Wolf RPG

Full Version: every doubt we had is coming undone
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she exists in a state of quiet certainty, in her skills and what she is here for. her duty is to heal and to bring good, and this she does well. her mother had told her so; to not grow caught up in the wills and wants of selfish desire. and so she distances herself from @Samothes, the threat to her mother's wishes, remaining close companion and not daring to step the line that is wrongness and disobedience.

but days pass and she realizes his absence keenly, each day bending to the wants her mother bade her ignore. she realized too late the want for something more, and too late did she put distance between the two; she realizes now her folly. yet no longer can she exist inland without his company, so far from what she once traveled so far to find.  

and so she slips from the borders come early morn, setting out north into the cold and distant land she had not the will nor the want to set into before. she moves with single purpose, searching cry shattering the grey stillness of the overcast unknown, notes weaving her intent into the wind and fading a long moment after her muzzle dips down once more.
assuming mira recruit thread goes as planned here~

rarely does samothes regret his decisions. he'd accepted the strange woman in the glacier's offer -- maybe he's just in to the rush of a newly-formed pack, that precious moment before ideals have to give way to the unforgiving edge of reality. either way the promise of a culture he doesn't understand and the... oddity of mirabelle herself are enough to keep him intrigued. he'll stick around for a while. 

intent on stretching his legs the messeda slips from the glacier, thinking, perhaps, of tracking his sister to the west, seeing for himself if she'd really returned to ravensblood or if some other interest had captured her attention. if nothing else he has to get her back for the goddamn fox head -- she doesn't get to have the last word like that! a head for a head, perhaps, although frankly it's inelegant.

his musing on how to best get his sister back are interrupted by a familiar call like homecoming. surprised and pleased by this omen, samothes lifts his head, returning the call with his own -- i'm here, it says -- all but running as he makes his way towards the sylph that bore that cry. thelxiope. rarely does samothes regret his decisions, but -- he has felt, perhaps, a twinge of guilt in not stopping to say good bye to her, despite their distance in the past months. "thelxiope!" the highbrow-boy calls, offering a smile -- one that gathers reservedly at the corners of his mouth, but a genuine one nonetheless.