Wolf RPG

Full Version: Think I need a devil to help me get things right.
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Zig had headed south after coconut grove to scout out some of the territories near the coast since he was close anyway. As he came up to the very thick gathering of trees, he picked up a wide array of scents. First and most heavy was the scent of a pack territory nearby. Perfect. Pack wolves were always a treasure to meet because he could usually charmĀ useful information out of them.

Zig also picked up the scent of some kind of bird that probably called this place home but was uninterested in investigating it further. Another more enticing scent was that of the occasional apple dotting the ground in front of him. Being a pirate, Zig was awfully fond of fruit and always stopped to sample any he found during his travels. He trotted over to the closest appleĀ and picked it up in his mouth before lying down. A loud crunch sounded as he took a large bite and began chewing the sweet fruit between his teeth. Continuing to eat his treat, Zig occasionally moved is ocean blue gaze across the area, making sure to keep a an eye out despite his relaxed posture.