightening into what he believed to be a more appropriate stance.

     Feeling rather sheepish, the bloke squashed and plodded his way out of the river like the 'obediant guy' that he was. He could tell that something in this flame of a wolf was just inches from sparking, and he would try to avoid that by all means possible. 

     The honey-golden pleb waited until he was a good distance up the bank before proceeding to vigorously shake his aureate pelage. He was careful to avoid spraying his happy visitor in the process, however it was not completely within his control (cue the apologetic smile). 

     "Alright, alright. You got me." He stood at attention with dutiful solidity. "I cost you and your packmates many fish and I am sincerely sorry. What can I do to redeem myself?" 
While her nerves had been rubbed, slightly, the stranger at least heeded her warning and moved out of the water when she asked, mindful enough to stay far enough away from her as he did so even when he shook his pelt out. Still, she found it hard to believe he could be so calm and cool when faced with someone who was clearly not having the best day, and who was almost looking to take their anger out on him. She told herself to be a bit less hasty, and though part of her wanted to snarl at him and convince herself he was being snide- the tone of his voice inferred no such thing...His apology actually seemed somewhat real. 

She let out a breath, and told herself to chill out. This guy didn't mean to be an idiot. Plus, he was trying to redeem himself...And that was an alluring idea. "Well, the fish have all fucked off, thanks," She said, and caught herself being a bit sassy so she reminded herself to chill out. He wouldn't offer to help out if she kept being so snappy with him. She rolled her shoulders to try and relieve herself of some of the tension she felt. It was hard for her to be cool when she was hungry- but at least she knew herself well enough to accept that that was likely the only reason she was irritable. "And I don't want to wait however long it takes for them to come back, so I'm going to go upriver- if you're any good at actual fishing," She said, and finally managed to even out her tone. "I could use a few pointers."
Just a little sidenote - sodium vapor light (a yellowish color like Embry) happens to attract fish XD

     No problemo. Embry's features visibly sobered; morphing into less of the child he had portrayed and growing slightly more solemn. He could see that the girl was clearly at odds with whatever may have been bothering her, and he knew that, to be fair, he hadn't exactly helped alleviate any of that pent-up stress. The least he could do now is comply and offer some real assistance.

     In truth, the boy had practically been concieved in water. Fishing was second-nature to him, and even then only second to that of swimming itself. What she had stumbled upon was just his celebration of that return - after months of traveling up in the Taiga, he had been aching to feel the rush of water on his fur again. Thus, when the proposal to fish was presented, he couldn't help the conciliatory gleam that bespoked his sea-green gaze.

      "I spotted some trout up Northward near Alpine Lake on my way here this morning. Hopefully nothing's spooked them since then..." He chuckled half to himself. "Heck who am I to talk? I was actually planning to head on that way later today."
Alpine lake- so that was the proper name for the place she, Towhee and Tegan had passed. She gave him a look when he mentioned his fears that someone- or something- had frightened the fish away, as ironic as it was for him to fear that. She gestured in that direction, and seeing as he'd planned to go there anyway, she began to move in the lake's direction, simply assuming he would voluntarily go along with her. "Let's go," She said, still running on the same assumption- but if he decided not to tag along, she would still continue on her own way. 

She hoped he had some luck at fishing- she'd only ever tried a few times, and had given up. It meant- as far as she knew- standing still for long enough for the fish to come close- but if you missed, you'd have to wait just as long, if not more, to try again. Though it didn't use up spare energy, it did take time and patience- two things Niamh was more often than not quite short on.
     Embry was light on his paws. He made short time of getting a move on; matching the girl's brisk pace as they journeyed upstream. As they progressed, he was careful not to make it too obvious that he was still uncertain about her.

     He just couldn't make out enough clues to gain any insight on what was going on up there in the command center. Usually wolves were quite less ambigious in predictability. Maybe time would help him figure out this puzzle of a female. 

     "Where I was raised, there was a popular riddle among prospective fishers."  He smiled as he thought of the conundrum. As a youth, it had stumped him to the point of sheer frustration. Perhaps she would fare similarly in response? He glanced over with a challenging gleam in his eye. "In order to successfully catch his prey, a fisher should not mimick the flowing water he stands in, but rather that of... what do you think?"
So sorry for the wait! Just got back from a tour and finally have time to myself!

If Niamh's proverbial feathers were ruffled, she wasn't much of a chatterbox. Generally, there were only a couple wolves in her life at any given time that would get under her skin. Clover and Fiadh had once been a nuisance, but they had more or less been forgiven of their stuck up attitudes because they'd dropped them, to some certain extent. Ceara had definitely found herself firmly implanted just below the skin's surface right where a nerve could be tricked- and this guy had started worming his way in as well- until he said the word riddle.

Niamh didn't have much experience with fishing- so the riddle was new to her. But she and her brother, Ambrose, used to riddle each other all the time. Not brilliant riddles- as they tended to make them up more than anything so sometimes a failed, lame riddle would spark a small spat. She finally cracked and gave Embry a half-grin. Naturally, she thought of herself as a riddle-master, even though she was quite far from that actual fact. "Easy. A heron." She said. It wasn't a particularly catchy answer- as riddles often had an answer that made one go "ohhhhhh," but there was logic behind her conclusion. "Herons don't move with the water. They stand there, all patient-like, an' they have long skinny legs what look kind of like reeds so fish start swimmin' around their ankles- then they snatch them," She said, finishing with an illustration by playfully snapping her jaws together. "Am I right?"[/ooc]